However, for most trainees deloading every 4th week works like magic. You definitely dont want your elbows flaring behind the bar. How have you incorporated the slingshot in your bench workouts? You can click right here to watch the training video for the week 2 heavy bench workout: You can click right here to watch the training video for the week 2 accessory workout: **Performed at 83% of his projected 1-rep max. Bench press with a frequency of two to three times per week. After 3-6 weeks your body will get used to them and they will stop providing you with any real benefit. 10 BEST BENCH PRESS ACCESSORIES TO INCREASE STRENGTH AND TECHNIQUE. It allows you to use much, much heavier weight than you are used to. View our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. The 8-Week Program to Build Your Bench-Press Max Akim Williams gives insider advice on how to make the most out of your time on the bench. You definitely dont have to do this much work in a single workout. May you lift long and prosper! In other words whether you get your best results with a high, low, or moderate training frequency is primarily dictated by your parents. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Furthermore, this conjugate style of alternating exercises is well known throughout the strength community for its ability to stop plateaus in their track. A: 5 rep maxuse a weight that you can do for roughly 5 reps. A: For these you need to bench press in the squat rack and set the pins just below lockout for high presses, and just above the chest for low presses. He blends together the best elements of old-school linear periodization with many new-school training methods to produce unbelievable results. Week one to week 3 you perform 3-4 sets of 3 reps at 80-85% of your 1RM. As clich and corny as that soundsits the truth. In reality compensatory acceleration training is just another name for the dynamic effort method as featured in the Westside Barbell training program. The Slingshot is primarily used to handle heavier loads for the same or more repetitions compared with the raw bench press. In this specific example, James performs reverse band bench presses and v-bar dips as his two supplemental exercises. HAPPY BENCHING! For example here is Al Davis giving a perfect demonstration of an overcoming isometric contraction on the bench press. The extreme opposite of this is what you want instead: extreme tightness and tension upon liftoff. Click here for the Full Boar sizing guide and current pricing on Rogue Fitness. Ray Williams is a powerlifting legend known for his incredible strength and remarkable feats in the sport. . By now you should have a thorough understanding of how Josh Bryant organizes his athletes bench press training programs. ), **Performed at 77% of his projected 1-rep max, ***Performed at 59% of his projected 1-rep max, ****Performed at 69% of his projected 1-rep max, *****Performed at 78% of his projected 1-rep max, **Performed at 97% of his projected 1-rep max, ***Performed at 71% of his projected 1-rep max, **Performed at 69% of his projected 1-rep max. Also notice that the elbows are tucked to the side of the body and not flared to avoid any shoulder discomfort. One way to check if you are truly in the best position possible is to have your training partner give you a nudge in the abdomen and knees once you are setup. version of yourself. The dead bench is always performed for singles. ****Perform 3 sets of 2 ramping up to one top set with maximum weight. If its still a little cloudy, dont worry youre not alone. 2020 Mark Bell Slingshots. here are some stats: height: 5'9. weight: ~200-205lbs (stayed in this range the entire program) bench: ~275lbs 1rm to ~315lbs (lifetime PR) the 275lbs as a 1rm is a bit of a sandbag as i workout alone and hadn't truly maxed on the . Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Healthy (and Tasty) Tips for Your Super Bowl Party, 4 Proteins You Should be Eating, But Probably Arent. Take a look at this now-famous bar path image showing the difference between a novice lift and a world record bench press. Want to improve your bench press technique? Program the slingshot bench press similarly to the normal bench press, so singles up to higher reps for volume (8-12). It's comprised of a thick, stretchable fabric that helps keep your arms locked in a sound bench press position and provides support at the bottom of the lift. As you tuck your elbows, youll find that you are able to create more tension through the Slingshot. (2017). Research Shows That Most Heart Disease Deaths Are Preventable By Changin Is Weight Loss With the New Injectable Meds