RYAN P. FASANO (Adherence)to)Army)Values . SSG Deleon served as a Drill Sergeant in 1st Platoon and later became the Senior Drill Sergeant of 3rd Platoon. And the supplemental NCOER? as a role model by displaying character, confidence, and competence, and influence outside the chain of command. During this rating period, CPT Holmes has demonstrated that he is an excellent Officer and company commander. Thanks! SSgt Trejo's overall dedication, passion, and love for the Marine Corps is something I wish to see in every Marine. Senior leader involvement in the talent management process encourages officers to build a solid reach-back network. Achieve partnered with OER Commons to develop an online evaluation tool t o allow users to apply these rubrics and evaluate the quality of instructional resources. What are the best practices for VA Benefits? NAME:! One day, as SPC Morrison and I were walking back to the barracks after working all day during a base cleanup detail, we were stopped by a Master Sergeant we didn't know who accused us of shirking our duties. Department of the Army Pamphlet 600-3, Officer Professional Development and Career Management, states that the length of a KD position should range from 12 months to 24 months. Closing. The mission-essential requirements (MER) list represents consolidated unit priorities for organizational manning requirements specific to the movement cycle. Discuss job description and performance objectives with rated officer within 30 days. I am directly responsible to my commanding officer for the effective and efficient daily operations and mission. Occasionally Soldiers get into trouble and become subject to some form of formal punishment where he is judged by members outside the unit. " You are fair and treat everyone in the office as an equal. The establishment of realistic career goals is paramount to successfully managing expectations. An assignment at the Army Human Resources Command (HRC) is an incredible opportunity for officers and enlisted personnel to learn how the Army executes personnel processes. Finally, account managers and assignment officers have different responsibilities. My Name is SFC Ryan P. Fasano. Please know that I just copied these from my own OERs (I did change my name and unit though). An honest self evaluation is often more useful than the "what I observed of you" style evaluations. For these reasons, it is my humble recommendation that CW3 Texas-Ranger is advanced to CW4. Size:60.77 KB. Assignment officers exist to ensure the Army is represented accurately and to match the right officer with the right assignment. The final pages of the OER Support Form defines them for the Army. Witnessing CW3 Texas-Ranger s superior leadership and mentorship qualities in such a diverse environment, certainly groomed me into the Leader I am today. Intermediate Rater Qualifications. Get some sleep. SSG Deleon made me aware of the pending investigation due to possessing a substantial amount of ammunition the he had taken from ranges and training events. These documents will provide the rated Soldier essential rating chain direction and focus to aid in developing his or her support form. The reader will automatically assign a certain level of credibility to the letter based on the relationship. He was always well groomed and his uniforms were always Inspection Ready. Leaders should expect the MER approximately six months before the cycle opens. The documents hosted in the ACO Learning Center come from various sources. He will be grateful for any effort on his behalf. Senior leaders play a critical role in managing talent across the organization, and your reputation will make the difference during the process. Family considerations should carry enormous weight during the assignments process. Rate free field grade oer support form example. Sample Army OER Bullets & Comments. What bullet point examples have you seen for "Achieves" in the new Army NCOER form? # 1: S4 Officer CW3 Texas-Ranger fortified the image of the Leader I knew him as during AIT, as he continuously mentored Soldiers at all echelons. CLICK ON THE "CREATE OER TAB" at the top which will pull the basic admin data from the existing support form into an OER shell. Currently there are two cycles: the 01 cycle, which runs from Oct. 1 through March 31, and the 02 cycle, which runs from April 1 through Sept. 30. References mentioned: S1 Net (CAC required) Our recommended tips for completing the OERSF: #1) Keep a running log of your significant contributions and accomplishments throughout the rating period. Therefore, an account manager's concern is filling "spaces.". Report) to DA Form 67-10-4 (Strategic Grade Plate General Officer Evaluation Report) (para 1-1). I have worked with SPC Morrison (as a co-worker and now as a supervisor) for almost two years and in that time I have never seen him lose his temper or even raise his voice to anyone. HRC account managers are responsible for representing their assigned units' requirements. Field Grade Officers (O-5 through O-6): To achieve O-5 takes approximately 16 to 22 years time-in-service. Covey's third principle, which he calls "put first things first," helps leaders to discern urgency from importance. Finally, the remaining branch-immaterial jobs are filled. Since assuming command, CPT Holmes improved morale by developing an effective rewards program resulting in 15 Achievement Medals, 8 Driver's Badges, and numerous coins and COA's. He is one of our best troops and I would not hesitate to recommend him for retention and promotion. Based on my experience and observations working alongside of SSgt Trejo, I highly recommend him for retention in the United States Marine Corps. Rater Responsibilities. As a recruiter assistant who was not formally