Removed the unique leader for the Ma Clique puppeted by Manchu-led Qing. Fixed an unintended consequence of the Left Kuomintang turning Totalist too quickly. Integration through compliance is now based on controlled states, and no longer grants cores on all core states of the target country. Mongolia can no longer demand the Transsiberian from Russia. PBC can now use the Bolivia decision to join the war in the southern cone. Fixed the Association of Muslim Nations not disbanding correctly when the Ottoman Empire dies. Fixed puppeted appropriate countries being excluded from the Mitteleuropa Ostwall system. Hearts of Iron 4 cheats - a guide to the best console commands Fixed Kenya losing the Mittelafrika state modifier due to a revolt. Fixed the Netherlands losing their claim on Suriname if restored by the Dutch East Indies. Removed the game rule options for custom faction joining, for performance purposes, as the AI calculated performing these options daily, even when the game rule was turned off. The effects of the Halifax Conference are now removed once Germany capitulates. If Qing supported Nanjing, then Lijen will now join the Left Kuomintang, should it still exist. NatPop Italian Republic can no longer join the Reichspakt, even after Austria has been beaten. Fengtian can no longer integrate Anqing outside of the latter's mechanics. MarLib Liangguang can now join the Co-Prosperity Sphere. Fixed generals not correctly transferring to Brazil. Fixed the Brazilian ship namelist causing a crash to desktop. Fixed countries not being entirely annexed in peace conferences. Fixed Portugal not being able to progress down its focus tree if Mittelafrika collapses. Added four new Deutschland class interwar Battleships to Germanys starting navy. Cut the Every King a Turn focus in Scandinavia for now as it has been causing unwanted results. Fixed Legionnaire Italys Purge Opposition national focus having no effect when other party popularity is too low. Optimized Centroamericas faction decisions. SOV's admirals are now exiled in Britain. Added an option to give Bucovina to Transylvania. Fixed Roussillon not being retained when releasing France. Fixed the Sichuan Combat Smuggling decision being removed incorrectly. Fixed Mittelafrikas Restore British Self Rule national focus not releasing the Gold Coast. Fixed the Chinese Federalist ultimatums ending the Lianguang / Sichuan ally wars. Swedish SocDems can no longer cut welfare. Added Tang Shizun and Guo Xunqi to Sichuan, as generals aligned with Liu Xiang (though the latter will defect alongside Pan Wenhua to the Officer Department). Clarified the role of Women Auxiliaries in the Union of Britain. Scandinavia now has a World News Event if it forms. Fixed missing AI factors of Peru decisions. Fixed Haiti getting docking rights from Germany, instead of the other way around. In the American Union State, Pelley can no longer get the generals of the other participants of the civil war, even if pardoned - they'll refuse to serve him. Fixed Iceland trading with countries it's at war with. Pablo Gonzlez Garza now becomes a Field Marshal for Mexico after he seizes power. Other members of the Moscow Accord are now notified about the Academy of Sciences being formed. Finland is no longer denied access into the Scandinavian Defense Union or Nordic Federation if it requests it. Upon a pro-Japanese coup, all Chinese national governments will be prompted to declare war on the Fengtian Government. Fixed the borked Patagonian national spirit triggers. This includes updating the railroad and supply hub locations, changes to army, air and naval experience generation and doctrine research, and implementing the new scripting features for modders that Paradox have added to the game. German East Asias fleet will be transferred to Germany if the latter signs a peace treaty with Japan. Tweaked Albania's provinces to more accurately reflect its 1914 borders. Fixed the Russian socialists attacking Germany not triggering the Second Weltkrieg events. Belgium now loses cores on occupied French land that they hand over to the French Republic. The Persia annexation event will now explicitly state when the Ottomans annex western Persia. Simplified a check for the American Union State. Expanded Switzerlands national populist path, The Kaiser Wilhelm society now exists at game start, Germany is no longer locked out of the Walloon annexation event. Fixed Dutch East Indies Exile decisions being blocked for AI. Removed the starting weapons stockpile from most countries. Fixed the United Baltic Duchy being able to recruit the land marshal manually. Libya now starts on Limited Conscription. Werner Kempf is no longer available as a Chief of Army for socialist White Ruthenia. Ottoman templates are no longer inherited by Armenia, Iraq and Syria. Bet you didnt see this one coming? The generic Solidify Control / Raise Public Support decisions available to all countries now give a flat party popularity bonus of 10%, instead of a daily increase. Fixed New Zealands republican flag being applied to the wrong country. Effects/create faction | Hoi4 modding Wiki | Fandom Increased the AI weight for upgrading their mobilisation laws. Updated the icons for several Mittelafrikan national foci and national spirits. Isolationist Yunnan under Tang Jiyao gets 5% consumer good upkeep taken away and gets +5 max entrenchment instead in its national spirit. Added