Sustained? You bench press once per week and do all of your chest/shoulder/tricep exercises on this day. I highly recommend you watch this with the volume turned up to get a better idea of how hard Al is pressing: Josh uses overcoming isometrics in a very specific way in his workouts. For example here is what a training cycle might look like: In my experience this is a highly underrated training frequency. Get STronger in 30 Days with my 30 day program for bench. Message frequency varies. For example, lets say you did 2 X 2 @ 90% raw. Take 10 steps to your left, then 10 steps to your right. Click here for the Reactive Slingshot sizing guide and current pricing on Rogue Fitness. Buy on Amazon: 3: Bench Press Slingshot Band Push 8.25. All of these different exercises work together to drive up your strength on the competition bench press. Most people typically notice a 5-25% increase in bench press when wearing a slingshot. A study by Niblock & Steele (2017), showed that using the Slingshot in training does allow individuals to perform a greater amount of volume using either similar or more weight compared with raw benchers. The Original Sling Shot will allow you to handle about a 10% overload in the bench press while avoiding the pain that comes along with pushing your body to the limit. The slingshot does take a couple of sessions to get the motor pattern down. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The principal states that, under a load, your muscles will be recruited from smallest to largest. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. Push-ups . Youve probably wondered, What program is best for increasing the bench press? This one! Pick a weight that you can do about 3-6 repetitions with, bust out the set, and then do this calculation: One Rep Max = (Weight Lifted * Number of Repetitions)/30 + Weight Lifted. Lastly, high intensity for each workout is critical to invoke Hennemans size principal. The training volume increases in waves, and the peak % of 1RM climbs throughout the program, ending in a short peaking phase and a max attempt in week nine. The left is where you want to be, with everything in alignment. Lets take another look at our sample bench press workout from James Strickland: In this workout James performs three separate accessory exercises for his upper back, chest and triceps. Tuck your feet back under the bench directly beneath the hips, with the balls of the feet in contact with the floor and heels raised. 2022 Mark Bell Sling Shot. **Performed at 58% of his projected 1-rep max, ***Performed at 46% of his projected 1-rep max, ****Performed at 56% of his projected 1-rep max, **Performed at 78% of his projected 1-rep max, ***Performed at 61% of his projected 1-rep max, ****Performed at 58% of his projected 1-rep max, *****Performed at 61% of his projected 1-rep max, **Performed at 59% of his projected 1-rep max, ***Performed at 48% of his projected 1-rep max, ****Performed at 57% of his projected 1-rep max, **Performed at 80% of his projected 1-rep max, ****Performed at 60% of his projected 1-rep max, *****Performed at 63% of his projected 1-rep max, **Performed at 61% of his projected 1-rep max, ***Performed at 50% of his projected 1-rep max, **Performed at 76% of his projected 1-rep max, ***Performed at 42% of his projected 1-rep max. Thank you Josh for sharing your gift with the world. 2022 Mark Bell Sling Shot. Use this chart to make conversions from percentages to RPE as needed (on your bad days use percentages and on your good days use RPE): The last piece is probably the most critical, so it was saved for last. While RPE is phenomenal for pushing yourself, it can be an easy way to rationalize taking an easier workout day because you dont feel in the zone enough. is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Dont get me wrong, I am all for training in an intelligent manner so as to avoid injury. Many of his athletes train heavy for 3 weeks followed by a 1 week deload workout to recharge the central nervous system and to allow your body to super-compensate. In this video EPIC's head coach Brandon explains . Chad Wesley Smith was a world-class powerlifter who set a world-record in the squat when he squatted 900 pounds raw. However, it is sometimes necessary if you are trying to squeeze all of your bench pressing workout into one single workout during the week. Option #3: Bench press once every 10 days, two push workouts per 10 day period. The Hamburg Township Commemorative Bench and Tree Program is a meaningful way to pay tribute to a loved one. When I use the slingshot, I like to take a prescribed load (i.e. While a majority of