And as he came into the theater, the sun reflected off of this silver cloth. "And it came to pass that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church and taught much people. And so it has been completely excavated around there and partially restored, and it is a very interesting sight and an interesting study in Roman architecture and it gives us a little bit of the culture.Now according to Josephus, it was into this theater, which is an outdoor theater that Herod came, according to Josephus, with this fabulous robe made of silver cloth. "He went on his way rejoicing." This particular Herod was Herod Agrippa I. it is beautiful to see how the Lord thus, even in the history of that which was unprecedented and might seem to lie outside Christian wants, provides in His blessed word for the every day difficulties we have to prove in such a day of weakness as ours. Going back to verse Acts 12:5 . Where they really didn't know if it was reality or just some spiritual revelation. They felt in a measure, and justly, the tremendous deed that had been done. The angel had to do with providential circumstances, but the Spirit with that which directly deals with spiritual need and blessing. Copyright 2023 ec Estudio Integral. And I don't think the prayers of the church were the deciding factor, because as we noted, the prayers obviously were not prayers of faith.I believe the deciding factor was just the purpose of God, the sovereignty of God. And in the present case this requirement is the more reasonable from the circumstance that the Apostles uniformly identify themselves, as regards their Christian standing and hopes, with those to whom they write. so gross was his darkness even as to the general point of the chapter. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, NT Apostles: Acts 12:12 Thinking about that he came to (Acts of the Apostles Ac). We are told of another who also built for the Jews their synagogue. This I ask in Jesus name, AMEN. Note, Those make themselves an easy prey to Satan who make it their business to please men. He would direct attention to the fact, that the ordinary greeting of St. Paul, at the beginning of each epistle, is to the 'saints and faithful brethren' constituting the Church of such a place, fellow-heirs with himself of eternal life; and that throughout these compositions, the members of the Church are presumed to be in living union with Christ, reasonings and exhortations being addressed to them, the force of which cannot be supposed to be admitted, except by those who are led by the Spirit of God; in short, that the members of the Corinthian or the Ephesian Church are addressed as Christians; and a Christian is one who is in saving union with Christ.". (a) To call (name) by a supplementary (additional, alternative) name, (b) mid: To call upon, appeal to, address. TovbbEskvi fotzs Eskv szervezs, Volt szerencsm Tibi es Szandra fergeteges eskvjn rszt venni. This is the only apostles death that the New Testament recorded. Father, every ungodly power working against church growth be consumed by the fire of Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. It was no longer simply a cleaving to a God of goodness who could not deceive and would not disappoint the soul that hoped in His mercy, "but the conscious joy of knowing his sins all one, and himself distinctly put on the ground of accomplished redemption as a known present thing for his own soul in this world. How not to pray is prayer just for the sake of prayer. If you . WebActs 12 shows that Peter and James put God first in their lives, regardless of the punishment they might receive. He was made king by the Emperor Caligula, and was put in possession of all the territories formerly held by his uncle Philip and by Lysanias; viz. If you don't have faith, God's not going to answer your prayers. While the typical character of the Mosaic institution in general is recognised, it has not been sufficiently borne in mind that the Jewish nation itself in its external or political aspect, was a type, and nothing more, of the Christian Israel . But why would God permit it? Note what the Christians were doing. It was reserved for another of whom we shall read in the next chapter. All know that there were Jews waiting for the Saviour. I will not pretend to say that it cost him little, but am sure it would have been a heavy trial to many a man of God to leave that which was so bright, where He had wrought powerfully in using himself for His own glory. It was the Lord that had brought Philip, and it was His Spirit that bad taken him away; but it was He too who had given him and left him Jesus for ever. As little could there be a question as to the grace exercised toward him, though the manner was not after that of man. * The external authority is very decidedly for the singular against the plural. He began with vexing them only, or afflicting them, imprisoning them, fining them, spoiling their houses and goods, and other ways molesting them; but afterwards he proceeded to greater instances of cruelty. Legtbb ismersm s jmagam is egy ltszlag teljesen idegen szakterletrl rkeztnk. Rengeteg kivl tterem alkalmas a nagy nap lebonyoltsra. WebThe greatest sacrifice and act of submission is when we lay our agenda down and pick up Christs. the Jews did not believe in Him; but whosoever did, let him be Jew or Gentile, "shall receive remission of sins." Paul tells us in Galatians how he came to the church in Antioch, caused some trouble that Paul had to rebuke him for. The persecution of the Jerusalem church 12:1-24. In fact, it is thought by some that the upper room was actually in the house of Mary the mother of Mark. From this family history it may be seen that Herod Agrippa of this chapter was a direct descendant of the Maccabees through his mother Mariamne. Philip acts at once, with alacrity hears the eunuch read the prophet Isaiah, and puts the question whether he understood what was read. Sok felkrst kapok Gyr vrosbl, rendszerint eskv fnykpezs miatt, de szvesen fotzom ms tmban is. Ha szeretntek, ott vagyok, de ha nem, akkor szrevehetetlenl teszem a dolgom. No doubt their spiritual condition was defective, and their outward position must have seemed anomalous; but Scripture is decisive that such godly Gentiles there were. Though not at first fully aware of the great change which had taken place in their religious standing, still less of its ultimate consequences, the first believers at once formed a separate community in the bosom of the Jewish theocracy; a community having, for its distinctive marks, adherence to the twelve Apostles, baptism in the name of Christ, and the celebration of