OF FAITH AND SALVATIONWe believe that faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the only condition of salvation (Acts 16: 31, Eph. 6: 3, Psa. William Hughes was born and raised in Liverpool, England, where he was converted and where he also pastored his first church. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior at the age of 10 at his home church, Resurrection Baptist Church. Baptist Pastor Jim Standridge Not Sorry - Business Insider The apprenticeship further fueled Rev. We aim to reproduce godly leadership that can provide stable direction to the Body and equip it for ministry wherever God may lead them. About Us - Immanuel Baptist Church Sunday School 9:30 am. 10: 10-14, John 17: 17, 2 Cor. Whether it is enjoying a walk in Warrenville Grove, helping at the Summer Daze celebration, enjoying the resources of the Warrenville library, or delivering meals to seniors, they have enjoyed being able to raise their children in such a great community. Emmanuel Baptist Church - Church in Toledo, Ohio (www.ebcconnects.com) He is a graduate of Morehouse College (B.A. We provide you with a loving community so that you can grow in Christ through all of lifes ups and downs. Our Church Emmanuel Baptist Church February 19, 2023 Preacher : Dr. Paul Jones. The two church ordinances of baptism and Lords Supper.They were ordained by Christ, observed by the churches of Acts, and organized as symbols in the Epistles (Acts 2: 41-42, 1 Cor. 0:57. 11: 23-34).6. We stand for the Deity (Godship) and Blood Atonement of Jesus Christ (Isa. Dr. Charles J. Southall, pastor for First Emanuel Baptist Church They are excited to see what God might do next! We helped Ralph & Karen Boersma plant a sister church, Abundant Life Baptist 2001-2002The Church metit's goal of retiring the $225,000 Church mortgage eleven months early. Everything we do and every opportunity we provide at Emmanuel has the goal of teaching you that you are rescued while helping you live out your new purpose found in Jesus Christ. For most of the 20 years that he served in the U.S. Air Force he was actively involved in church-based preaching and teaching ministries in the U.S. and overseas. 19: 11-21, 20: 1-6).New Testament Distinctives of a Baptist Church1. Home - Emmanuel Baptist Church Pastor Gray attended Texas Baptist College and graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Christian . I am happy to introduce to you the Emmanuel Baptist Church family. 1:20)WHAT IS EXPECTED OF YOU AS A MEMBER OF EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH: WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT AS A MEMBER OF EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH: Galatians 6:2 - Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. We hold that the local church has the absolute right of self-government, free from the interference of any hierarchy of individuals or organizations; that the one and only superintendent is Christ through the Holy Spirit; that it is scriptural for true churches to cooperate with each other in contending for the faith and for the furtherance of the gospel; that each local church is the sole judge of the measure and the method of its cooperation; and that on all matters of membership, of polity, of government, of discipline, of benevolence, the will of the local church is final (Eph. That you accept fellow-members as they are in their growing walk with the Lord, praying for them, purposing to work together with them, and considering them as "family" who God is endeavoring to fashion after His image. Reverend Nichols graduated from the renowned Duke Ellington School of the Arts and furthered his studies at Howard University School of Fine Arts, and George Washington University. 11: 23-34).6. The first phase multi-purpose building was built in 1982.Pastor Dale Williams was called to church inMarch 1989.Emmanuelgraduated from Missions status to Self-support status in April 1989.The Church completed construction of a parsonagein September 1990.The Church completed the construction of a new Sanctuary/Classroom/Officefacility in 1994. 