a claim on Tarija to NatPop Argentina in the Fate of Bolivia event. Only Qajar Persia can now claim all of Iraq. Ottomans will no longer get their stalemate breaking idea when up against a player. Fixed Azerbaijan losing its German guarantee upon joining the Istanbul Pact during the Ottoman War with Persia and the Cairo Pact. Mittelafrika now releases the Gold Coast when releasing the British colonies. Roosevelt and Willkie can no longer be chosen in the 1940 USA primaries if they led the PSA. The French Republic's splinters now peace out with the Entente if The French Republic capitulates. Fixed Lithuania being couped by its own allies. Once open, type set_ruling_party X. Galicia now unites with Reichspakt Poland, if it wins against Austria in the Military Occupation path. Yunnan now gets its claims on Siam when the latter peaces out. Sweden is now comparatively less likely to go down the military rule / PatAut path, and more likely to go down the Socialist path. Bulgarian PatAuts can now also be invited by Germany into the Reichspakt should Germany be losing, but are less likely to accept than other governments, other than AuthDem republicans. Adapted the Italian Libya events to account for Tripolitania. KMT Yunnan can no longer use the generic Form China decision. Russian tags can no longer release themselves. Fixed Sweden-Norway not getting claims on Norway in the annexation event. Added a party description to the Russian socialist parties. The following codes are useful to manipulate your game: Events To trigger an event, open the console, type "event " and then follow it up with the respective event code.Event For additional commands not specific to Millennium Dawn, check out the Hearts of Iron 4 Official Wiki's Console commands page. Added a La Resistance-only decision to recruit a Head of Intelligence, which provides an additional operative slot (to make up for the fact that you cant recruit an advisor to do the same, as in vanilla). Japans AutDem Government of National Unity now actually forms a coalition with the SocCons and MarLibs. Updated the flag render for Bosnia and the South German Federation. Fixed the Political Loyalty Army Spirit using the party popularity stability modifier. Added a peace conference rule so Russia will tend to stay out of Western Europe, Added world tension for the collapse of the LEP and Germany, as well as one for the Sino-Japanese war, Slightly reduced the Black Monday nerfs for Germany. South Africa's armoured production bonus now applies to heavy tanks as well. Fixed Indochina rising up after already being beaten by Dutch East Indies. Japan can no longer move to a war economy while at peace. Fixed Germany not getting cores on Austria after integrating them. Fixed Spain not losing its cosmetic tags upon being puppeted. Adjusted the Portuguese exile events to account for the possibility they may have nowhere to run. Adjustments to gameplay and balance will be ongoing, taking into account player feedback. Fixed Albania not peacing out with the Ottomans in the 4BW, after peacing out with the Belgrade Pact and losing Northern Epirus. Fixed Romanias Factions of the Legion decisions missing AI factors. Its time for Beta 0.12! Merged the exonym/endonym renames, and news event toggles, into a single user interface, located where the old exonym/endonym button was placed.. Rebalanced the AIs default unit templates. Ukraine is now always SocCon when released by Russia. Fixed the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth not getting the Galician states upon purchasing them, if Austria federalised. Fixed Yasin Al Hashimi staying in Turkey and not going to Iraq. The ingame descriptions for Syndicalism and Totalism have been rewritten to more accurately represent both ideologies. Fixed Hans Vogel's death event not firing for Germany. Mittelafrika no longer starts with claims on its formerly British Mandates. Fixed the collapse of Mittelafrika not cancelling the relevant national focuses. The upper caps have been completely removed. Fixed Albert and Leopold of Belgium having no portraits. Expanded possible targets of Cuban national focus Regional Diplomacy. The participants of the American Civil War now keep a cavalry template after the war. Fixed a Canadian, Australasian and South Africa effect actually making generals worse instead of improving them. Fixed Syria potentially losing its starting ideas due to a delayed Egypt event. Tweaked the starting divisions for the United States of America. Slightly restructured the Finnish national focus tree. Indian minors will not join the Japanese economic sphere unless puppeted. Buffed an Irish-American Refugee national spirit. Isolationist countries can no longer send volunteers in the early game. Fengtian no longer gets events about Japan joining its wars if Japan has capitulated. The GER AI will no longer research naval/air doctrines while it still has the Victors of WW1 idea. Fixed Ramadan event not firing correctly for Libya. Qing no longer tries to sign a non-aggression pact with itself. New Armenia, Dutch East Indies, Insulindia, Japan, Persia icons. Removed possible exploit allowing Democratic Argentina to join a faction before dealing with the FOP. Fixed the Third Boer War triggering twice. Fixed Sichuan not being able to complete New Commercial Zones. Fixed the Siam coalition government mechanic. Simplified the German naval buildup national focus.