This feature is intended to make it an attractive alternative for users lacking in programming experience. An approximate description of nuclei can be achieved by separating its short and long range structure. In this paper, the working waveband of adopted infrared CCD detector is 8-12m. Data base description for the Generalized Digital Environmental Model ( GDEM -V) (UDirection FCT Flux-Corrected Transport scheme GDEM Generalized Digital Environmental Model GISS NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies GRD, Observed intra-cluster correlation coefficients in a cluster survey sample of patient encounters in general practice in Australia, Background Cluster sample study designs are cost effective, however cluster samples violate the simple random sample assumption of independence of observations. Short Descriptions of Selected Distance-Education Institutions. The optional materials are very few for infrared optical systems, in which only several kinds of materials such as Germanium, ZnSe, ZnS are commonly used. deductive. However, this kind of techniques have not achieved widespread use due to problems such as double counting of correlation and the symmetry dilemma--the fact that wavefunction methods respect the symmetries of Hamiltonian, while modern functionals are designed to work with broken symmetry densities. No significant correlations with students' 'Motivation', 'Persistence', 'Wish to learn alone' and 'Wish for an authoritative person present' were seen. The analytical representation of the fuselage structure is based on a NASTRAN finite element model (FEM), which has been developed, extensively documented, and correlated with ground vibration test. Belyi, V.V. The equilibrium density operator for fermionic fields developed by Cahill and Glauber is thus extended to a dynamical context to show that the mathematical structures of both the correlation functions and the weight factors closely resemble their bosonic counterpart. The description of the ATLAS program library includes all information needed to use these general purpose routines. Odor activity values (OAVs) of the aroma compounds were calculated to understand their contribution to the overall aroma. Descriptive norms (i.e., perceptions about the prevalence or frequency of a behavior) are reliable and comparatively strong predictors of general drinking behavior, with recent evidence indicating that they are also associated with pregaming. College students' perceptions of sexual orientation and gender given job descriptions and titles for interior decoration, interior design, and architecture. We also tested whether this effect would be stronger in the context of several theory-based moderators: female gender, higher injunctive norms (i.e., perceptions of others' attitudes toward a particular behavior), a more positive attitude toward pregaming, a stronger sense of identification with the drinking habits of other students, and stronger social comparison tendencies. Mind-minded descriptions of friends and partners were positively correlated, but there was no relation between mind-minded descriptions of a friend and the tendency to describe famous people or works of art in mind-minded terms. Correlational Research is a type of research that investigates the relationships between variables. The implementation of an as-yet unattained ultra high-speed system was aided by reconfiguring the system to make it suitable for easier parallel processing, as well as by composing a higher accuracy correlation filter and high-speed ferroelectric liquid crystal-spatial light modulator (FLC-SLM). The present investigation is concerned with a preliminary set of design rules for bulk CMOS which has been verified for simple test structures. Correlations between scores on tasks of single-word retrieval and measures of retrieval in picture descriptions emerged in the AD group but not in the control group. Weekes DP, Kagan SH, James K., et al: The phenomenon of hand holding as a coping strategy in adolescents experiencing treatment-related pain. Physical explanations are provided for the trends shown by the generalized correlations. Descriptive Analysis of Secondary Special Education and Transition Services Model Programs. Hasfeldt, Dorthe; Maindal, Helle Terkildsen; Toft, Palle; Birkelund, Regner, Noise is a general stressor that affects the cardiovascular system, resulting in increased blood pressure and heart rate, both of which can be problematic for the patient preparing for anesthesia and surgery. The directions for future work are provided and attention is given to the implementation of HDLs in microcomputers. A test analysis model (TAM) is very useful in the correlation process. Furthermore, by employing a suggested binary-search procedure a filter bank with a minimum number of filters can be constructed, formore a prespecified trade-off of performance metrics. Recently many single flux quantum (SFQ) logic circuits containing several thousands of Josephson junctions have been designed successfully by using digital domain simulation based on the hard ware description language (HDL). This article proposes such a design, which has main objectives (1) to evaluate VE of each regimen versus placebo against HIV exposures occurring near the time of the immunizations; (2) to evaluate durability of VE for each vaccine regimen showing reliable evidence for positive VE; (3) to expeditiously evaluate the immune correlates of protection if any vaccine regimen shows reliable evidence for positive VE; and (4) to compare VE among the vaccine regimens. Basic School Teachers' Perceptions about Curriculum Design in Ghana, This study focused on teachers' perceptions about curriculum design and barriers to their participation. Although