The plaque resided in the choir room until the episode "100", when it was moved to the auditorium. [147] It focuses on the high school glee club New Directions competing in the show choir competition circuit, while its members deal with relationships, sexuality and social issues. She is overweight and has a love of candy, specifically Cadbury Creme Eggs. They accept her offer after she sings "All By Myself", but Dustin Goolsby pulls her out of the fundraiser and her fans do not come. The test proves that Ryder is dyslexic. The fifth season saw the biggest change, with Monteith's death, and Morris, Riley, Salling and Shum all being switched to recurring status. His family moves to Kentucky over the summer, but Finn and Rachel convince him to come back to New Directions late that fall in time to compete in Sectionals. He later apologizes to both Jake and Marley, saying it was inappropriate. He later assures Blaine of his love and they both decide to go on a healthy diet from then. [29] Regardless, Puck attends the birth of his daughter, who he names Beth, and tells Quinn that he loves her.[21]. The two have their first sexual experience in the episode "The First Time". After the glee club was disbanded because of the loss in the nationals competition, she and the other glee club new kids (except for Kitty) were transferred to another school. Artie and Rory compete to be her date at the party, and Rory is chosen after his claim that he is being deported at the end of the school year wins her sympathy. [82] Mike states that he is a senior in the season three premiere, "The Purple Piano Project", and Shum as Mike was promoted to the main cast for the show's third season. Kurt breaks up with Blaine as he does not feel ready for marriage, but realizes that he is still in love with him and goes back to Lima to help Rachel revive New Directions and also get back Blaine. (Main Season 2; Recurring Season 1,3; Guest Season 46) Burt Hummel (Mike O'Malley) is Kurt's father and Finn's stepfather to whom Kurt comes out in the episode "Preggers". [1] The character's name is derived from The Sound of Music's Kurt von Trapp, whom Colfer once played in a production of the musical, and the German Hummel figurines due to his complexion. McHale described Artie as a "nerd" who loves the glee club wholeheartedly and uses it as a form of escapism. Later in New York, Kurt confesses to Adam that though he tries hard to forget Blaine, he couldn't do it. He becomes best friends with Sam, developing a minor crush on him that he later overcomes (and which Sam finds somewhat flattering). [25] When he discovers the truth, he breaks up with Quinn and turns to pursuing Rachel. After the Troubletones place second at Sectionals, Shelby resigns as director, and the Troubletones are told they are all welcome in New Directions, Sugar accompanies Mercedes, Santana and Brittany when they return, and sings "We Are Young" with the group. Later, Blaine moves in with him after his graduation and Kurt starts to feel that he is losing his identity. When Blaine Anderson comes to Dalton to invite his Warbler friends to see a musical he's starring in at McKinley, Sebastian is attracted to him and propositions him. [22] Rod Remington (Bill A. Jones) is a television news anchor on the newscast where Sue Sylvester has an opinion segment ("Sue's Corner"). [58] Many of Brittany's lines are unscripted, and are instead devised by Murphy during filming, or improvised by Morris. After graduation, he moves in with Kurt in New York. Although he is usually seen harassing members of the glee club, Azimio was the first of the football players in "The Sue Sylvester Shuffle" to agree to perform in the halftime show the night of the championship game in order to be allowed to play in the second half, saying he wanted to win the game because it would mean so much to his father. Potter is a member of the Down's Syndrome Association of Los Angeles, and was contacted about auditioning through the association's in-house talent agency, Hearts and Hands. With a pastel sweater thrown over his shoulders, Sandy is the former Glee Club teacher, who is given the axe after an episode of inappropriate touching. He has a premature ejaculation problem, which causes him to believe he is the father of Quinn's baby despite the fact that they have never had sex. He returns to Lima in season six to help Brittany and Santana plan their wedding. The last scene of the series showed Adler's plaque alongside a plaque of the rededication to the auditorium and a memorial plaque for Finn Hudson. [131] He is introduced in the season 6 episode "Homecoming", when Rachel Berry hears the voice of someone singing and attempts to recruit them to the New Directions, but is unsure of where the sound is coming from. Sue then blackmails Principal Figgins to reinstate the club, giving them another year to prove their worth to the school. In the third season the main cast remained at fifteen, with Harry Shum, Jr. and Darren Criss promoted to it, while Gilsig and O'Malley no longer received star