For that, we have to go to extra-biblical sources. He was the son of Simeon ben Hillel and grandson of the great Jewish teacher Hillel the Elder. This idea can even be applied to his post-conversion work seeing how he sought to integrate the Gentiles into the Church when it was still a controversial issue. Paul is a master of both and since you do not understand oral law, its lead you to believe that Paul is a Shammite of all things. Sages of the time didn't have formal recognition or title. Per Matthew he told his followers to follow the teachings of the Pharisee. And we can but make some comparisons in ourselves. Peter testifies of this in 2 Peter 3:16. And one throne for that other guy named Peter. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. But we dont need to put words in the mouth of Jesus, we can let Jesus speak for himself, and we can listen to Him and obey Him. Paul is not a liar; he just has a dual citizenship. This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. We know that as a young man Paul studied under the tutelage of Rabbi Gamaliel in Tarsus, who provided him with an expert knowledge of the Hebrew Scriptures ( Acts 22:3 ). Anyway, I should save a throne for him too.. gamaliel was the greatest of the teachers of the pharisees, perhaps of all time, because he was said to have known the law at a doctorate level, so it was with great wisdom that he told the. If you dont ask about Pauls sins, I wont tell about them. Ecclesiastical tradition maintains that Gamaliel had embraced the Christian faith and his tolerant attitude toward the Early Christians is explained by this. Sticking with Acts, Gamaliel counsels caution in Acts 5, Rabbi Saul seems to abandon caution by Acts 7. Paul probably understood Judaism better than all of these false teachers put together. How many times did Jesus speak to Paul? Long has taught full time at Grace Christian University since 1998, specializing in Bible and Biblical languages. Something I would like to believe, though! For example, I talk a bit about this issue in these posts:,, Gamaliel and his beliefs seem to have a fairly large impact on Paul and his theology. We need to remnber that scripture was written to do four basic things: Teach, Train, Correct and Rebuke. Acts 21:39 - "But Paul said, ' am a Jew from Tarsus, in Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city . Kind of long and wordy. His dissertation was published as Jesus the Bridegroom by Pickwick Books in 2012. While this is a generalization, many of the rabbinic debates of the first century come down to the opinion of Hillel versus Shammai. - Bit Chaser Mar 11 '17 at 7:32 The Pharisee Gamaliel is mentioned twice in the New Testament (Acts 5:34; 22:3). Note: ingrafted Gentiles were branches of the tree and not replacements of Israel of the entire tree (replacement theology). I guess I had better plan ahead, and save a slot for the last Pope, Francis. Phillip you have been an inspiration to me here is a new poem. So being an Apostle of Jesus involves being sent by Jesus, yes. I dont see this in the text. Being in his mid-range teens allows for plenty of time for Pauls family to teach him the strict conservative Jewish ways that he often brings up. Do you have a reference handy mentioning Gamaliel in the Clementine lit? Yes, 99.9% of Christians absolute gets Pauls writings wrong. Was Judas present when Jesus spoke those words? Jesus poured his life into the 12 Apostles for 3 years very personally training them to be the leaders of the church, and Jesus chose Peter as first among equals. [Acts 18}, .5) Paul acting as an abusive absentee overseer / pastor to the Church in Corinth years after he abandoned them, and clinging to all power and claim to control of money and all aspects of the church ministry, while he was hundreds of miles away teaching full-time in his own school in Ephesus. Im sorry to shatter your confirmation bias but YEshua nor Paul were Christians. I am not at all sure you have read my article accurately, nor really spent much time on this site reading the things I post here. 1:1, / 1 Cor. The quicker we do it, the more profitable it is for us. Love. Gamaliel the Elder was the grandson of the great Jewish Rabbi Hillel the Elder, and he kept to Hillel's interpretation of Jewish law. Why elevate the words of Marypaulhammad to the highest place, and use them as the lens to view and judge everything else? From your article clearly shows you dont even understand the basic concepts of Judaism nor what those schools taught. What were Pauls specific sins as a Christian? Well Maybe that spirit isnt the Holy Spirit of Jesus, maybe you are bound in spirit by the evil spirit of Paul the Pharisee. Now Ive got 3 slots open. Gamaliel is reported to have offered somewhat lenient advice concerning the early preaching of the apostles in Acts 5:34-39. Rabbis are Reubenites. Paul claims to have been educated by Gamaliel, one of the premier teachers of the Law in the first century. A better resource would be Shaye Cohen, The Beginnings of Jewishness: Boundaries, Varieties, Uncertainties (University of California Press, 2001). ), If you cant prove me wrong, you dont have to say Im right, you dont have to agree, but dont say that Im wrong. If you are sure Im wrong but you dont have time to prove it, that means you are either lazy, willfully ignorant, or are breaking the 9th of the Ten Commandments, You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.. Then again youre the one creating a construct that Paul was Shammai. Gamaliel. In other