7: 25, 1 John 2: 1).C. 13: 1-7, 2 Sam. All of us need help at different times in our lives, and we believe that Gods Word can provide hope and help for you through all of lifes problems! He has a passion for missions, expository preaching and a love for Christ's Church. In the following weeks, PJ strove to learn and do Gods will in his life. The sovereignty of the local church.Each church is independent and governed by the people (Acts 2: 42).7. We aim to communicate Gods Word in a complete and balanced manner, and to defend truth and the Body against error. "According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death." Under the watchful eye and tutelage of Reverend Dr. Andrew Fowler and Reverend Lewis, Reverend Nichols was ordained into the Gospel Ministry on May 27, 1995. Joey was privileged as a child to attend the Calvary Baptist Church in Richmond, where he was saved and baptized at age 16 under the preaching of his grandfather, Raymond B. Kays, who pastored the church for 43 . The family also had their fifth child. The authority of the Scriptures alone for faith and practice.We are to organize and operate our churches according to the Word of God and not by traditions or man-made creeds (2 Tim. Experience Our Church. William Hughes Sermons | SermonAudio Over the years, he soon realized that the music ministry was not a substitute for the calling on his life. OF BAPTISM AND THE LORDS SUPPERWe believe that there are two church ordinances; Baptism and the Lords Supper and that the participants are believers. 3:24-25, 5:8-9; Col. 1:12-14, 19-22), 3. An evangelism program that will enable you to engage yourself in fulfilling the Great Commission (Matt. Since then the church has been blessed with many souls saved under the leadership of Pastor Bixler. 12: 1-2, 2 Cor. Trufant interned under the Rev. Steven W. Smith is a fourth generation pastor and presently serves as the Senior Pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock, Arkansas. Peter Demytrk named Emmanuel's Volunteer of the Year December 19, 2022. 3: 6,14, Rom. Reverend Charles Roy Jones was the founding pastor. Our Junior High & Senior program is called "Cross-Bearers", and itruns year round, except for holidays. OF THE DEVIL, OR SATANWe believe in the personality of Satan, that he is the unholy god of this age, and the ruler of all the powers of darkness, and is destined to the judgment of an eternal justice in the lake of fire (Matt. The Word of God leads our every purpose and practice. On January 6, 1961, the congregation voted to rent Elmhurt School from February 1, 1961, until the new church was finished. in 1986. He is a graduate of Valdosta State University. Pastor Bio - Emmanuel Baptist Church Salvation is a free gift of God. He holds a certificate in Conflict Resolution Mediation, and he is an executive coach with the John Maxwell Team. 20: 14-15).19. ebcroebuck@att.net . Houston, Texas Area. Immanual Baptist Church Announces New Pastor | News, Sports, Jobs 3:18, 1 Cor. 23: 3, Exod. 2021 CHURCH THEME: WE HAVE COME THIS FAR BY FAITH, 8301 South Damien Avenue A place where you can know the Word of God will be taught and preached, in a literal approach, providing an opportunity for friends and family to hear of and trust Christ as Savior, as well as creating a means whereby believers may "grow in grace" and "go on unto maturity in Christ.". 11: Easter Literature Distribution 10 AM / Camp Reps Meeting 1 PM, Sun., Mar. He accepted the call to preach the Gospel and on Wednesday, May 27, 1992 he delivered his initial sermon and was licensed to preach at the Resurrection Baptist Church, Rev. Emmanuel Baptist Church All rights reserved. Forgotten Password: Cancel: Emmanuel is a contemporary Baptist church filled with people who recognize their brokenness and need of Jesus Christ on a daily basis. . Sunday Morning Service. Emmanuel Baptist Church Berea, KY - Home He has been involved in missions for many years with an emphasis in Chiapas Mexico. 2:1, Col. 2: 13).9. Before becoming pastor, he served as the youth pastor during which time he established the annual National Teen Convention. Whether you want to be a part of our prayer group, or you are involved in one of the many ministries at Emmanuel Baptist Church, messaging groups keep you connected. Feel free to join us online by checking out a recent sermon preached at our church. - Thomas Baber, Senior Pastor. School Staff Meeting 5:30 PM, Fri., Mar. This project was financed by a bond drive, and it was completed in 1983. He quickly responded and received the Lord that day. A Lifting . 