I broke my wrist earlier this spring, and HATED all the xray exposure I was exposed to I will have to try this! https://meganstevens.mycoseva.com The product is called Advanced TRS. Thank you so much for all the great info! Again, you may not notice any change in the rate of your bowel movements, especially if you start and increase slowly. Benefits of drinking bentonite clay? In a study published by theJournal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, results indicate that specific mineral products have intrinsic, heat-stable antibacterial properties, which could provide an inexpensive treatment against numerous human bacterial infections.. Heres another great clay company. Your liver absorbs the medication, which is a natural function because its role is to absorb toxins. BUT, I take 25 mg of synthroid every morning for hypothyroidism. Hi Debbie, if anything, bentonite clay is understood to be helpful with fillings, as it draws toxins, including heavy metals, to itself. It should be held inside for as long as possible. 54 In horses involved in high-level endurance competition (90 . They often, https://eatbeautiful.net/2015/08/02/why-and-how-to-take-diatomaceous-earth-for-pathogen-overgrowth/, https://eatbeautiful.net/2019/06/23/vitamin-a-detox-diet-free-printable-food-lists-avoid-eat-toxicity/, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325241#how-does-bentonite-clay-work, http://www.bentoniteclayinfo.com/clay_info/articles/safe_to_ingest.htm, https://www.livestrong.com/article/372479-what-are-the-dangers-of-drinking-distilled-water/, https://eatbeautiful.net/how-i-healed-my-interstitial-cystitis/. Accordingto the United States Department of Agriculture, Americans consume around 0.7 pounds How to Use a Konjac Sponge (+ the Benefits for Skin). The pain: Starts between meals or during the night. Additionally, by removing harmful toxins and bad bacteria in your intestines, you are allowing your guts good bacteria to flourish. This allows the two to bind together easily and stay united while the toxin removal process happens. Wouldnt hurt to check. Very interesting! Healing from radiation poisoning and the strengthening of the immune system! By protecting the gut wall and decreasing the amount of pesticides, toxins, bacteria and chemicals that could potentially enter the blood, the body is better able to protect itself. Here are some common forms of radiation that most of us are exposed to daily: The millions of pores in bentonite clay draw in radioactive contaminants. I have my whole family on it). Hi Carrie, if anything the clay can slow down the bowels slightly at first, which is why its good to start slowly, with a small amount and plenty of water. Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) Do you remember learning that opposites attract? The mouth is one of the most susceptible areas of the body when it comes to harmful outside invaders taking over, like bacteria and toxins. Never heard of the benefits of Bentonite clay before so I appreciate the education for sure, thank you. Too much could potentially result in bentonite clay side effects including disruption of normal digestion and problems with absorption of vital nutrients. Re the stomach pH, bentonite clay makes the stomach alkaline, but an acidic pH is needed for best digestion. Hi Norm, you might consider trying it on your body to see what works best for you. I think it was too much because we ended up with high fever and pains all over our bodies. Hello Megan, Im so glad I came across your article. Your`s, Greg Holston, Ive read a lot of articles, for fun, study and work, and this was by far my favorite. Try gargling the clay in your mouth with some water for 30 seconds to 1 minute, similarly to using mouthwash. If you have burning pain in your upper stomach that is relieved by eating or taking antacids, call a health-care professional for an appointment. I had been feeling like I wanted to try taking clay then your email newsletter popped into my inbox.perfect timing :-)) What is the difference between DE and bentonite clay? (Heres an article that describes this issue in regard to humans, but its very apropos and true for dogs as well: https://eatbeautiful.net/2019/06/23/vitamin-a-detox-diet-free-printable-food-lists-avoid-eat-toxicity/). Some people also choose to use BC as a supplement, since the clay is a natural source of important dietary nutrients. For digestive issues, I see there being different benefits from each approach, (the baths being indirect). In addition to increasing ones water intake, starting slow may be the best approach for avoiding constipation as well as seeing the benefits bentonite clay has to offer. Bentonite clay reduces the puffiness by absorbing the excess fluids and as such reducing any inflammation. Oh Christy, Im SO sorry!! I was wondering it this Bentonite will not only help me detox, but also help my body to recover faster from the damage that has been done to my body. The product is called Advanced TRS (I buy the 3-pack in glass bottles, which is a big money savings). A clay paste is applied on the face and armpits; clay is dissolved in full body baths and for detox foot baths. . I am eager to use the BClay but more afraid of stopping my meds. Even animals exposed to the Chernobyl disaster were considered edible after prolonged treatment with bentonite clay! is it better or not? ive taken BC for years. A nurse recommended it for my grandma when she was having recurring UTIs. First of all, the liver acts like a sponge to all the medications you take. The benefits of Bentonite Clay is that they relieve ulcer symptoms and have a detox effect. I think I need to start! It may be a good thing to stop for now, and try another method. You will notice within the second sip the acid starts to calm down. Bentonite clay is a well-regarded natural remedy particularly favored as a detox agent. Today the clay is harvested mostly in the U.S., France and Italy. Your doctor will not tell you or even do any research. One study showed that it could even kill bacteria where antibiotics had failed(1). I heard from Pharmacist Ben on the radio that fried foods can be a culprit in itching. I read that if your kidneys are not flushing properly itchy skin could be one of the symptoms. First, buy a food-grade clay that is a greenish-tan color and soft to the touch. Thank you, Hi Shari, I honestly dont remember in regard to bentonite clay and now wish Id made a note on that. Bentonite claynot only binds excessive acidity, it can also kill infections such as H. Pylorias it is strongly antibacterial and remove toxins, parasites and heavy metals that could be causing irritation. I have made bentonite clay tooth paste but never thought to drink it! A simple bentonite clay mask can be made with clay and water. Bentonite clay, which is made from volcanic ash, is