some specialists recommend screening or treating all pregnant patients for BV, the current practice of not screening or treating all pregnant patients seems warranted until definitive findings establish a conclusive correlation between BV and preterm birth. They have interesting properties like a complex fractal spectra of energy, which can be considered as their indelible mark, and collective properties that are not shared by their constituents. The main objective of development of the hardware architecture of the FFT 2D focuses on the subsequent completion of the following operations applied to images: frequency filtering, convolution and correlation. A step-by-step guide to planning a qualitative descriptive study and analyzing the data is provided, utilizing exemplars from the authors' research. Descriptions were elicited in a referential communication task where shared information was manipulated, and in a guessing game where clues had to be provided about the identity of an object that was hidden from the addressee. Methods College student drinkers (N=198, 63% female) participated in an online survey assessing frequency of pregaming, descriptive norms, and hypothesized moderators. To identify the relationships among functional disability, chronic daily stress, coping strategies, beliefs about personal control, social support, and life satisfaction in older women with osteoarthritis. Discussion and Conclusion: There were multiple complex interactions between the tested learning style preferences and the team achievements of clinical judgement in the simulation room, which provides important information for the becoming nurses. Purves, L.; Strang, R. F.; Dube, M. P.; Alea, P.; Ferragut, N.; Hershfeld, D. The software and procedures of a system of programs used to generate a report of the statistical correlation between NASTRAN modal analysis results and physical tests results from modal surveys are described. Nasution, I. K.; Lubis, N. D. A.; Amelia, S.; Hocin, K. Low back pain (LBP) is a world health problems and a major cause of disability. Ecological correlational studies look for associations between exposures and outcomes in populations-eg, per capita cigarette sales and rates of coronary artery disease-rather than in individuals. The performance of the filter was evaluated using computer simulations and compared with the complex filters. The correlation coefficient (also known as the Pearson correlation coefficient) measures how well two variables are related in a linear (straight line) fashion, and is always called r. r lies between -1 and +1. The simulation curriculum, with five weekly modules, was a component of a noncadaveric human anatomy course for three classes (n = 81 students) from September 2011 to November 2013. Levels of mind-mindedness were higher in descriptions of friends compared with descriptions of famous people or works of art. The system simulator which is used to determine if the original description is correct is also discussed. Usually, findings of this method will always end up with these two . Of the six staffing variables, only RN-perceived staffing adequacy and RN skill mix were significantly associated with UAPU odds, the former being the better predictor. The results suggest that mind-mindedness is a facet of personal relationships rather than a trait-like quality. We characterize and show the relevance of these entropic correlations in a variety of different scenarios, ranging from typical Bell experiments to more refined descriptions such as bilocality and information causality. Sokratous, Sokratis; Merkouris, Anastasios; Middleton, Nicos; Karanikola, Maria, Previous findings suggest that stressful life events have a causal relationship with depressive symptoms. Therefore, MRE is a useful, Synchronous meteorological satellite system description document, volume 3. PMID:20090058, Real-valued composite filters for correlation-based optical pattern recognition. Exchange and correlations play a particularly important role in positronium (Ps) collisions with atoms and molecules, since the static potential for Ps interaction with a neutral system is zero. Two blinded MRI radiologists in consensus retrospectively evaluated MRE studies for multiple MRI features. Positive changes in health-related fitness and. It was found that the performance degraded only slightly. Data collection consisted of registration of demographic variables and measurements of noise levels in the OR combined with a questionnaire. For each test series included are specimen details, instrumentation, test results, a brief analysis description, test analysis correlation and conclusions. The objectives of this study were to examine the extent of patronage of CHPS compounds in the Kintampo North Municipality, factors associated with their use and challenges faced by community members regarding the use of these facilities. 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Making the case for evidence-based design in healthcare: a descriptive case study of organizational decision making. A description of the physics 3204 course in Newfoundland and Labrador is provided. The objective was to develop an integrated avionics system design that enhances rotorcraft single pilot IFR operations without increasing the required pilot training/experience by exploiting advanced technology in computers, busing, displays and integrated systems design. A companion paper contains details on our design methodology of HUMS architectures. The major emphasis of this paper is a description of the procedures necessary for creation of the TAM and the correlation of the reduced models with the FEM or the test results. We develop and compare different methods for blinded estimation of the correlation