programs are designed for all three lifts (squat and deadlift too), there are very few that cover the bench specifically. You can click right here to watch the training video for the week 5 heavy bench workout: You can click right here to watch the training video for the week 5 accessory workout: ***Performed at 88% of his projected 1-rep max. If theyre not, you risk hurting your shoulder joint, which you need for all pressing and pulling motions. While I could use other overloading exercises for bench press, the Slingshot allows me to perform the movement alone (with no training partners) and with relative ease. Cambered Bar Bench Press: Benefits, How-To, Technique. The Slingshot can enhance volume-loads during performance of bench press using unaided maximal loads. Essentially, the slingshot is taking over the work that the triceps would otherwise do. Exercise C2: Speed bench press (competition grip), 2 x 2***, 4 minutes rest , Exercise F1: Lat pulldown (wide / overhand grip), 3 x 10, 60 seconds rest, Exercise C1: Seated cable row (v-handle), 2 x 12, 60 seconds rest, Exercise D1: Seated HS overhead press**, 2 x 10, 60 seconds rest, Exercise A1: Bench press (competition grip), 1 set of 3 reps**, 4 minutes rest, Exercise B1: Speed bench press (competition grip), 6 sets of 4 reps***, 2 minutes rest, Exercise C1: Bench press (wide grip), 2 sets of 8 reps****, 2 minutes rest, Exercise D1: Dead bench, 8 sets of 1 rep*****, 45 seconds rest, Exercise E1: V-bar dips (forward leaning torso), 3 sets of 8 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise F1: DB flies, 3 sets of 11 reps, 10 seconds rest, Exercise F2: DB front raises, 3 sets of 8 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise A1: Bench press (close grip), 2 sets of 8 reps**, 120 seconds rest, Exercise B1: Seated military press (shoulder-width grip, to top of head), 2 sets of 8 reps***, 120 seconds rest, Exercise C1: Decline bench press (shoulder-width grip), 3 sets of 12 reps****, 120 seconds rest, Exercise D1: Seated DB external rotations, 3 sets of 10-12 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise E1: DB front raises, 3 sets of 10-12 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise E2: DB lateral raises, 3 sets of 10-12 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise F1: Flat DB extension, 3 sets of 10-12 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise D1: Dead bench, 8 sets of 1 reps*****, 45 seconds rest, Exercise F1: DB flies, 3 sets of 13 reps, 10 seconds rest, Exercise F2: DB front raises, 3 sets of 5 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise F1: DB front raises, 3 sets of 6 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise B1: Bench press (competition grip), 1 set of 20 reps***, 4 minutes rest, Exercise C1: Chest supported row, 4 sets of 15 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise B1: Seated military press (shoulder-width grip, to top of head), 2 sets of 8 reps**, 120 seconds rest, Exercise C1: Decline bench press (shoulder-width grip), 3 sets of 12 reps**, 120 seconds rest, Exercise D1: Seated DB external rotations, 3 sets of 10-12 reps**, 60 seconds rest, Exercise E1: DB front raises, 3 sets of 10-12 reps**, 60 seconds rest, Exercise E2: DB lateral raises, 3 sets of 10-12 reps**, 60 seconds rest, Exercise F1: Flat DB extension, 3 sets of 10-12 reps**, 60 seconds rest, Exercise A1: Bench press (competition grip), 1 set of 2 reps**, 4 minutes rest, Exercise B1: Speed bench press (competition grip), 5 sets of 3 reps***, 2 minutes rest, Exercise D1: Dead bench, 5 sets of 1 rep*****, 75 seconds rest, Exercise E1: V-bar dips (forward leaning torso), 3 sets of 5 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise F1: DB flies, 3 sets of 12 reps, 10 seconds rest, Exercise F2: DB front raises, 3 sets of 3 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise A1: Bench press against bands (close grip), 1 set of 1 reps**, 120 seconds rest, Exercise C1: Decline bench press (shoulder-width grip), 3 sets of 10 reps****, 120 seconds rest, Exercise D1: Seated DB external rotations, 2 sets of 10-15 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise E1: DB front raises, 2 sets of 10-15 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise E2: DB lateral raises, 2 sets of 10-15 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise B1: Speed bench press (competition grip), 5 sets of 3 reps***, 2 minutes rest, Exercise D1: Dead bench, 5 sets of 1 reps*****, 75 seconds rest, Exercise E1: V-bar dips (forward leaning torso), 3 sets of 6 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise F1: DB flies, 3 sets of 15 reps, 10 seconds