billing. Later, he auditions for NYADA and gets in. In a flashforward to the year 2020, Geraldo Rivera congratulates Sue for winning reelection as Vice President of the United States under Jeb Bush as she states her intent to run for President in 2024. United in grief, Glee alumni gathered today on the shores of Lake Piru, the . "Cory is a beloved member of the Glee family and we fully support his decision to seek treatment," Glee producer 20th Century Fox TV said in a . Though he is a bit skeptical about Elliot's intentions at first, later he finds a good friend in him. [182] In the first few episodes, it was implied heavily that Sandy was gay. [8] Michele took the role in Glee because of Rachel's characterization, explaining: "Not only is she a singer, but she has so much heartI think it's what we need on TV. He is directed to a professional and begins treatment to improve his studying. [278] Starchild was something of a "nemesis" to Kurt, who saw him as a rival, though ultimately they became friends, and Rachel was Elliott's roommate when she temporarily moved out of the loft she shared with Kurt. "[17] Miranda Wicker from TV Fanatic rated the episode four out of five stars, and stated "It was all so perfect and perfectly Glee."[8]. In the Episode "I Kissed a Girl", she is outed as a lesbian by Finn, and the relationship between these two girls becomes public knowledge. The days of Glee . Believing her to be pregnant, unaware that she is actually experiencing a hysterical pregnancy, he considers leaving the teaching field to become an accountant. "[24] Sue enlists cheerleaders Quinn, Brittany and Santana to help her bring the glee club down from the inside. The 'Glee' Cast's Tragic History: From Cory Monteith to Mark Salling Lea Michele is being accused by former co-stars of mistreatment toward people of color on the set of "Glee.". As for Jane Lynch 's glee club foil Sue Sylvester who has spent the bulk of the series trying to dismantle and destroy New Directions the series finale not only explained the origins of her. Fox/Adam Rose . Their relationship ends, however, when Santana breaks up with her due to the distance. During the summer between seasons two and three, Quinn undergoes a transformation: she dyes her hair, gets a tattoo and a nose ring, and takes to smoking behind the bleachers with her new clique the Skanks. Kurt asks Blaine to perform along with him in front of June Dolloway who takes interest in Blaine. During her revisit to the school, she gives muscle magazines and alcohol to Kurt, she teaches Mercedes and Tina how to shoplift, and has a brief romance with Puck. Billboard's Rae Votta said she was "arguably the best part" of "Yes/No", and after her second appearance in "The Spanish Teacher", declared that the show "should never let NeNe go". The finale of Glee seems to be inciting excitement for fans around the world and just like a perfect climax, there is a huge surprise. [152][153] Early in her tenure, she claims that show choir is stupid, but on several subsequent occasions she is seen enjoying singing and performing in the background. In the third season, Beiste continues as football coach, and is recruited by Will to co-direct the school musical West Side Story with guidance counselor Emma Pillsbury (Jayma Mays) and Artie. In the episode "Special Education", Carl and Emma marry in Las Vegas. In the episode I Do, Ryder helps Jake plan a Valentine's week for Marley, coming up with romantic ideas and when Jake says that he's counting on having sex with Marley, Ryder says she isn't ready for that. He proposes to her after New Year's, and she accepts. Former "Glee" star, Mark Salling, 35, is dead after an apparent suicide. Visit the menu option for the subreddit's Discord server. Lea Michele Accused of Making 'Glee' Set a 'Living Hell' for Cast Week. [137] Becky is frightened in "Shooting Star" about having to leave McKinley when she graduates, so she brings her father's gun to school as protection, but it accidentally goes off when Sue tries to get Becky to give her the gun. As a local celebrity, Rod has been tapped to judge show choir competitionshe has appeared as a judge for four of those that New Directions has competed in: the first and sixth season's Sectionals competitions, and the Regionals competitions for the first two seasons. At Brittany's suggestion, Sue arranged for Santana a cheerleading scholarship to a top college program. [240] Ivonne Coll plays Santana's grandmother in "I Kissed a Girl";[241] Gloria Estefan appears as her mother, Maribel Lopez, in the graduation finale to the third season, "Goodbye". [25] She briefly becomes the school nurse, but is asked to step down after giving the glee club pseudoephedrine tablets. [5] The Glee producers said "we really lucked out in finding Agron to play Quinn".