We use the 360 full circle degrees, so for example, someone with the sun in 19 Leo, moon in 20 Virgo, and 10 Libra rising would have a day chart because their Leo sun is in the 11th house (using the whole sign house system). Planets and points conjunct it become more emphasized. The Lot of Fortune is the ascendant of an equal house Fortuna system; if your LoF is 10 degrees in Sagittarius then the Fortuna 2nd house is 10 degrees Capricorn and so on. The Part of Fortune in 10th house can also indicate good fortune coming to you through one of your parents. Through the fourth house, you are aware of the needs of others. This point is connected with happiness, joy, flow, abundance, worldly success, health. Prosperity in old age or through savings, investments or pensions, death will be famous and known to all. It will also give you the respect you need in order to reach self-fulfillment. It represents well-being on every plane of existence, physical, emotional, spiritual, mental. Jupiter in the 10th Fortuna house is generally very favourable with regards to fortune, depending upon its condition and rulership it could have the capability to bring much happiness, good health any many favourable opportunities your way. Hello, I haven't seen much interpretation between these two conjunctions/connections. Saturn is the ruling planet of your LoF and he is in your 4th house and retrograde. Yoi, your LoF is in the 7th which is an angular sign and therefore there will be a lot of significance between its condition and your life when its ruler is a chronocrator of the general times. However, because of her dignity she is able to rise above it and bring some fortune to your 4th and 5th house activities. If your part of fortune is in Gemini, your success comes through your communication with others. Your LoS is at 5Lib30 and its ruler Venus is in a much better condition, as well as being a natural benefic. To make it easy, all you really need to do is use your LoF ascendant. He is also contrary to his sect, we can therefore see that he is imposing many limitations upon your financial successes, relationships with friends and feeling comfortable about your own spirituality. From the age of twelve Saturn has taken over as chronocrator for the distribution of fortune for 57 years although in its general periods you have a Capricorn Saturn first and an Aquarius Saturn after. How can you find (create) your luck if you have your Part of Fortune in 10th house in your birth chart? This is especially important because Mars is the triplicity ruler of the sect light, your LoS and the exaltation planet of your LoF and Venus. Part of Fortune is calculated by starting with the degree of the ascendant, minus the degree of the sun, plus the degree of the moon. Although I have not looked closely at your rx combust Mercury it would suggest that more often than not you know the answers to some things without knowing how or why (evolved). Looking at my 10th Fortuna House I have Jupiter right on the MC but I also have Mars and Saturn. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The other reason is that the main emphasis in modern astrology is on our big three (sun, moon, and rising signs). I think Mr Zoller used the placidus house system in his book Arabic Parts, the Lost Key though I am not sure he still would given the discoveries since that book was published. When you say yours is opposite Venus and the Moon, because neither Venus nor the Moon are inherently malefic in nature the worst they normally bring would be overindulgence on your part. Some astrologers would suggest that the years should be reversed, or Capricorn and Aquarius should receive the same time period by dividing the major period in two giving 28.5 years to each. The Part of Fortune in 10th house can manifest in many ways, and to see the whole picture, you have to take into consideration some other things as well. In your chart its partner the LoS is in the house of good fortune which is more favourably placed if using the whole sign system. Next comes 3 ways of assessing whether that planet completes or breaks off the energy he has put into his actions. Spiritually it shows a duality in your nature where you can be unsure about when to make your move, you are probably also aware that on occasion you may feel like you are two people trapped in one body. This angle represents you main ambition in life. This 30 degrees is added to the ascendant of 10 degrees Aries + 30 degrees = 10 degrees Taurus. Good sense of humour (strong Jupiter connected to both lights). Once you have set up your Fortuna chart, the next step is to see where it fits into your natal chart. When it comes to aspects to the LoF, there is far more to them than the geometric angles. First on the list here is whether he has any connection to the natal ascendant, which in your case is yes by dexter sextile. Aniother Part that is important os the Part of Spirit that most do not include or even look at. The Part of Fortune (POF) is the synthesis of a persons Ascendant, Sun, and Moon, so perhaps it should not be so surprising. An emphasized tenth house can also indicate living in the public eye and an important role in society. These are common synastry aspects for soulmates in astrology. I have my midheaven and part of fortune in Pisces in the 10th house. For instance, if you havePart of Fortunein Virgo, you would look at where Mercury