rest, Exercise F2: DB front raises, 3 sets of 4 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise A1: Bench press against bands (close grip), 1 set of 3 reps**, 120 seconds rest, Exercise B1: Seated military press (shoulder-width grip, to top of head), 2 sets of 5 reps***, 120 seconds rest, Exercise F1: DB flies, 2 sets of 8 reps, 10 seconds rest, Exercise F2: DB front raises, 2 sets of 5 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise A1: Bench press (close grip), 1 set of 2 reps**, 120 seconds rest, Exercise C1: Decline bench press (shoulder-width grip), 3 sets of 8 reps****, 120 seconds rest, Exercise B1: Seated military press (shoulder-width grip, to top of head), sets of 5 reps**, 120 seconds rest, Exercise C1: Decline bench press (shoulder-width grip), 3 sets of 8 reps**, 120 seconds rest, Exercise D1: Seated DB external rotations, 2 sets of 10-15 reps**, 60 seconds rest, Exercise E1: DB front raises, 2 sets of 10-15 reps**, 60 seconds rest, Exercise E2: DB lateral raises, 2 sets of 10-15 reps**, 60 seconds rest, Exercise A1: Bench press (competition grip), 1 set of 1 reps**, 4 minutes rest, Exercise B1: Speed bench press (competition grip), 1 set of 3 reps***, 2 minutes rest, Exercise B1: Seated military press (shoulder-width grip, to top of head), 2 sets of 4 reps***, 120 seconds rest, Exercise C1: Decline bench press (shoulder-width grip), 3 sets of 6 reps****, 120 seconds rest, Exercise B1: Speed bench press (competition grip), 3 sets of 3 reps***, 2 minutes rest, Exercise C1: Bench press (wide grip), 2 sets of 5 reps****, 2 minutes rest, Exercise D1: Dead bench, 4 sets of 1 rep*****, 60 seconds rest, Exercise C1: Face pulls, 1 set of 100 reps, 60 second rest, Exercise D1: DB front raises, 2 sets of 10-12 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise D2: DB lateral raises, 2 sets of 10-12 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise B1: Bench press (wide grip), 2 sets of 5 reps***, 2 minutes rest, Exercise C1: DB front raises, 3 sets of 4-8 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise D1: Flat DB extension, 3 sets of 10-15 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise A1: Bench press (competition grip), 3 sets of 1 reps**, 240 seconds rest, Exercise B1: (15 Minutes of Assistance work for Shoulders, Triceps, Biceps, nothing heavy just getting the blood flowing). Another interesting conclusion from the study was an enhanced motor pattern while using the Slingshot. In both there is a total of 25 repetitions for the week. The Research Behind Using a Slingshot For Bench Press, The Benefits of Using a Slingshot For Bench Press, Training Protocols For Using The Slingshot, allows you to handle about 10-15% more weight in the bench. Q: Why dont the accessory and isolation movements have percentages and RPE? Dugdale, J. H., Hunter, A., Di Virgilio, T., Macgregor, L. J., & Hamilton, D. L. (2017). The SlingShot may be a beneficial training tool for the bench press for training through injuries, for deload phases and for learning the movement patterns associated with the bench press. Josh Bryants bench press peaking programs are designed for one thing and one thing only: to help you put up a huge bench press on the day of your powerlifting meet. Most people should be able to get almost twice the number of reps, which will allow you to fatigue your triceps while not overloading the shoulders. If you are interested in Josh Bryant style programming then I highly recommend you subscribe to James YouTube channel: @SwimHack. Do Bands Help Bench Press? If you are an intermediate or advanced lifter, micro-loading is non-negotiable for optimal progress. The Original Slingshot is designed for people to lift around 10-15% more weight than their raw bench press. The Bench Press is one of the three main lifts when it comes to powerlifting and general strength training. In fact the strongest bench presser in the world Julius Maddox continues to use this once every 5 days training frequency as he chases an unfathomable 800 pound bench press. This will provide you with two max fatigue phases, two high volume stages, two super-compensation phases, and two max-out phases. The Township staff is available to determine the perfect place for your gift of either a bench or tree in any one of the parks, trails or the South Cemetery. We stand to empower those who seek to improve their life through fitness. This demonstrates that if youre trying to get stronger triceps to help facilitate the lock-out portion of the bench press, then you would need to train to fatigue using the Slingshot on most occasions to get the appropriate level of tricep activation. *Bell