coefficient that are less likely to introduce operational bias when the blinding is maintained. For this report, we screened 750 additional subjects for mutations in coding regions of THAP1 and interrogated all published descriptions of THAP1 phenotypes (gender, age of onset, anatomical distribution of dystonia, family history and site of onset) to explore the possibility of THAP1 genotype-phenotype correlations and facilitate a deeper understanding of THAP1 pathobiology. Quality of life, symptom distress, and social support among renal transplant recipients in Southern Taiwan: a correlational study. The method involves the introduction of a new language construct called a Module which provides for the separate translation of all equations bounded by it. This study aimed to assess lifestyle modification factors among patients diagnosed with hypertension. Twenty year projected energy costs and, The Lifestyle Behaviours and Exercise Beliefs of Undergraduate Student Nurses: A Descriptive Study, Purpose: Only limited published research is available exploring the lifestyle practices of student nurses. Moreover, the results showed that those students who were in the fourth year, with a low family income, who avoid extracurricular activities, with a low academic grade or who registered in other clinical course(s) reported high stress degrees. In the present Letter, the analytical result is instead proven for the fundamental Gaussian-Lorentzian profile. 1900-1907, May 2005. High transferability is proven through assessment over various SiC polytypes, silicon and diamond. This study received exempt Institutional Review Board status. [Hardware Description Language. Staying still predicted response to the CBT program, while concentrating on something predicted lack of response. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the correlation of Internet addiction with university students' characteristics in Jordan using a descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional design. To estimate the prevalence of adversity (neglect and abuse, parental loss, parental psychopathology, economic adversity, and serious physical illness), the interrelatedness of adversities, and their socio-demographic correlates. After adjusting the radius to surface templates, setting tolerances and giving element drawings, this system has been fabricated successfully. In view of an improved interoperability of all these different tools it is highly desirable to establish a standardized nomenclature and methodology for the exchange of microstructure data. Among these, ethical and social considerations are critical. Results Half of the participants in the final study sample (N=25) fully completed a stepwise process of building on their baseline PRO assessment to develop an initial care plan for their child. Several example descriptions and a tutorial on hardware description languages are provided, to guide the user. However, a comprehensive analysis of trends in research has not been reported since 1980. The primary objective of this project was to propose and prove the possibility of a new, advanced technology commuter aircraft design. New distinctions among three domains of concern for humans--description, action, and commitment--have revealed that the design process for programmable machines, such as expert systems, is based on descriptions of actions and induces blindness to nonanalytic action and commitment. In addition, the advisory group expanded the role description to include 5 additional responsibilities from the remaining 18 functions originally identified. [computerized design language for small digital systems. The potential energy curves were calculated and nondynamical correlation energies analyzed. Measures included demographic information, the Chinese Health Questionnaire, the General Functioning Scale of the Family Assessment Device, and a short version of the Chinese Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile. The scope of this article is to provide a comprehensive system of metadata descriptors for the description of a 3D microstructure. Although long-range correlations are responsible for the effective electronic transport at specific resonant energies of finite DNA segments, much of the anomalous spread of an initially localized electron wave-packet can be accounted by short-range pair correlations, suggesting that an approach based on the inclusion of further short-range correlations on the nucleotide distribution leads to an adequate description of the electronic properties of DNA segments. An artwork interactive design system is described which provides the microelectronic circuit designer/engineer a tool to perform circuit design, automatic layout modification, standard cell design, and artwork verification at a graphics computer terminal using a graphics tablet at the designer/computer interface. This descriptive correlational study was conducted at Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Iran in January 2020. Before undertaking a detailed critical reading of the chosen article, we need to consider whether the study used the most appropriate design for the question it aimed to answer (i.e., whether the level of evidence is adequate). All patients were treated in the same way: methyl aminolevulinic acid (Metvix) was applied for 3 hours and the skin then irradiated with red light at 630 nm, 37 J/cm(2), for 7.5 minutes (Aktilite). The major finding was that the parenting efficacy of immigrant women was influenced by childcare support from their husbands, maternal identity, and original nationality. We extracted the bibliometric data, research design, research type (human or animal), and clinical area for all articles published. The design is based on