is in your chart for more information on improving your situation. Because your LoF is placed in an unfortunate house, a releasing of its times would show particular periods to be on your guard because luck and help would not be on your side during these times. If your LoF is in an angular house it will have quite a high significance in your life. The LoF and the LoS are partners and the rule goes that if ones LoF falls in a cadent natal house then the LoS should be in a succeedent house because of their equal distance from the ascendant. Suffice to say, your Saturn occupies a mutable sign. I have not had time to collect my pm's yet but I will collect them as soon as I can. The reason this is important is because secondary progressions were exactly that (secondary); meaning they came second to various directions. He is notorious for the stress he signifies, and this is partly why this investigation sounds a little harsh. So it looks like I have a benefic and both malefics in the same angular house. Finally, there are sub-lords of the Fortuna system which are divisions of the times allotted to the general time lords, these show the unfoldment of what is going on during the general time lord periods. However, you must stay open to the needs of others and their emotions, without letting yourself be carried away by them. As I stated in an earlier post, when the LoF falls in a cadent house (relatively weak) its partner the LoS is used to find favourable times because it is usually more favourably placed by natal house. I am assuming your LoF was arrived at by the diurnal/nocturnal method as mentioned above. If something isnt working, find the courage to change and start over again, and you will see more success with each new chapter. The second of these three conditions is lunar application which has to do with how long the effects of a particular action may last; applying would be long lasting, separating would mean moderately lasting or separated meaning of even shorter duration. This signifies that while Saturn in your chart has the ability to act and an appropriate energy level to perform, you may not hang around long enough to get the rewards you sometimes deserve. His dreams often give him answers. In that case, we are already heading in the right direction. This is done according to the table below. WebFirst look to any planets or points that are tightly conjunct or opposite the Part of Fortune as significators of vocation, career, and natural talentskeys to success. Because a complete delineation is necessary to accurately predict what non changeable fates are waiting for you, where and when, I can only show you how to integrate it within the context of your natal chart; it will be up to you to do the work. Midheaven (MC) involvement. My progressed PoF is also conjunct my natal PoF. You are outgoing, optimistic and have great enthusiasm for life. Second, determine the ruling planet of the sign of the Part of Fortune, and See also the interpretation for your Part of Fortune in the signs. I should mention that malefic planets can be made totally benefic by their overall natal condition, in much the same way benefics can be made malefic by their natal conditions too. The Part of Fortune represents the place in your horoscope where this balance between the Sun, Moon and Ascendant can be expressed most easily. Another thing that is likely to backfire on you is any playing of mind games at times when just straight forward actions would be more beneficial. You are outgoing, optimistic and have great enthusiasm for life. I will answer this question with the link to Robert Schmidts description on the PH website; he does it far better than me. The Midheaven has to do with your goals and general direction in life. The reason for my saying that a square to Jupiter is far better than a trine to Mars is as follows: The Fortuna chart strength lies in its angles, if the malefics are angular then ones fortunes are tied up with ones disappointments and good fortune in general will require much work. However, you must stay open to the needs of others and their emotions, without letting yourself be carried away by them. The LoF in Aquarius suggests a kind if inner emotional detachment where you can sometimes react to people in a cold and unsympathetic manner; likewise the same would be received from others at times. Again, Kramer is seeing the LoF as good fortune changing anything it touches into something beneficial Totally untrue, one of the reasons it was given the name fortune was that it describes ones wealth and happiness, not a magic part that made all lifes woes better. Note: Because the LoF or any lot should be delineated within the context of the chart it is in, it is necessary to first understand the rulers of the sect (diurnal/nocturnal). Several planets in the tenth house suggest an ambitious person who puts a lot of effort into their goals. People with the Part of Fortune in 10th house often find joy in their career. Hello, I haven't seen much interpretation between these two conjunctions/connections. Through the fourth house, you are aware of the needs of others. The POF is a point that indicates good fortune. [6] Part of Fortune conjunct Antares: If your part of fortune is in Libra, success comes when you put the needs of others ahead of your own. [2] Midheaven conjunct Sirius: High office under Government giving great profit and reputation.