words, had God been preparing Saul for this breakthrough prior to Acts chapter 9? The people who Paul persecuted were diaspora Jews who accepted Jesus as Messiah and claimed that he was raised from the dead. Critics also say that Pauls exegesis takes from later documents. How can I make them understand that they should deal with Paul Worship the same way that I deal with smoking weed? Undoubtedly, most of the Jews knew who Gamaliel was, and thus they allowed Paul to speak. But it wasnt worth mentioning to anyone in the first century, except the alleged mention of Jesus brother of James who is called Christ, since Chrestos means good it probably is saying James who is called Righteous One and not mentioning Christ or indicating Messiah by saying Christ. And one for Muhammad too. That is an issue and is creating confusion regarding the Brit Chadashah (Renewed Testament). Dear Philip, Below are quotes and links from two other blog gentlemen (Christopher, and UnashamedofJesus) who disagree with each other. He also intimately knew Gamaliel was was there, at least at The time of Pentecost. How can we account for this violent reaction in a man trained by Gamaliel? Gamaliel. What is an Apostle? Here is the answer based on the original sources: The words and actions of Jesus and the Original Apostles in the text of the New Testament. What does tents mean in the Bible? I didnt think King Herod would knock you off so quickly. Or is it possible that Paul privately harbored more overall agreement with Gamaliel/Hillel than with Shammaite Pharisees, and that Paul felt himself to be a lone dissenter in rare cases (Christians) against his former masters legal hermeneutics of mercy? It generated a great deal of discussion, some of which was more heat than light. Take a piece of scripture and make nutty doctrines/traditions out of them. Paul states hes a Pharisee Acts 23:6 Paul States he kept Torah, the law through out his life Acts 25:7-8 and 28:17, Paul circumcises Timothy after the town rebukes Timothy for going into ministry uncircumcised (Acts 16:1-3) Paul attends synogogue faithfully (acts 17:1-2) Paul adhering to Passover (acts 18:21-22 and 1 Cor. There is no conservative or liberal spectrum regarding Judaism or the 32 sects of Judaism during the time of Yeshua. Oh well. Perhaps this may not be too much of a stress, no? The reason why Paul is talking about athletics is due to Imperial Court. Beware of the NAR whale its really a killer whale with a man-made horn strapped on top. The character and position of his father. Provocative. I really will Stand up, stand up for Jesus, and wave his banner high- just not right now in 1973. Youre putting your western views on a Hebraic book that is of near eastern culture. Darris McNeely - Dec 7, 2022 | In this class we will discuss Acts 5:26-41 thru Acts 6:1-7 and notice the following events: the apostles being persecuted by the Sanhedrin for teaching in Christ's name; how a Pharisee named Gamaliel spoke up on behalf of the apostles; and the choosing of seven men to help the disciples distribute food. [erase erase erase], Of course, you both are specifically mentioned in Acts 6:2. Gamaliel, as it appears, did most toward establish-. On example: I think that it is likely he on his way to being a master of Greco-Roman rhetoric prior to conversion. b) Greg Laurie, the Boss of a wide-ranging personal cult empire that generally goes by the name of Harvest. Greg lives in Newport Beach, commutes by helicopter, and exploits the very large church he founded in Riverside from a distance, while he does his own thing in Orange County and travels around wherever he feels like, building a personal business empire with himself as the center, not Jesus. Another aspect of Hillel. Mantra: All Scripture is God-breathed.. St. Paul was always proud of his Roman citizenship, indeed I think we can surmise biblically, that Paul was always something of a Jewish Pharisee, and too a Jewish-Hellenist, but foremost caught-up in his calling as an Apostle of Christ! The Hat is, What were Pauls sins?, The music starts, with a cheery blast of trumpets in a melody that is familiar to most North Americans- the Mexican Hat Dance. (The national dance of Mexico, taught in Mexican public schools since 1921, and officially named El Jarabe Tapatio.), A couple in rather elaborate traditional costumes begins the dance. BOSS PAUL THE PHARISEE [sing it to the tune of Rapture by Blondie], Im Boss Paul, the Pharisee My hypocrisys plain for the world to see I travel the land and travel the sea to make a convert who is just like ME, All have sinned we know thats true but it never means ME it only means YOU My sins are all theoretical Im the worst of sinners- but dont ask where. There were no other New Testament books, and the Hebrew Scriptures were the Old Testament which was irrelevant, according to the heretic Marcion.) Infact, the sect that condemned Yeshua were Sadducee. Not 1 as in 3 in 1. With respect to Hellenism, Hillel was more open to Hellenism than Shammai and was therefore more open to cooperation with the Romans. He studied under the best Jewish teachers including the well-respected teacher, Gamaliel . I am not sure God as incarnate is the issue, that is certainly not what is preached in Acts 2-3. So it is possible they left out the respected Pharisee Gamaliel so that he would not oppose crucifixion. In his letters to the Corinthians he says, To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. Paul was a Pharisee. This is your only warning before being banned for incivility. Jesus