18: 15-17, Rom. Click on Sermon and Lesson Lesson link . On February 25, 1976, the church voted to purchase property in the 4600 block of Laskey Road for a new high school building. Trufant has apprenticed under Rev. January 2003An annual four-phase Neighborhood outreach ministry was launched in the spring of 2005Our Church reached a total of 16 supported missionaries in the United States and around the world in 2006. Ebenezer Baptist Church Fifth Ward. Studying youth ministries at Crown College in Knoxville, Tennessee, prepared Bro. We stand against Worldliness, Situation Ethics, and the prevalent permissiveness and Moral Decline (Prov. OF THE SCRIPTUREWe believe that the Holy Bible as originally written was verbally and plenarily inspired and is the product of Spirit-controlled men, and therefore is truth without any admixture of error for its matter. 4: Deacons Meeting 8 AM / Church Workday 9 AM to Noon, Wed., Mar. 22: 21, Acts 5: 29, Acts 4: 19-20, Dan. Opportunity to have an active voice in church decision making. 18: 11, Phil. ), and Seton Hall University (M.A). Come Worship With Us! God, the SonWe believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man, without ceasing to be God, having been supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, in order that He might reveal God and redeem man (John 1: 14).We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished our redemption through His death on the cross as a representative, vicarious, substitutionary sacrifice; and that our justification is made sure by His literal, physical resurrection from the dead (1 Pet. We pray that when you walk through our doors, you will see and feel the love that Christ has for you. 54: 4-7, 1 John 4: 10, 1 Cor 15: 3, 2 Cor 5:21).ARTICLES OF FAITH8. Pastor Bob Gray II was called to be the pastor on December 17, 2008. Bible Study, Teen & Kids' Groups Wednesdays at 7 PM, 384 Gordon Hwy, Milledgeville, GA 31061478.453.4225. At Emmanuel Baptist Church. Home | Emmanuel Baptist Church In March of 2016, he competed a Masters of Arts in Strategic Leadership and Communication and a certificate in Strategic Leadership, Communication, Diversity, and Globalization, both at Seton Hall University. PASTOR & TEACHER Rev. Dr. Jumper is currently Professor of Evangelism and Missions as well as Academic Dean at the Baptist College of Florida in Graceville, FL. Discover authentic relationships by connecting with a group this Sunday at 6 PM. Dale has served on the board of the Chicago Area Church Planters, Inc.since 1997. 2: 7, Heb. In February 1991, the Emmanuel Baptist Church asked David Bixler to become its Pastor. During the summer months there is a Children's Prayer Circle that runs during the regular prayer meeting from 7:00 8:00 p.m. He has been heavily involved in running the youth program. We are a group of believers that desire to worship the Lord and be a blessing to our community in seeing others come to faith in Christ as their Savior and to grow closer to Him and together as we go through our journey of life. The preacher from Immanuel Baptist Church in Skiatook, Oklahoma, for 24 years, stepped down from his pulpit into the seated congregation on May 19 to call out one member for dozing off. derrick@ebcnewington.com. No man or woman can force their beliefs on another person or church without being contrary to Gods Word (Acts 5: 29, Rom. "THERE ARE SOME THINGS GOD WANTS YOU TO KNOW so that you will qualify for heaven (For "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven." ABOUT EMMANUEL. Pastor Emeritus, Rev. . He now resides in England and continues to have an active preaching ministry. proclaim liberty to the captives, and to open the prison to them that are bound; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. Before coming to serve as a staff pastor at IBC in 2003, Rob served as a pastor in Northern Ireland from 1992-2003. Ben Seewald - 1 John 3:8 - Jesus the Destroyer "The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil." 1 Jn 3:8b Sermon delivered at Immanuel Baptist Church in Springdale, AR on December 25, 2022. Promt pastoral care in times of hospitalization. It is our desire to be a blessing to Warrenville and surrounding area. The church started as a mission, holding prayer services in a rented house in the 1300 block of Excelsior Street. 3:16, Col. 2: 12, 1 Cor. CONTACT (336) 788-7023 ebcoffice8@gmail.com. 7: 14, Matt. The Bixlers have four precious daughters - Katelyn, Morgan, Reagyn, and Gracyn. 