What language is Quincy bleach? Ury is heavily injured by Haschwalth during their battle, and attempts to fire a Heilig Pfeil at him, which the Grandmaster deflects. fast and furious eclipse purple . Once they are victorious, the room and passageway collapse around them, forcing the trio to race outside, where they see their destination, a castle in the middle of a barren desert. Primary Skills Ury appears behind Kgo and attacks him with his arrows, but Kgo avoids the attack. Ury is introduced in the series as a classmate of the Soul Reaper Ichigo Kurosaki, who reveals himself to be a Quincy, a clan of humans which was destroyed by the Soul Reapers. [93] Seeing Ury is in a bad situation, Pesche tries to help him, but quickly realizes he will be no match for Cirucci. He wanted to get away if he was the true target, but the situation has changed, and he now wants her to heal him. Renji was an early rival of Ichigos, and he was determined to uphold his Captains will when it came to Rukias execution. After a short argument with Ganju, Ury decides it would be best to wait for either Ichigo or Orihime to free them. He then begins arguing with Ichigo about Ichigo's decision to fight Jidanb one-on-one. Karakura Hospital, Karakura Town Birthday Sometime later, Jugram Haschwalth approaches Ury as he is standing in the rain. Their disguises work fairly well, and they are able to avoid detection. Ichigo is part Quincy as well, from his mother's side and it is obvious that Yhwach knows this as he calls Ichigo his 'son born in the darkness'. Ryken Ishida (father) Kanae Ishida (mother, deceased) Sken Ishida (paternal grandfather, deceased). Ichigo asks Ury why he is siding with the Quincy, but Ury says that telling him accomplishes nothing. Peace returns as the Soul Society recuperates from the deep wounds left by the treachery of Captain Aizen and his partners in crime. Past that, Ichigo doesn't really spend much time learning other Quincy techniques or trying to learn how to use a Quincy bow. When Zaraki moves on, they come out and discuss where to go next. Yhwach then asks him if he is familiar with the song, "Kaiser Gesang", to which Ury confirms by reciting it. Sken told Ury that he would someday understand his father's motives, but thus far this is not the case. Base of Operations He is a doctor at Karakura Hospital, and a friend of Ichigo Kurosaki. This page is about the representation of Ichigos Quincy powers and the Zangetsu known in the anime. Back in Karakura Town, Ury is attacked by a Menos Grande. Amtraks Illinois Zephyr and Carl Sandburg services provide two opportunities daily to travel between Chicago and Quincy. Haschwalth reasons that Ury would have used his Schrift by now if it were of any use in this battle, but Ury names it as Antithesis as his wounds disappear and reappear on Haschwalth, who bleeds profusely while demanding to know what happened. A large explosion occurs over Ichigo's head, saving Ury and restoring Ichigo to his normal state. Ichigo shouts at Ury that there was no need to do this and all they needed to do was destroy Yhwach, but Ury replies that there is no way to defeat him and that this was something only he could do. One of the main supporting characters of Bleach is Uryu Ishida, a human Quincy with ties on both sides of the battlefield. Ury as he appears in Bleach: Spirits Are Forever With You. Cookie Notice [143], Ury settles by a riverbank, and continues to read Sken's journal. [139] Ury questions if Asguiaro Ebern is an Arrancar, since it looked like he had part of a Hollow mask on his face. Ury displaying his new bow after firing at Kgo. [85] Because Soul Society has abandoned Orihime, Ichigo is technically not acting as a Shinigami, giving Ury a loophole with which to accompany them. They do not appear to be on very good terms as a result, given Ury's casual use of his father's given name. Ulquiorra's attack on Ury was significantly toned down in the anime. my whole world has changed. Yes, the fact that Ichigo was always a Quincy was something that was quite surprising, considering that he was always regarded as a Shinigami before the events of the Thousand-Year Blood War. [150], Later, as Yhwach is sleeping, Ury tries to go to Yhwach's room. This gives him a vast increase in power, enough to defeat a captain class Shinigami with Bankai in only one shot. Its shoulders are clasped to its neck, and the inside of the collar features a rectangular sigil on either side. [147] Commenting on the discord caused by Yhwach's decision to name him his successor, Ury asks why the Wandenreich leader has done so. When one of them asks if he is Kurosaki, Ury punches that person in anger, asking how he resembles Ichigo at all. Japanese She was a former student at Karakura Town, where she was a classmate of Ichigos. Ury tells him that he thought the Shinigami were correct, until