pauses for a one-count at the bottom and explosively presses up. More weight moved for the same amount of reps equals more progress. There is an adjustment that needs to be made, however. Still not convinced? For example: 1 X 5 @ 75%, 1 X 5 @ 80%, and if that feels good, finish with 1 set of 5 @ 85%. No need to shy away from intimidating-sounding, polysyllabic exercises and just stick with curls. If you are a novice or beginner, you should be reading the 55 program. While this is also important to do while raw benching, you might find it more difficult to maintain a level of consistency with your touch point while using the Slingshot. If you are feeling elbow pain, it is almost always because you dont have stacked joints. 855 Riverside Pkwy Suite 10,West Sacramento,CA 95605. help you achieve your goals inside and outisde of the gym, and most importantly, help you become the best Perform this routine 1 to 2 times per week in addition to your regular bench press session. The evidence is still short on whether increasing your 1 rep max Slingshot strength will transfer to increases in your 1 rep max raw bench. Then 305. You may feel like you need to pull the bar down, which will require you to use your upper back musculature a bit more than you would in a raw bench press. Related Article: 6 Reasons To Do Larsen Press (Plus, 3 Reasons Not To). **Performed at 84% of his projected 1-rep max, ***Performed at 65% of his projected 1-rep max, ****Performed at 62% of his projected 1-rep max, *****Performed at 66% of his projected 1-rep max, ***Performed at 54% of his projected 1-rep max, **Performed at 87% of his projected 1-rep max, ****Performed at 64% of his projected 1-rep max, *****Performed at 69% of his projected 1-rep max, **Performed at 71% of his projected 1-rep max, ***Performed at 55% of his projected 1-rep max, ****Performed at 63% of his projected 1-rep max, ****Performed at 65% of his projected 1-rep max, *****Performed at 71% of his projected 1-rep max, **Performed at 75% of his projected 1-rep max, ***Performed at 57% of his projected 1-rep max, All exercises performed at 70% of weights used during weeks 5-7, ***Performed at 76% of his projected 1-rep max, (Note: Chad tweaked his pec on the top single and further aggravated it on the speed triple. The top set should be hard but NOT an absolute grinder. Lie on a bench and place your lower back flat against the padding. Go home people. James is capable of pressing the 200 pound dumbbells for reps but only used the 100s to 130s during this training cycle. If you are an intermediate or advanced lifter, micro-loading is non-negotiable for optimal progress. James Strickland is a big proponent of this system. After a deload you should be ready to put up between 105-110% of your original 1-rep max in the powerlifting meet! Download Deadlift Program You will need to do the lift frequently to improve on it. Last, youll want to make sure that youre consistently touching the chest at the same spot each rep. In order to be able to offer you the best slingshot bench available on the market today, we have compiled a comprehensive slingshot bench list. If you really want, you may swap out close-grip bench for wide grip bench within the program but you must make sure to use at least one of the isolation movements to focus on triceps. Check it out: Lets take a closer look at each of these options. Slingshot Bench Press In this article I'll discuss these bench press variations in greater detail. You can click right here to watch the training video for the week 1 heavy bench workout: You can click right here to watch the training video for the week 1 accessory workout: **Performed at 81% of his projected 1-rep max. The slingshot is a wide band with holes on either side to slide onto your arm which then stretches across your chest and ribcage to create an increased elastic response at the bottom of the lift. Shop for the best wrist wraps in the game here! They should be challenging but shouldnt be so heavy that you have to get amped up to complete them. Bench Press: 3 sets of 5 repetitions with 85% of 1RM (block periodization style). Here was the result: Well done Vincent Dizenzo! Taking a reverse grip or suicide grip is not recommended. Josh has found through trial and error that trainees with a lot of fast-twitch muscle fibers do better on a somewhat lower training frequency while lifters with more slow-twitch muscle fibers need a relatively higher training frequency for optimal progress. Here is Julius Maddox performing his record-breaking 782 pound bench press. Some links in this article are affiliate links, which means I earn from qualifying