9:6, Jno. Immanuel Baptist Church celebrates Pastor Greg Neal and his ten years of unwavering leadership in January 2023. Emmanuel is an Old-fashioned Bible preaching church standing on the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Revolutionary Love Lesson #7: We Are More Than Conquerors Part 2. EBC Updates: Looking Ahead - Emmanuel Baptist Church Last Thursday, the Rev. Dr. Charles E. Booth of Mt. Since November of 1990, Anthony L. Trufant has served as the Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church of Brooklyn, NY. Despite this, the Lord was gracious to bless PJ with a wonderful wife, Missy,and a child. About Us @ the "E" - At the "E" - Emmanuel Baptist Church 14: 5).3. Church in Flint, MI | WeAreEmmanuel.Life God, the FatherWe believe in God the Father, perfect in holiness, infinite in wisdom, and measureless in power. Copyright 2018 - 2023 Emmanuel Baptist Church, "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth", 3S465 Briggs StNaperville, IL 60563-9686, US, REALIZE THERE IS A PRICE FOR SIN (Rom. Revolutionary Love Lesson #8: We Are More Than Conquerors Part 3. Sermon delivered at Immanuel Baptist Church in Springdale, AR on January 1, 2023. Pastor Bixler's focus in his ministry has been the Family. Dr. Moore is the first female to serve as a Senior Pastor in the Gaston County Baptist Association. Emmanuel Baptist Church's impact is not reserved to the area in which it resides. The best way to experience EmmanuelBaptist is by visiting us for one of our weekly services. 24: 27-51, 25: 31-46, Jude 14-15, Rev. 22: Ladies Bible Study 1 PM / Kids Clubs (Stuffed Animal Night) & Crossbearers 6:30 PM /Prayer Meeting 7:20 PM, Thur., Mar. ), Colgate Rochester Divinity School (M.Div. In the fall of 2019, he accepted the offer to come and serve under Pastor Joel Eastwood at Emmanuel Baptist Church as an intern with focused training on preparing for pastoral ministry. James has fulfilled many responsibilities over the years including maintenance work, athletic director basketball coach, as well as soccer coach. 6: 3-5, Matt. Adults Youth Kids 4 Truth Small Groups Recommended Resources Media. 18: Easter Literature Distribution 10 AM, Wed., Mar. 25: Mens Breakfast 8 AM / Easter Literature Distribution 10 AM, Sun., Mar. Immanuel Baptist Church - About Our Pastor - IBCLR Since November of 1990, Anthony L. Trufant has served as the Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church of Brooklyn, NY. 2: 4, 2 Cor. 2: 8-10, John 3: 16-18).12. Rev. 4207 W. Laskey Road, Toledo, Ohio | (419)-473-3280. Trufant was pastor of the Church of Christian Compassion in West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Emmanuel in Action. Wed encourage you to join us as this will be a powerful, challenging, and life-changing opportunity to follow the teaching of Jesus for you and your family. January 01, 2023. info@theemmanuelchurch.com From infants to high school, our church At Emmanuel Baptist, we believe the Bible, we strive to follow Jesus, and we love one another. James serves as the Assistant Pastor, which includes a large array of responsibilities including youth director, bus director, visitation director, preaching in nursing homes, and discipling some in prisons. Internship Opportunities. PJ took advantage of every opportunity to be involved in ministry. 6: 11-7: 1, 2 Tim. 3: 24-25, John 3: 16, Matt. Designed By Bebaios Solutions, Inc. He was saved at the age of nine but never really sold out to the Lord until marrying Debra Ulmer, to whom hes been married since 1975. Emmanuel Baptist Church. He has served as Youth Minister at Emmanuel since 1998 and has served with American Baptist Churches of the South (ABCOTS) on mission journeys in South Africa and Kenya. The authority of the Scriptures alone for faith and practice.We are to organize and operate our churches according to the Word of God and not by traditions or man-made creeds (2 Tim. 20:14), ACKNOWLEDGE JESUS DIED TO PAY THE PRICE OF SIN FOR YOU (Rom. ), and Seton Hall University (M.A).He has completed coursework towards a doctorate in Pastoral Counseling at Hebrew Union College of New York City. CONTACT US Get in touch with us! That's why we offer Free Counseling on Thursday nights for our community. L. K. Curry. Phone: 301-490-5149 Email: ebc.laurel@verizon.net Leadership - Emmanuel Baptist Church Meet Our Staff Emmanuel Baptist Church