his sensei was killed in front of him. Male He charges towards the Menos, calling for Ury to accompany him, despite Ury's request for him to wait. AB[1] "It's better you do not know that information, Seina-chan." "I'm not a baby, and I'm involved in all this, right? scar Muoz (Spain)Vctor Ugarte (Latin) He declares that whoever kills the most Hollows within twenty-four hours is the winner. What they both fail to notice is that the seemingly dead Ichigo is moving, with his hair extending into a mane. [76] They later learn of the elaborate conspiracy surrounding Rukia's execution, masterminded by Ssuke Aizen. Ury asks Ichigo the same question and reveals that he had no desire of becoming one. When Ury reveals that he knows why Ichigo and his friends are here and what will happen if Yhwach kills the Soul King, Ichigo demands to know why he is on Yhwach's side if he knows this, only for Ury to claim that being a Quincy is his reason before being interrupted by the arrival of the Schutzstaffel. He is soon stopped by activation of the entrance's Sekkiseki walls and the arrival of Jidanb Ikkanzaka. In school, Ury wears the respective school uniform along with a tie. He further comments that Ury, who was cut down, should not be ordering around his doctor. [13], He loves wearing a mantle, even though it serves no purpose other than to make him feel cooler, despite the fact that it hinders his movement, even keeping a spare with him. So, to answer in short, Yhwach is not Ichigo's father. However, Ury provokes him by stating that he is only a temporary Shinigami who cannot even do anything without Rukia around. Mayuri states that they are a rare breed, and that he has not seen one alive for many years, but he notes that he has no interest in the Quincy, as he finished studying their kind some time ago. Ury says he did not have time to ask, and that he thought it was a Zanpakut until she told him. Irritated that they will not stop arguing, Ury fires an arrow at Ichigo, who blocks it. and our [194] He can manipulate spiritual energy for offensive purposes. 15 years of Bleach, a series that may have had dips in story but made up for it with some of the most stylish art around. He attempts to use some Quincy equipment to defeat it, but is ultimately unsuccessful. Ury watches as Ichigo unleashes his Bankai. He and the others are further surprised to learn that Kkaku is a woman. [170] Assuming a battle stance, Ury asks Haschwalth why he is concerned about what kind of person Ury is and points out that he should be trying to kill him instead of asking him so many questions. If you are looking for his true Shinigami powers, see Zangetsu (Zanpakut spirit). When Haschwalth reminds him that he has already seen a future where all of Ury's allies die, Ury states that this is subject to change as he proved earlier, prompting Haschwalth to admit that this is true before revealing that The Almighty possesses a far more terrifying ability than the power to see the future when used by Yhwach. Ury fires his arrows at Kgo, but he blocks them and cuts Ichigo down. 1. In the anime, Ury's hair is "raven-colored" instead of black, as depicted in the manga. [213] While facing Jugram Haschwalth later on, Ury uses a bow with four long prongs and two spikes extending from the center.[214]. [146] He is later welcomed by Yhwach, in front of the other Sternritter, who express shock that he is even on the same podium as Yhwach himself. Ury addresses Kon, admitting that while he did start the fight, he will not allow anyone in the town to die, even if Ichigo dies. He gains a white cloth, covered in several line designs, which covers his lower half. As Ichigo, Orihime, and Sado run off, Ury asks Haschwalth why he is not chasing them. Ury activates Sprenger against Szayelaporro. [149], Ury and Yhwach, as they observe Cang Du and BG9 being defeated, discuss the turning of events. During the manga, Ichgio discovers he can use Quincy abilities after he is imprisoned. After the announcement he is taken to Yhwach's chambers, who declares Ury will soon awaken his powers and bestows upon him a Schrift, the same letter as that of Yhwach himself, "A". does uryu know ichigo is a quincy. As Ichigo expresses shock at his appearance, Ury tells him to go home and states Ichigo cannot defeat Yhwach. The destruction chips were passed down to him from his master, meaning only his Reiatsu could activate them, and this would be their only way to win. The next day, Ury contends with a stubborn Ichigo, who refuses to leave because he wants to wait and finish his fight with Ganju. Yhwach informs Ury that this goodbye will be permanent, prompting Ury to state he knows this as he, Yhwach, and Haschwalth ascend into the air before vanishing in a flash of light. Noriaki SugiyamaTakako Honda (child) The Quincy ( , Kuinsh ) is one of the supernatural fictional