[5]. In the episode "Yes/No", she decides she wants Artie to be her boyfriend. "[16] The A.V. In the second season, Carol Burnett appears as Sue's "famous Nazi hunter" mother,[238] Kari Coleman appears as Donna Jackson, Becky Jackson's mother, and Daniel Roebuck appears twice as Paul Karofsky, McKinley High student Dave Karofsky's dad, a role he reprises in the third season. In that episode, Sunshine hears of New Direction's fundraising benefit for the McKinley team's finals expenses and volunteers to perform, promising to ask her 600 Twitter followers to attend. [21] Their relationship does not solidify over the remainder of the season, however, and Emma starts dating Carl Howell (John Stamos) at the end of the school year. She and her son went out on a boat together, but the boat was later found with only . The Glee Series Finale Failed to Predict the 2020 Pandemic They go on to win his fourth consecutive national show choir championship, which occurs offscreen. She is later re-hired as principal when Becky confesses. [55] In March 2011, Falchuk confirmed, "Santana is a lesbian. With her wholesome good looks, Agron certainly looked the part, but the producers wondered if she appeared too innocent. [260] Kent Avenido appears in the first two seasons as Howard Bamboo, Terri's dyslexic coworker who joins the Acafellas and later Sue's "League of Doom", and Kenneth Choi plays Dr. Wu, Terri's obstetrician. [110], Roderick Meeks (Noah Guthrie) is a senior at McKinley and a member of the New Directions. He is a part of the effort to persuade Blaine to rejoin the Warblers. Marley is the only one of the many students who auditioned at the beginning of the school year to be immediately accepted into New Directions. ", "Emma from 'Glee': The most fashionable character on TV right now? [17] She discovers she has actually experienced a hysterical pregnancy, but hides this from Will, afraid he will leave her. This section shows characters who will appear or have appeared in at least one season. "Glee" Finale Recap: And They Lived | News | Logo TV At the start of the third season, Will and Emma are living together. [189] Leakes as Roz has received mostly praise for her work. Even if they didn't really have lines, they were important to Glee. There is one huge unjust con to both of these episodes which I'm going to go ahead and get out of the way, there are main cast members missing. In the season one finale, Sue judges in favor of New Directions at regionals, though they come third to rival clubs Vocal Adrenaline and Aural Intensity, and are disbanded for failing to place. Club's Emily VanDerWerff concurred, and said of "I Am Unicorn", "Sugar continues to be one of my least favorite new characters in ages". Adler had previously questioned his character's motivations, but was surprised by the scene in which Karofsky kisses Kurt. She also gets back together with Jesse, whom she later marries. [76] Kurt begins to mend their relationship in "Thanksgiving" and they spend Christmas together in New York City. She encourages him on his first Nationals as a coach and jibes that the New Directions are going to beat him, to which he tells her he likes her cocky side. In season four, she is seen forming a friendship with Kitty, visits Rachel with Santana to convince her not to do a nude scene, and hooking up with Santana twice while being drunk at Will and Emma's supposed wedding. In first episode of the fourth season, "The New Rachel", Kurt and Rachel get an apartment together in New York. He is later outed at his new school and bullied so mercilessly that he attempts to commit suicide but is saved by his father; Kurt visits him in the hospital and they agree to become friends. Kitty is unhappy with losing Jake, and with his attraction to Marley Rose; when Marley is favored to win the role of Sandy the school musical Grease, Kitty decides to audition for the role herself, and predicts that Marley will start to gain large amounts of weight to become like her obese mother, who works in the McKinley cafeteria. Finn turns to school counselor Emma Pillsbury, Will's fiance, for aid on a number of occasions; when he finds her panicking over arranging her wedding to Will, he kisses her. However, in the season finale, Quinn gives birth to her daughter, whom Puck names Beth, and she is adopted by Vocal Adrenaline coach Shelby Corcoran (Idina Menzel), Rachel's birth mother.[12]. Edit: after further observation, he appears to have been in the episode, but still not in this number as far as I can tell. Entertainment Weekly's Wendy Mitchell deemed Kendra "hilarious" and wished to see more of her,[231] while her colleague at the magazine, Ken Tucker, described Kendra as "a garish cartoon who exists only to further the pregnancy plotting".[232]. [87] In the second season, Sue serves as Figgins's temporary replacement when he catches the flu, and succeeds in having him fired, becoming principal in his stead. New Directions wins its Regionals competition, and is set to compete at Nationals. Broadway stars including Idina Menzel, John Lloyd Young, Jonathan Groff, Phoebe Strole and Kristin Chenoweth have been featured in guest roles. Jean, who has Down syndrome, lives in an assisted living facility, and is the only character Sue consistently treats with care and compassion.