is in agreement with the Law and the Prophets and came to fulfill them. [Matthew 5:17-20]. Religious Jews, who were living under the Law, were asking Jesus (at that time a teacher of the Law) concerning The Law. Its based on a misinterpretation, out of context, of one verse in one letter written by one man, Paul the Pharisee, who was unfamiliar with the personal ministry and teaching of Jesus. For another example, individual jurists can be notoriously incongruent and self-contradictory under just the right environmental pressures Id need to look at liberal justices becoming conservative post 9-11 to relax protections for civil liberties. He calls himself "of the people of Israel.". I know! And even if Matthias was physically absent at that particular occasion, Jesus is still establishing the basic qualification for having one of the twelve thrones as being you who have followed me, not someone who will follow Jesus in the future, like Paul, James, Luke or anyone else in the world. Paul wrote: The entire law is summed up in a SINGLE command: Love your neighbor as yourself. [Galatians 5:14, Leviticus 19:18], And again, Paul wrote: He who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. Second, Tarsus also exposed Paul to different cultures. I was attracted to the school because they put Pauls mantra of All Scripture is God-breathed above everything else, and I wanted to heed Pauls command and Preach the Word like Paul. I did not see this question before, sorry. The term To sit at the feet of a Rav is a term in Judaism for a man (13-20) to know the first five books and the Oral law by memory. Tarsus of Cilicia. This notion is wrong. Although he was born in Tarsus in Cilicia, Paul spent a considerable amount of time in Jerusalem under the tutelage of Gamaliel in the strict manner of the law of the Jews (Acts 22:3). I wrote a short note on Pauls relationship with Gamaliel two years ago and it has been one of the more popular posts on Reading Acts. mostly ranting about people not studying the Bible and running around eith misunderstandings. Note also that there were more than one Rabbi named Gamaliel. Im following Jesus. Clinton. ). You are one of a growing number of followers of the Messiah (p) Issa/Yesha who actually have figured out Paul was a con artist sent to corrupt the movement started by the Nazarene Messiah (p) and if it failed in Pauls lifetime it succeeded under the Roman Emporer Constantine and it was Paul they revered as THE Apostle, even before Nicene Creed was made up. A sacred formula believed to embody the divinity invoked and to possess magical power, used in prayer and incantation. For these reasons, it seems highly unlikely that Paul isolated himself for the purpose of study during these "Lost Years.". See also John 17:17; Eph 5:17; Acts 2:41. Its nice and tidy to say I just accept what the Bible says, but whose interpretation? But i am just speculating here. At the Last Supper, Jesus said to His Apostles: You are those who have stood by me in my trials. He was raised in a Jewish society and home because everyone in the entire New Testament are Jews (or converts) who followed Torah. ), STEP 3) Paul said; All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. [Romans 3:23] (Response- Again the same question; What were Pauls specific sins as a Christian? Thanks also for your series on New Perspectives. You can read Peters advice for yourself- then open your Bible to Matthew, John, Revelation, and Mark, and listen to Jesus for yourself! Minhags- customs attached to moses and the oral law to make them valid that were infact against Torah and corrupt. Matthew built on Marks work, using it as a backbone, and filling out more background details, and references to The Law, The Prophets, and Psalms, etc. Lets stick to what the Word says and not look for other answers which are not guaranteed but are assumptions. Rome is the city that sits on seven hills, the perfect place for Peter the Roman, the New World Pope for the New World Order, to replace the original Apostle Peter in the apostate church of the Antichrist. Ron Mosely and the archaeology team has gone through great lengths to disprove your theory by presenting actual archaeological evidence.. The Lord Our God is ONE God Greatest Commandment according to the Messiah (p). Responding to a question from Peter, Jesus said to them: you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. [Matthew 19:28]. For example, Gi. What ends up as what we call Christianity and Judaism today both some out of the turmoil of the first two centuries. George Clinton? maybe not. Jesus never said right is wrong, He never said wrong is right. . If Paul's conversion, as described in Acts was a literal event, the account would not so clearly appear to be based on the Greek classics. This article is the result of when you remove the culture/context of the scriptures, the Hebraics of the Brist Chadasha (Renewed Testament) and injecting the christian outlook that Shaul (Paul) divorced his Jewish roots. 3) Paul exaggerating his ministry in Ephesus claiming it was 3 years night and day with tears when really it was 3 months in the synagogue and 2 years daily in a lecture hall. A Christian as the lens to view and judge everything else not how long did paul study under gamaliel to do four things. El Jarabe Tapatio wrong is right were Pauls specific sins as a Christian of.! View and judge everything else the same way that I deal with Paul Worship the same question what... 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