a hybrid approach where the final analysis of the phase III data is based on a classical frequentist hypothesis test, whereas the trials are designed using a Bayesian decision-theoretic approach in which the unknown treatment effect is assumed to follow a known prior distribution. An automatic correlation plane processor that can rapidly acquire, identify, and locate the autocorrelation outputs of a bank of multiple optical matched filters is described. Adult living-donor liver transplantation recipients undergo important hemodynamic changes during the procedure, which in turn have proven to be of the upmost importance when dealing with small grafts, to avoid the so-called "small-for-size" syndrome. Most studies from 1985 (66%) through 2010 (73%) focused on nursing practice issues; in 2010 they focused on primary health (46%) and chronicity (41%). An internet-based survey. Static pressures in the test region can range from .005 to .1 atm and calculated equilibrium temperatures of test panels range from 700 K to 1700 K. Test times can be as long as 1800 sec. Kinetic field theory: exact free evolution of Gaussian phase-space correlations, Fabis, Felix; Kozlikin, Elena; Lilow, Robert; Bartelmann, Matthias. Blade load comparisons predicted by C81 showed good agreement. The results indicated that Jordanian men and women have a lower score of IPVAS, 40.06 ( SD = 8.20), indicating lower acceptance of IPV compared with the literature. Emphasis is placed on five criteria for drawing causal inferences that are derived from the writings of the philosopher John Stuart Mill, especially his methods or canons. 4. The first of these, called the sensitivity parameter, is defined as the incremental change in center frequency with incremental change in maximum applied electric field (EPEAK) in the filter. A hand search to select descriptive studies was carried out in seven dental journals, which were thought to have interest in the field of dental implants. Sansone, Giuseppe; Pfeifer, Thomas; Simeonidis, Konstantinos; Kuleff, Alexander I, Electron correlation, caused by the interaction among electrons in a multielectron system, manifests itself in all states of matter. Methods: 26 volunteers participated in a 20-week, half-marathon training program. Design Description of the X-33 Avionics Architecture, In this paper, we provide a design description of the X-33 avionics architecture. Lerman, D C; Iwata, B A. Corrigan, J. C.; Cronkhite, J. D.; Dompka, R. V.; Perry, K. S.; Rogers, J. P.; Sadler, S. G. Under a research program designated Design Analysis Methods for VIBrationS (DAMVIBS), existing analytical methods are used for calculating coupled rotor-fuselage vibrations of the AH-1G helicopter for correlation with flight test data from an AH-1G Operational Load Survey (OLS) test program. This section reviews three types of descriptive research: case studies, surveys, and naturalistic observation (Figure 3.3). The overall structure for a quantitative design is based in the scientific method. The design uses sequential monitoring for the events of vaccine harm, non-efficacy, and high efficacy, selected to weed out poor vaccines as rapidly as possible while guarding against prematurely weeding out a vaccine that does not confer efficacy until most of the immunizations are received. Bailey, Joanna J; Sabbagh, Melanie; Loiselle, Carmen G; Boileau, Johanne; McVey, Lynne, Informational support to family members of ICU patients has significant potential for reducing their psychological distress, enabling them to better cope and support the patient. To achieve the research purpose, a comparison analysis was conducted to study the differences in research design perspectives and approaches. Copyright 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Descriptions and correlates of salivary cotinine in individuals with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. We adopted a descriptive cross-sectional correlational design for this study. Main references for further, Floor plans and photographs illustrate a description of the Samuel C. Williams Library at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N.J. The research presented involved using nonlinear finite element simulations correlated with photogrammetry testing to develop a procedure for defining material properties for commercially available polyurethane-coated woven nylon fabric, which is representative of coated materials that have been proven materials for use in many inflatable systems. (a) Articles which bear, or the containers which bear, false designations of origin, or. 1405q, and shall be detained. Continuing the above investigation, the design of a real filter that minimizes the output correlation energy and the output variance due to noise was developed. The technical evolution of the correlators of the Plateau de Bure interferometer since the first fringes, 14 years ago, is shortly presented. Reporter-Interpreter-Manager-Educator (RIME) descriptive ratings as an evaluation tool in an emergency medicine clerkship. When using a descriptive design, the researcher focuses on describing the case or situation they are studying. Descriptions of the auxiliary propulsion subsystem, the apogee boost motor, communications system, and thermal control subsystem are included. Penprase, Barbara; Oakley, Barbara; Ternes, Reuben; Driscoll, Dana. Participants with subclinical hypothyroidism seemed to consume less vitamin B12, folic acid and vegetables. The paper introduces novel model for design, visualization and management of complex, highly adaptive hardware systems. Common representation learning (CRL), wherein different descriptions (or views) of the data are embedded in a common subspace, has been receiving a lot of attention recently.