one of the best healing clays out there. Somebody in this q and a said that he thought 2 weeks on 2 weeks off for dosage. After testing your skins reaction, you can use BC on your skin (or hair) several times per week for best results. I have taken charcoal tablets before but not clay in liquid. This approach is gentle, yet I still notice the benefit. While there are over a hundred scientific studies about its uses and safety, plus thousands of testimonials, there are still a couple of voices that say otherwise. In this study, the clay exhibited a large amount of oxidative stress upon just the cancer cells without damaging the DNA. Just started taking the bentonite clay regularly. As it moves through the intestinal tract, it collects toxins and can help move along and eliminate trapped waste found along the inner wall. I hadnt gotten to the sections about significant energy increase, sono placebo influence there! Hi Cemster, it is recommended to take supplements apart from clay by one hour. Bentonite clay normally comes in a gray or cream color, not a bright white color, which can indicate that it may have gone bad. Lasts for minutes to hours. Youre welcome. Can anybody tell me if I should store my mason jar with green clay water in it; in the fridge or on the counter? About Redmond ClayRedmond Clay is an old "Home Remedy" that generations of people have used for a variety of ailments. Hi! Here I want to briefly address concerns about the safety of consuming bentonite clay. The greater surface area, the greater the accumulation of positively-charged ions (toxins and impurities). updates every week! If it clings to itself (as it would in paste form) it is less available to cling to other small particles. Bentonite clay is a naturally alkaline substance that has been used medicinally for centuries. Externally, it can be used as a poultice on cuts, wounds, damaged skin and tired legs. Heartburn. I never thought I would be reading about IC again after being symtom free for 18 years, maybe 1x a year I would have a very mild flare that would last about 2 days and be totally gone. Bentonite clay binds to unhealthy substances in the mouth, such as around the teeth and on the tongue and gums, and helps to remove them before you swallow them and become sick. What an interesting ingredient to learn ! As a baby powder alternative, apply a small amount of the clay directly to the skin and allow it to sit for several minutes before wiping/rinsing it away. Would 6 ounces a day (following your bulk recipe) be too much to start for the first week? Anyways . They are now symptomatic and I have read nothing but horrible reviews of this product with dogs being poisoned, causing kidney and liver failure and even many deaths. My doctor restored my proper organ function through this practice. Helps with Blood Clotting Certain types of kaolin are used to help accelerate blood clotting and to stop dangerous bleeding. Known for its amazing drawing properties, it will safely detoxify your horse of heavy metals and chemicals naturally. Because it acts as a natural cleanser and bacteria-killer, BC can help to remove odors from various surfaces (and your body!). Horses: For internal detox and ulcers clay must be hydrated. See the main recipe below, or see the Notes section for a bulk recipe that you only need to mix up once a week. We stock 12 ounce canisters of this green clay to use directly on a wound, or to make a poultice to place around or over a wound, and have used it successfully on sarcoidosis ulcers (possibly also mycobacterial . I would look for a functional medical doctor (as well as investigate neurofeedback) if youd like to include bentonite clay but are concerned about its interactions with your medications. Bentonite clay can be mixed with water to make a paste or poultice for natural wound care and the healing of hoof abscesses. The name of the clay stems from the town where today much of the supply is still harvested. It's loaded with beneficial vitamins and minerals such as copper, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, and more. Hi Michelle, I dont know, but if you are having recurrent UTIs, you may wish to look into deeper healing either way. . I purchased 100 pounds 30 years ago and still have about 30 pounds left. and health. If you smoke, quitting smoking can lower your risk for peptic ulcers. As a Mineral Supplement Bentonite clay increases ones T-cell count, fights free radicals and was shown in one test to cause oxidative stress upon cancer cells (source and source). Bentonite will also help to remove parasites from your bowel and is a very powerful bowel cleanser. If it does, it will be stripped of its detoxing abilities. This is so interesting! But would this method still be effective as Im not taking it internally? Chronic degenerative diseases and cancer are modern health epidemics. Thankfully nothing serious was found, but I have been concerned that all of the contrast and nuclear injections and radiation exposure was causing harm. Yes, great to go slowly at first; theres no hurry. Timing and cautions provided. Glad you figured it out. Mixed with water in a thin paste, its very effective with zits, acne and other skin problems, and small wounds. Bentonite clay stems back far in history as a traditional healing method for protecting the body from disease. (Learn more about pelleted Daily Gold .) Try Daily Gold Stress Relief! Find Out Today With Our FREE Health Assessment. Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) I take a tsp of Sole (salt water) in my first glass of water in the morning. Is this clay something that could help even though all of these tests have long since been done? Is that regarding to the better consumption of the clay or in case of an upset stomach? Have you or some one you know of ever experienced face breakouts, skin issues, etc while using the Sonnes 7? There was mold in my earlier home, and I m worried about gadolinium cause I have had MRIs in my pastdon t know if clay can help getting rid of gadolinium, don t like having that kind of stuff in my body Many thanks for this article! Another lab experiment observed bentonite clay caused cell death ofCaco-2 cells, a colorectal cancer line. It has a high absorption rate and unique chemical structure. Best wishes! What bentonite clay dangers should you be aware of? Can you get the same benefits from detox baths from bentonite, as you would from just drinking the clay, for digestive issues? Thank you once again, Megan, for sharing so much of your research. A clay bath should last ideally 15-20 minutes in extremely hot water and longer in less hot water. Added to that, it alkalises your system and also lines your stomach with a slimy protective coating while remineralising your body. Is there any differance among Sodium Bentonite and Calcium or Sodium clay.