the Lord's Supper. Including the feminine he, and the neuter to in all their inflections; the definite article; the. All this confirms its having a Jewish aspect, regarded as a type, and was very natural in James and Peter, who had to do specially with the circumcision. And he killed James the brother of John with the sword ( Acts 12:2 ). Now about that time Herod the king laid hands on some who belonged to the church in order to mistreat them. But it would seem that special reasons operated at Samaria to make it necessary there. The two things are both brought us in the gospel life brought to light, and the peace preached that was made by the blood of the cross. Now, Herod Agrippa I forever enshrines his name in infamy as the one guilty of the blood of the first apostle to be martyred. . As far as God was concerned, it was James' time to come home; it wasn't Peter's time yet. But "as for Saul, he made havoc of the church, entering into every house, and dragging off men and women, committed them to prison." "In proportion to the apparent simplicity of the question, would be his surprise to hear it affirmed that he is mistaken, and that, in addressing a Christian society as a congregation of Christians, St. Paul merely regards it as a society of men professing the same faith, and participating outwardly in the same sacraments (it being immaterial to the idea whether they possess saving faith or not); a society invested with spiritual privileges, but not necessarily realizing those privileges, and that, consequently, we must lower the import of the terms, 'saints' and 'faithful in Christ Jesus,' to signify outwardly dedicated to God, and professing with the lips the doctrines of Christianity . The language of the inspired writers of the New Testament is the expression of that Christian experience, or conscious participation in the blessings vouchsafed through Christ, which the Holy Ghost had shed abroad in their hearts: their idea therefore of a saint, or a believer, being derived from their own spiritual consciousness, must have been the highest of which the words will admit. The spiritual power which wrought so wonderful a change in the Apostles must first descend from heaven, and give to the Church its inner form as its spiritual characteristic! Aristopollis was one of them. (Acts 12:5, AV) One He apparently became a believer only after Jesus resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:7; cf. It was wrought not by those that had previously been always the great spiritual witnesses; for we hear of none ministering but the apostles, and indeed not even of all the apostles speaking, though it may be that they did. What kind of death he suffered: He was slain with the sword, that is, his head was cut off with a sword, which was looked upon by the Romans to be a more disgraceful way of being beheaded than with an axe; so Lorinus. The name Herod is the surname used by all the linage of Herod the Great. (748) Perpetuam. In fact, it tells us much about prayer. Before the gospel was preached to every creature, a new nature was communicated to many a soul; but till then there was not and could not be peace. Ask God for your specific requests for yourself and other. And when Herod had sought for Peter, and found him not, he cross-examined the keepers, and commanded that they should be put to death ( Acts 12:19 ). The, the definite article. It was now guilty of resisting unto blood, not merely as their fathers had done, but the heavenly testimony of Jesus. He had been educated at Rome, but he sedulously cultivated the good graces of the Jewish people by meticulously keeping the Law and all Jewish observances. They gained the ear of Blastus the king's chamberlain and sued for peace because their country was dependent for its sustenance on the king's territory. The death of Stephen, therefore, has in various points of view a great significance. It was not to be done by mere systematic rule of a human pattern. Apologetic: Writes a defense of persecuted Christianity (Acts 13:6-12). (Prophetic prayer: Let us fight from the heavenlies Lift up your two hands to the heavenlies as if you are beckoning and shout this prayer point:) By Your Rushing Violent Wind from heavens, O God Arise and SWEEP AWAY every power fighting against my promotion and glory this year 2012, in the name of Jesus. Among the various spiritual gifts then common in the Church, the chief place was to be assigned to prophecy; 'for he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.' He kept the Jewish customs. Or Mariam of Hebrew origin; Maria or Mariam, the name of six Christian females. "While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. Thus, God preserved him. EXCELENTE OPORTUNIDAD DEPARTAMENTO CNTRICO EN COSQUIN, OPORTUNIDAD CHALET VILLA MIRADOR DEL LAGO. Summary: Acts 12 has both answered and unanswered prayers within it. He could not deny the might that proved itself without effort superior to anything he had ever wielded. Though he had no reason to fear displeasing them if he did not, as Pilate condemned Christ, yet he hoped to please them by doing it, and so to make an interest among them, and make amends for displeasing them in something else. And he departed, and went into another place ( Acts 12:17 ). It may well be that what the life of Jesus could not do his death did, and that when James saw his brother die he discovered who he really was and dedicated all his life to serve him. He was the father of Salome (see G4539) . Even now, although it is the gospel that God sends out, we know well how many, through a misuse of Old Testament teaching, plunge themselves into distress and doubt. Matthew 12:30 14. Shall we turn now in our Bibles to Acts 12 . There was the freest action of the Holy Ghost, sovereignly free, and it is impossible to maintain this too stringently; and there was the utmost care that all should be left open for the Holy Ghost to act according to His own will, not only within the church, but also by evangelizing outside. The profound moral work of God proceeded in that converted heart. Peter was present, but he certainly laid no hand of his on a single soul that day before the Holy Ghost was given. That the gifts mentioned in the chapter were, for the most part, extraordinary, and in process of time were to cease, makes no difference as regards the argument; for it is the essential character of Christian worship, not the particular vehicle of its expression, that is the point now under consideration" (pp. Of any typical or sacrificial element, St. Paul makes no mention: the whole service, with the exception of the Lord's Supper, was manifestly homiletic or verbal.