races from the manga/anime series, Bleach. When Yhwach turns around to reveal that he has gained several more eyes, Ury and the others are shocked. He also has a tendency to not use lethal force in battle, especially if he can win without doing so while often trying to simply incapacitate his opponent. The fact that Ichigo was still able to use his Bankai afterwards, let alone his Shinigami powers in general, pretty much proved he wasnt permanently depowered. Thus he has Quincy blood in him and through that connection Ichigo is Yhwach's son, although not biological. Ichigo starts arguing with Kon while Ury looks on. Cirucci notices Pesche as she is about to launch a finishing blow at Ury, and subsequently launches the attack against him. As the top of the palace shatters due to Yhwach's immense power, Ury watches as Haschwalth asks Yhwach to lead them. As morning breaks, Ury states that Haschwalth missed his chance to take him down before the sun rose, but Haschwalth is incredulous about that, comparing Ury to a tamed animal. Shortly after Ulquiorra attacks Ichigo with his Cero Oscuras, Orihime asks Ury to take her above Las Noches' dome, which Ury reluctantly agrees to do. When Ichigo arrives sometime after her, very worried, Ury scolds him rather harshly for coming, attempting to keep him from getting involved. [193] He has an easier time collecting this energy in environments with higher concentrations of Reishi such as in Soul Society or Hueco Mundo. [142], Shortly after Ichigo and the others depart, Ury goes to search through his family's archives. [107], Ury arrives at the fifth tower, where Ichigo and Ulquiorra Cifer are fighting, just in time to protect Orihime from Yammy Llargo and knock him down with one of his arrows, though he notes that the arrow did not pierce him. Ury is also playable in a special form released for the game's 7th anniversary, depicting an alternate-universe version of him who has further mastered his Quincy powers and now specializes in melee combat after being affected by Ichigo's powers. Ury comments that Ichigo's attack was dangerous. He is surprised to learn of a Quincy extermination from 1,000 years prior, questioning how it might relate to the extermination from 200 years ago. Thinking that there is no point in dealing with someone with no desire to go to Soul Society, Yoruichi beckons both Sado and Orihime to leave, and the three of them take their leave. After defeating him, Ury effortlessly fires two arrows through his Saketsu and Hakusui,[197] and does the same to Cirucci Sanderwicci at the end of their fight. Next: Bleach's Best Warriors Have Lost their Greatest Weapons Ury tells him it is too bad the Espada ran into him, as he could have fought a little longer. Yhwach speaks with Ury in his own private chambers. [82], As Ury is resting from his training, he is visited by Urahara, and learns that Orihime has been captured by the Arrancar. "Scatter-Bait for use against Hollows"): Typically used by Quincy to aid in the extermination of low-level Hollows. When Ichigo demands to know why he is here, Ury unleashes Licht Regen upon him, but the barrage is blocked by Santen Kesshun as Orihime and Sado emerge from a Garganta. Once its sensors pick up an Arrancar's Reiatsu, it detonates violently. Ichigo's inner Hollow stabs him in the abdomen with Zangetsu, revealing that he was willing to attack even his friend in this state. [128] Ury tries to think about the nature of this, but comes up short. Itd be best, Called the City of Presidents and Birthplace of the American Dream, Quincy is the birthplace of the second and sixth U.S. Presidents, John Adams and, about 4 hours and 15 minutes. 171 cm (5'7")[2] (prev) 177 cm (5'10")[3] Ichigo argues, but Ury assures his friend that he will not die. Antithesis ((), Anchisshisu; Japanese for "Perfect Anti-Setup"): Ury can designate any two targets and completely reverse anything that has already occurred between the two of them. Ury tries to stop him, realizing that Kgo is baiting him into using it, but Ichigo fires his Getsuga anyway. For one, Ichigos powers are all fused together, they are one and the same. Wanting to go and save Rukia, Ury trains to better equip himself for the next time he battles a Shinigami. The Mysterious Power Within Ichigo! This bow is first used during his battle with the Arrancar Aisslinger Wernarr[219], and several of its special abilities were later used in his fight against Cirucci Sanderwicci. In this form, Ury is a melee strong attack character with the "Speed" Attribute, as well as the "Arrancar Killer" and "No Affiliation Killer" abilities who has a chance to inflict Weaken and Drain with every attack; he is also the first character to utilize the Gauge Effect, where every attack he performs fills up a gauge and a Strong Attack performed when it is full will empty it and grant him