trained, LCpl Trejo outshined many certified Marine Corps Recruiters (8411s). SPC Smith is a quiet, soft-spoken individual who often keeps to himself. My name is Gunnery Sergeant DeKinderen, Todd M., the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF) G-3 Headquarters SNCOIC. CW3 Texas-Ranger and I were never assigned to the same section at either location. Combat training center and joint assignments represent the next target. Assignment officers have an obligation to place the best officers in the right organizations to benefit the Army. When it came to Recruiting, LCpl Trejo was very motivated and impressive. An NCOIC or manager would normally be considered to be impartial due to the enforced distance and formality required by a supervisor/subordinate relationship and because of the integrity a senior NCO is assumed to have. Your narrative is important, and developing a proper network will aid in transmitting your goals and desires. Expressing a willingness to go further in defense of the subject by providing a phone number or offering to show up at any hearing will double the letter's effectiveness. This is important. This assertion, along with Army Regulation (AR) 623-3: Evaluation Reporting System (ERS), implies that character is the foremost leadership requirement: The Army Values, empathy, warrior ethos, and discipline are critical attributes that define a leader's character and apply across all grades, positions, branches, and specialties. It's happening for a good reason, because the professional Soldier already knows what they have done well and what they need to improve. While TDY with her at Ft Meade, I had the opportunity to witness her instructing other NCOs about the GTC, its purpose, and its proper use. Assignment officers need time to work on special circumstances that require external coordination, such as by-name requests, nominations, and accommodations for enrollees in the Exceptional Family Member Program, and Married Army Couples Program. Because he or she is being judged by strangers who don't know him, character statements will be required for his defense. Lt. Col. Charles L. Montgomery is the commander of the 123rd Brigade Support Battalion, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, at Fort Bliss, Texas. However, I do not believe the fullest extent of the law should be applied when determining her final punishment. judicious in their comments. Soldiers need their raters to transparently communicate how their performance and potential will be evaluated. Secondly, a major must actively establish a reputation as a field-grade officer and pursue KD opportunities immediately. Section 6. What's outrageous is that we are still outraged and we pretend it shouldn't happen. field grade officer oer character commentsaiken county sc register of deeds field grade officer oer character comments If you are asked to write a character statement, don't worry if you can't write well. She embodies her job as assignments manager and places her job and the Army first in her life, and wouldn't have it any other way. Recently, HRC held a virtual town hall, and many comments focused on this issue. Timing of the MER submission is critical, and G-1s are ultimately responsible for submitting it to HRC. Since, traditionally "companies" are commanded by captains and assisted by lieutenants serving as their executive officers (second-in-command) and platoo. of all officers, the best among a select grade or group, promote below the zone). Essentially, this is an algorithm, and step one must be accomplished before step two is initiated. Serving in the Army is a great opportunity, but it represents a short time in our lives. MSAF information was a data point collected on DA Form 67-10 series OERs dated Nov 2015. Of course, along with this focused description, you should also include your subject's other positive attributes. Make sure you address the type of behavior that the person is accused of having. 04-PUB NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGNERS (NOFORN) 42-ITEM ONLY PRODUCED IN ELECTRONIC MEDIA. The Army will also implement a rater profile for the company and field-grade officer plates; emphasize recommendations for future operational and career broadening opportunities on the field grade plate; redefine the senior-rater box check; and limit the use of intermediate raters to special branches and dual-supervision situations. Contact editor@armywriter.com Disclaimer. SUBJECT: Character Statement for SSG Alfred M. Deleon. Nevertheless, a large percentage of officers assume that if they do not receive KD opportunities as a support operations officer or battalion executive officer, promotion failure is guaranteed. EMAIL ADDRESS (.gov or .mil) . - Intellect. I have served over eleven years active duty service in our great Army. Your statement will represent both you and the subject and its appearance will have some influence. DSN 530-XXXX. First, it describes how a rater or senior rater sees evaluations. The Ultimate Field Grade Officer Survival Guide. The Assignment Interactive Module II allows complete transparency for units and individual officers. 45-https://armypubs.army.mil The MSAF programs was eliminated June 08. For the most part, an officer's immediate advocates should be from his or her current chain of command. HRC intends to publish responses, which PPTO will forward when available. d. Evaluation Reporting System process. We need more examples. Spend some time thinking this through so that you can come up with material that will cast doubt on the charges. 4.3. SUPERSEDED DA FORM 67-10-2, 11/01/2015. Stephen R. Covey's book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" highlights a principle that is one of the most underrated by field-grade officers.