purchases. If you have over two years of bench press experience or bench press over 300lbs then the Original Slingshot is your pick. Whether you are looking for a 30 day bench press program or a 12 week cycle, youre covered. In this comprehensive guide, I will show you how to use the Josh Bryant bench press program to break powerlifting world records! Performed at 69% of his projected 1-rep max, Performed at 78% of his projected 1-rep max, There is a reason the strongest bench presser in the world, Exercise A1: Bench press (competition grip), 1 x 3**, 4 minutes rest, Exercise B1: Speed bench press (competition grip), 5 x 3***, 2 minutes rest, Exercise C1: Reverse band bench press (competition grip), 1 x 5, 2 minutes rest, Exercise D1: V-bar dips (forward leaning torso), 2 x 6, 2 minutes rest, Exercise E1: Lat pulldown (wide / overhand grip), 3 x 10, 60 seconds rest, Exercise F1: DB floor flys (neutral grip), 3 x 10, 60 seconds rest, Exercise A1: Machine rear delt pec dec, 3 x 15, 60 seconds rest, Exercise B1: DB poliquin raise 3 x 15, 60 seconds rest, Exercise C1: DB bench press, 3 x 15**, 60 seconds rest, Exercise D1: Lying DB pullover, 3 x 15, 60 seconds rest, Exercise E1: DB rolling extension, 3 x 15, 60 seconds rest, Exercise F1: Seated cable rope face pull, 3 x 15, 60 seconds rest, Exercise C1: Reverse band bench press (shoulder-width grip), 3 x 2****, 4 minutes rest, Exercise B1: Speed bench press (competition grip), 5 x 3***, 4 minutes rest, Exercise A1: Bench press (competition grip), 3 x 3**, 4 minutes rest, Exercise B1: V-bar dips (forward leaning torso), 2 x 6***, 2 minutes rest, Exercise C1: Lat pulldown (wide / overhand grip), 3 x 10***, 60 seconds rest, Exercise D1: DB floor flys (neutral grip), 3 x 10***, 60 seconds rest, Exercise E1: Standing rope cable pushdown, 3 x 10***, 60 seconds rest, Exercise A1: Machine rear delt pec dec, 3 x 15**, 60 seconds rest, Exercise B1: DB poliquin raise 3 x 15**, 60 seconds rest, Exercise D1: Lying DB pullover, 3 x 15**, 60 seconds rest, Exercise E1: DB rolling extension, 3 x 15**, 60 seconds rest, Exercise F1: Seated cable rope face pull, 3 x 15**, 60 seconds rest, Exercise D1: V-bar dips (forward leaning torso), 2 x 5, 2 minutes rest, Exercise E1: Prone seal row, 3 x 6, 60 seconds rest, Exercise H1: Standing rope cable pushdown, 2 x 12, 60 seconds rest, Exercise B1: Lat raise machine 3 x 13, 60 seconds rest, Exercise C1: DB bench 3 x 15**, 60 seconds rest, Exercise F1: 30 degree prone Y-T-L raises, 3 x 15, 60 seconds rest, Exercise A1: Bench press (competition grip), 1 x 2**, 4 minutes rest, Exercise C1: Rack lockout, 3 x 1****, 4 minutes rest, Exercise E1: Seal row, 3 sets of 5 reps, 60 seconds rest, Exercise C1: V-bar dips (forward leaning torso), 2 x 5, 2 minutes rest, Exercise D1: Prone seal row, 3 x 5, 60 seconds rest, Exercise E1: DB floor flys (neutral grip), 3 x 10, 60 seconds rest, Exercise F1: Standing rope cable pushdown, 3 x 10, 60 seconds rest, Exercise B1: V-bar dips (forward leaning torso), 2 x 12***, 2 minutes rest, Exercise C1: Lat pulldown (wide / overhand grip), 4 x 10-12***, 60 seconds rest, Exercise D1: DB floor flys (neutral grip), 2 x 10***, 60 seconds rest, Exercise B1: Lat raise machine 3 x 13**, 60 seconds rest, Exercise F1: 30 degree prone Y-T-L raises, 3 x 15**, 60 seconds rest, Exercise A1: Bench press (competition grip), 2 x 1**, 4 minutes rest, Exercise B2: Speed bench press (competition grip), 2 x 2***, 4 minutes rest, Exercise D1: DB floor flys (neutral grip), 3 x 10, 60 seconds rest, Exercise E1: Seated cable row (v-handle), 3 x 10, 60 seconds rest, Exercise F1: Cable overhead rope extensions, 3 x 10, 60 seconds rest, Exercise A1: DB front raise, 3 x 10, no rest, Exercise A2: DB side raise, 3 x 10, no rest, Exercise A3: DB bent-over rear delt raise, 3 x 10, 60 seconds rest, Exercise B1: Machine rear delt pec dec, 3 x 10, 60 seconds rest, Exercise C1: Seated cable row (v-handle), 2 x 12, 0 seconds rest, Exercise D1: Seated HS overhead press, 2 x 10**, 60 seconds rest, Exercise E1: Prone seal row, 2 x 5, 60 seconds rest, Exercise F1: Cobra lat pulldown, 2 x 10, 60 seconds rest, Exercise G1: Rope cable hammer curl, 2 x 12, 60 seconds rest, Exercise H1: Bilateral preacher curl machine (supinated grip), 2 x 15, 60 seconds rest, Exercise A1: Bench press (competition grip), 1 x 1**, 4 minutes rest, Exercise B1: Bottom position bench press overcoming isometric (competition grip), 2 x 1 (6-second hold), 2 minutes rest, Exercise C1: Lockout position bench press overcoming isometric (competition grip), 2 x 1 (6-second hold), 2 minutes rest. rock bands touring australia 2022, escambia county commissioners salary,