additional skills for a fixed period of time. [90] The group is then attacked by a sand-based Hollow, Runuganga. Although at one point of the, With a GPA of 3.3, Quincy University accepts below-average students. Ichigo, Ury, Sado, and Orihime confront the Hollows. They explain that they restored Ichigo's powers, not only as thanks for his past services, but also to deal with the original Substitute Shinigami turned traitor; Kgo himself. First Appearance Promotional art of Ury wearing his Sternritter outfit and wielding the final version of his Heilig Bogen. Uryu Ishida appeared to turn traitor at first, but from within the ranks of the Sternritter, he helped Ichigo engineer the downfall of the Wandenreich. Ury prepares to shoot the Hollow, only for it to be swiftly killed by Ichigo as he arrives at the scene.[29]. No, think of the Quincy abilities as divided into two parts: The basic abilities such as reishi absorption, blut (vene, arterie, etc), hirenkyaku, vollstandig, and so on The Schrifts, which are given through Yhwach's blood. Ury moves between his friends and Yhwach. What Gpa Do You Need To Get Into Quincy College? Epithet [28], Ury then encounters Rukia and Kon after Kon rescues Rukia from a weak Hollow. Namely, Ichigo is a unique blend of powers and abilities in Bleach and this article is going to serve as an introduction to his powers and abilities, as we are going to explain to you whether Ichigo is a Quincy, a Hollow, or a Soul Reaper in Bleach. [51] Ury watches Ichigo's fight against Jidanb, and is surprised when the latter is defeated. After Ichigo asks Rukia which way the Hollow is, Ury mocks him for not being able to sense something as simple as that, and tells him he should not even call himself a Shinigami. She tells him that behind her Lieutenant insignia, there is a hidden antidote. It attracts them when the flat, round tablet is crushed and scattered. Known as an Echt Quincy, Masaski passed on her powers to Ichigo as well. He then spots Ichigo again as Ichigo performs a Soul Burial on the Plus. [92] As Ury goes through Las Noches, he is attacked by Cirucci Sanderwicci. This is also the reason why Yhwach wanted to take Ichigo with him to Wandenreich and brainwash him into . Ury explains that the issue is not that he does not have faith in Yoruichi's abilities, but that he has to train alone. As the palace begins to crumble, Ury moves between Yhwach and his friends, whom he tells to not move if they do not want to be shot. [112] They arrive just in time to see Ulquiorra send a point blank Cero Oscuras through Ichigo's chest, seemingly killing him. Ichigo states his own reluctance to work with Ury, and asks him if he will cooperate. He has straight, chin-length black[8] hair framing both sides of his face, and is fair-skinned with blue eyes. For example, if Ury were to be greatly injured while fighting an opponent, he could reverse what occurred between himself and his enemy, simultaneously healing himself while grievously wounding his opponent. Anime Ury then tells Ichigo to go off and finish Yhwach, but gets crestfallen as Yhwach quickly recovers from the attack and regains his powers. Kneeling down next to her, Ury finds it and tells her to drink first. After all, Bleach ended with Ichigo married to Inoue Orihime while Rukia married Renji Abarai. He rushes to get Orihime away as the 12th Division members are blown up by Mayuri Kurotsuchi, who tries to capture Ury and Orihime by using his own squad members as bombs.[65]. High School Level, Doctorate [140] After Akon informs Rynosuke of Chjir Sasakibe's death, he remarks that the Soul Society probably gave Rynosuke that information to let Ichigo know what's happening. In school, Ury wears the respective school uniform along with a tie. [104] He reveals that during their time at Soul Society, he planted bacteria upon Ury's person to monitor his action, much to Ury's chagrin. Like his weapon style, Ury's bare-handed style is more about precise strikes than brute force. Haschwalth expresses his surprise at the change in Ury's demeanor, and Ury smugly remarks that Haschwalth failed to foresee this change and that he has yet to fully grasp The Almighty's power. [168] Ury later senses that Ichigo has confronted Yhwach up in the throne room. Ury and Orihime answer that they are from the 11th Division, but Aramaki, unable to recognize them, checks Orihime's uniform. He recalls the last Quincy he researched, who kept on calling out the name of his student, and shows Ury a photograph, which depicts his own grandfather. The stranger disappears instantly due to a strange light. He again mocks Ichigo's ignorance, and, grabbing hold of Ichigo's Reiraku, points out that the Reiraku of Shinigami are colored red. He does find out that Isshin was no wait, he is a shinigami just Exiled, in Episode 296 (anime, Fake Karakura Town Arc Part 2) and Chapter 397,398 (manga) and the Quincy is Uryu Ishida and his dad . Ury asks if Yhwach predicted the captains recovering their Bankai, which Yhwach confirms. Uryu Ishida is a human with high level spiritual powers called a Quincy. Derek Stephen Prince He then opens the box he had brought, which contained the Sanrei Glove. [49], Ury questions who the large guardian is, which Yoruichi answers. [87][88][89], They encounter a childlike Arrancar named Nel Tu accompanied by Dondochakka Birstanne, Pesche Guatiche, and their pet Bawabawa, who decide to join them. Ury, being questioned by Haschwalth regarding his intentions, states that he doesn't need to tell him about what he's going to ask Yhwach. However, Ury declines her offer. Ichigo asks him what he is, and Ury introduces himself, stating that he is a Quincy and that he hates Shinigami. When Yammy tries to retaliate, a landmine Ury uses (which was developed by Mayuri, specifically designed for Arrancar) explodes, heavily injuring him. Upon completing the necessary week of endurance training wearing the glove, his power drastically increased. As a cover, he tells the teacher he is on the way to the nurse's office. Ury Ishida ( , Ishida Ury) is a Gemischt Quincy residing in Karakura Town. Ichigo tells him not to overdo it, as he will lose his arm. However, Haschwalth reveals that he destroyed the one leading to the human world due to knowing what Ury was planning. However, there is some evidence pointing to Uryu only faking his betrayal: Yhwach acknowledged such a . Personal Status Orihime complies and leaves the room along with Ichigo and Ryken. Ury tells Ichigo to move before Haschwalth notices, but Haschwalth steps forward, reminding Ury that he knew what the Quincy was going to do. Ichigo repels the attack, injuring the Menos in the process. Disappointed by Ury's weakness, Ryken offers to restore his Quincy powers, on the condition that Ury never associate with Shinigami again. Zanka no Tachi. He then asks Mayuri if he is okay, as his Zanpakut was broken, to which Mayuri responds that it is a suitable punishment for defying its master. [71], Ury is healed by the 4th Division and placed in a holding cell with Ganju Shiba and Chad. Admitting that he has tried to remain calm and weigh his actions on scales up until this point, Ury states that he cannot help but follow Ichigo's lead because he will help someone without question, which he notes is also true for Orihime, Sado, Renji, and Rukia. His theme song, as chosen by Tite Kubo, is ", Ury was voted the 3rd most popular character in the. Ury comments on their current location being safe, which prompts Kon to question him, saying that it is because of Ury starting the fight that the town is danger. Situation Reversal However, he is interrupted by Haschwalth before he can enter. Tsukishima cuts down Ury while Kgo cuts down Ichigo. Ury chases after him, noting that the stranger is fast and is using speed beyond that of a Human. ago Welcome to the Bleach Subreddit! Uryu Ishida and his Schrift. Does Uryu know Ichigos a Quincy, if so how do you think hed react if he found out that Ichigos Quincy powers are sentient. Haschwalth brings out little objects that Ury scattered around Wahrwelt, which Ury denies knowing about. Ury quietly mutters an apology to Orihime, stating that his training cannot be seen by anyone. [17] This is one of the reasons why he hates the Shinigami, who did not come to rescue Sken in time.[17]. does uryu know ichigo is a quincy. Having not said either, he assumed that Soul Society did not know either. Ury then uses his Quincy bow, Kojaku, and fires an arrow from it, killing the Hollow. Ichigo tells him that is good enough. Even though it is really an arrow, and his main prowess lies in archery and Quincy techniques, it is clear that Ury has some ability with the sword. November 6[1] He is very powerful, and he does not know about you. He is very chivalrous, stating that he enacts justice on men who abuse or treat women badly, leading him to attempt to defend Rukia Kuchiki from Renji Abarai when he and Byakuya Kuchiki came to the Human World to arrest her, and protects Orihime Inoue during their time in Soul Society. [10], Ury is generally quiet and solitary, but tries harder to act cool when other people are around. Was Ichigo's Mom a Real Quincy in Bleach TYBW? Surmising that it must be because Ury possesses something which surpasses his own power, Yhwach states that he shouldn't over-analyze things and instead just follow his lead.[148]. [56] Their training goes relatively well, with Ury successfully forming an ellipsoid sphere.[57]. [156] After arriving, Ury watches as Haschwalth summons several Soldat to invade, and is later engulfed by Tenjir Kirinji's hot spring water.[157]. [37], With Ichigo's Zanpakut tied to his head, Ury instructs a dubious Ichigo to increase his power to its maximum so Ury can shoot an extremely large arrow at the Menos Grande. Does Uryu Betray Yhwach and the Quincies? Does URYU know Ichigo is a Quincy? Ichigo tells him to clean his glasses, as he thinks the possibility of it is unlikely, but it is not something Ichigo needs to know.[134]. The pair agree to beat each other up after the Hollows have been dealt with, but as they are about to attack the horde of Hollows, a Menos Grande rips apart the sky. He immediately runs off to save his family, missing what Ury tries to tell him as he leaves. Ury tells Ichigo to take his friends into the human world as he will stay behind and take down Wahrwelt himself, as once he activates the chips he had left throughout the citadel, the accumulated Reishi would be sure to destroy it. This eventually culminates in Uryu attempting to kill Yhwach using Reiatsu devices that could build up energy before destroying everything around. Its OK to be a B-average student, with some As mixed in. As Ury's power grows, so does his cross. Video Game How Long Is Amtrak From Quincy To Chicago? [202], Spiritual Awareness: As a Quincy, Ury can sense Hollows at a significant distance. [77], After Aizen escapes to Hueco Mundo, Ury, Chad, Ichigo, and Orihime depart for the Human World. Ichigo is confused by this statement, and Ury tells him that he hates him for being a Shinigami. Ginrei Kojaku (, Arc Sparrow of the Silver Peak; Viz "Lone Sparrow on a Silver Cliff"): After Ury regains his powers with the aid of his father; he uses this new Quincy cross, this one resembling a pentacle, and a variant of his original bow. Ury insists that he is not cooperating, but that he simply had to kill it, or else he would have been killed. Ury tells him to make sure that he lives so that he can beat him later. [120], Sometime after the White Invasion, Ichigo Kurosaki asks him why he was not at a more prestigious school, as he figured that the son of a doctor would want to become a doctor himself. When Ichigo attempts to attack Yhwach, Ury fires another Heilig Pfeil at him, distracting him long enough for Yhwach to rip Mimihagi off of the Soul King. Bleach was one of the big three of its era, and will return in October 2022 with the animes Thousand-Year Blood War story arc. He says he needs to apologize to Ichigo, saying that when they returned from Soul Society and Ichigo received his substitute badge, he had assumed there were others before Ichigo. Ury replies that he was not planning anything, and tries to explain the situation to Ichigo. 2001 Ury tells Ryken to be quiet, and asks Orihime to go home. [60], Ury and Orihime decide to sneak around to avoid detection. This new bow allows Ury to fire several shots simultaneously. Ury's special is, When Uryu was training with his father, he wasn't shown to be as injured in the anime. Soon afterward, while Yhwach is fighting Ichib Hysube, Ury listens as Haschwalth explains Yhwach's The Almighty to him. [109] Elsewhere, Ury saves Loly Aivirrne by shooting her onto the side of the tower.[110]. Meanwhile, his Arena Traits are "Strong Attack Damage +13%" and "Strong Attack Recharge Time -7%", while his Arena Abilities other than "All Stats +5%" are "All Stats +10%" at level 1, "Poise" at level 2, "Start Power-Up Item +2" at level 5, and "Increased Special Move Uses +1" at level 10. Uryu believed his family to be the last of the Quincy, with himself as likely the final Quincy to be born. That day, he decided he would never become a doctor. Ichigo points out that his sensei's wish was to work together, not to prove the Quincy's strength, and asks if he will do that now, saying that fighting back-to-back is the best way to deal with the situation. His unlockable skills are "Gauge Effect Strong Attack Recharge 30%", "Party Speed Attribute Character Strong Attack Damage +20%", "Berserker +20%", "Bruiser +20%", "Debilitator +5 secs. It is referred to as the Final Getsuga Tensh due to the fact that, once used, Ichigo loses all of his Shinigami powers. Ichigo infiltrated the Soul Society to save Rukia's life, and before long, he did the same thing in the harsh desert of Hueco Mundo retrieve Orihime from the grip of the traitor Sosuke Aizen. At the very least, the Quincy leader Yhwach is cruel and violent towards his own subordinates in a way that the Soul Society isn't, so Uryu may be better off staying away from Bleach 's Quincy Wandenreich. Episode 7 [126], Ury is taken to Karakura Hospital, where he is operated on by his father. Ury uses it to summon Hollows to Karakura Town during his duel with Ichigo Kurosaki. When a street gang came to Karakura High School to cause trouble, Ury calmly approached them, and showed his skill by easily subduing them (albeit with some assistance from Ichigo). He thought that if the previous one was alive, they would have told him, and if he was dead, they would say why.