She accepted. Diana eventually made peace with Raine. Charles has form for being indecisive/weak even. This is going to be a tremendous territorial divide of world leadership, particularly in respect of those leaders children, successors or dynasties. Astrological forecast about Prince Harry and Meghan's future People being deliberately inserted into and others erased from the narrative? Ive learned from experience to always record these things, so Ill leave it in. She has an empty 1st house, she is not Martian at all. I would love to read your take on that. I am consistently drawn for some time now, to the image of Cleopatra being rolled out of a rug, and concur that there is something very wrong here, and it goes way back. So the medium was authentic. A womb scan of Meghans stomach? The paperback will sell like hot cakes, not to mention the e-book, with (I would guess) photographs of the children. It also shows deep foreign interest in him. His family, although angry, must be worried for him. When the big one comes, it all blows open. Thank you for picking up Meghan Markles veil at the wedding. Thank you Becky that is really kind of you to say. It is a manifesto that can be weaponised, and just has been. Loaded. On page 88 of Spare (Penguin Random House 2023) Harry recalls stargazing. Maybe self-interested or narcissistic but not a world leader or a model citizen. Both Harry and Meghan have condemned Russias war on Ukraine. They go on sale just before the proposed coronation in April 2023. Only to then read a prepared speech, unveil a plaque etc, with barely a hint of the real person underneath. What more can they do to publicly humiliate him? In regard to damage being done to the Commonwealth by H & M, it did seem to me that this is what happened on William & Catherines Caribbean trip. Facts. Many thanks for your previous replies to my comments. They are the signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Many readers here would agree with you about marriage and religion. Publicity and Public Relations Previously this entry had Holmes Chapel as his place of birth. This line of thought (not the specifics, but the possibility of two witnesses) was suggested by an Anglican official who advised another Archbishop of Canterbury. I believe depositions are being scheduled for you guessed it March. Its rather like that old song about Ive danced with a man, who danced with a girl, who danced with the Prince of Wales. Prince Harry has given obvious product placement and brand endorsement to Soho House, over several pages of Spare. Harry and William's rift sparked by Meghan argument, claims royal author Sarah is known for her accuracy, having predicted Prince Harry's exit from the Royal family, the Sussexes' move. Those early kings I mentioned had lots of sibling issues too, but surprisingly there were also some very close and loving siblings who supported one another when the chips were absolutely down- The Empress Matilda and her brother Robert of Gloucester immediately come to mind. With the latest revelations, my jaw dropped because someone (or many) in this publishing process have done Harry wrong, starting from allowing the admission that his brothers baldness was alarming. Seemed rather grudging after the Queens 70 years service. I note that in the ITV interview Prince Harry was not asked about the two homes. it is a very curious thing when three tapes of the royal family are produced within thirteen days. Some of this has come to pass: A complete split is possible between the male heirs in the United Kingdom. You have to remember Harry and Meghan did not even become engaged until November 2017. I wasnt expecting the coverup regarding Meghans pregnancy. Deep seated ones, in some cases. It trines Pluto in his chart. The later Kings, Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII and George VI were usually shown not wearing a crown but a crown image was placed somewhere on the stamp, often hovering above the Kings head. William does give the impression of having some of the Queens steel , lacking in Charles. He later disclosed that Meghan went to a psychic several years ago and that the psychic said she would marry a red head in the public eye. Also thank you for your thoughts on the Pluto transits. Or if it relates to weddings , one of the internet rumours/gossip Ive seen put forward purports to an early alleged MM marriage annulment. The whole saga has also been redolent of Shakespeare, which a few readers have pointed out. They see no wrong in what they do. Archie, the baby who was born into what the pair fondly call Archewell, is part of the saga, isnt he? June 26, 2021. Writer/ Writing Skills Yog/ Planetary Combinations/ Indications In But where to now. Harry makes no mention of this series of photographs in Spare. That same month shows up for Harry, in terms of William, but also his cousin Eugenie. His wife is close to Markus Anderson and Markus Anderson works for Burkle, who flew on Epsteins plane. Big thanks for your generous astrology answers. Prince Harry responded to an email sent byVladimir Kuznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov, who told the Sun that none of his advisers checked if they were genuine. I question Harrys therapy. Sounds like helpful traits for a leader of people. Ive now lent it to my friend Susan who minds the dog waiting for her review. Harry, who would not be acting in exactly the same way if he had not met Meghan, but who developed mental health issues because of the way he grew up warring parents, an emotionally suffering mother and a father who was not very moral nor put his family first. Perhaps its the royal family. Finally Harrys next American public appearance will be at a hotel in San Francisco for a weekend conference, which MI6 must be watching like a hawk. I feel sorry for Harry because hes been under such gruesome scrutiny all of his life largely enough to drive any human being insane feeding the obscene and hypocrite media like the goose that lays the golden eggs, especially after the tragic death of his mother. Charles and Camilla in France just as Pluto goes into Aquarius, where he last appeared during the French Revolution and the end of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinettetiming! I am fascinated by this moonbump question. So, looking at blindspots I cant help noting Harry forces the world to see his pain yet is blind to his familys pain and feels justified inflicting more. The whole section of which I think is relevant, I have typed out below. Bloodlines are part of that. Again he mentioned nightmares about the coronation. But even now, William conducts himself like a good (no, a great) monarch. When the Church of England formed its American branch it was called the Episcopal Church. Do you think it will last? China and Russia play a long game. The most likely motive for the quite deliberate destabilisation of the monarchy is a desire on the part of her foreign enemies to split the Commonwealth and the Special Relationship between the UK and US. Julie. Required fields are marked *. King Charles & Camillas wedding, of course is a different matter. The wedding itself changed venue; it was then postponed upon the death of Pope John Paul II. This post on your blog has been fascinating. I always love reading your posts. Besides, finding out that Charles isnt his Dad may be a little inconvenient for the ambitions of his wife Meghan. As for Clevr (sic) that wasnt particularly clever, was it? Your show bibleand pinboard feelings are supported by online findings, in my opinion. Wishing everyone blessings love and light. What does astrology say? If true, could it have been a contributing factor to Andrews settling out of court? Maybe these discussions may lead to Charles agreeing to abdicate? So my question to you is, will William become King? Ive heard other psychics and tarot card readers mentioning the moon bump as well as questioning Meghans ability to squat and lie down whilst heavily pregnant. Bullying little Charlotte because of a dress is unforgivable, where C was the target. If this sprawling firm is to avoid disasters like Andrew and Harry (and particularly Meghan) then perhaps its time it was run along more businesslike lines. Yes, the Duchess of York claimed the Princess of Wales had given her plantar warts with her size 6.5 shoes. I have no evidence whatsoever for this. To this day, we have dozens of photographs of Diana wearing a seat belt. He seems to be sleepwalking himself into his own nightmare unawares. She was and is quite mystical and thats part of it. All that was left on the stage was an empty car seat on a raised dais. I wonder how the Queen would have felt if she was still alive. These are unfair and unfounded insinuations and accusations forthcoming from anger. This will replace what I see as manufactured warfare which is being artfully constructed online by an army of trolls and selected media, to split the United Kingdom and United States Special Relationship, but also unity within the United Kingdom itself. You might say, it is written. This whole situation would have bought her sadness. Ive no idea but if the source of the secret is dribs and drabs from the public I think its more likely to be about her and her possibly shady past. Thank you for your comment. Thankyou for the opportunity to contribute to the discussion. Ever since the wedding, as an astrologer, I have learned to watch for staging. Michelle. And as I understand it, a high ranking theologian, a retired high ranking judge or or a former minister could do this as well. You sound as if you know your royal history. He said: I think two nights ago I dreamt we had got to the point [of placing the crown on the Kings head] and I had left the crown at Lambeth Palace. This is the same as Henry VIII and then the arrival of Mary and Elizabeth because the line of succession was disrupted. So, its almost a bingo card I guess. I cant comment on that, but having finally read Spare, its a vague autobiography. Almost as if shes pulling back? Honey traps can and do occur anywhere. A big reason is certainly his own childhood. Thats a great compliment, thank you. I am feeling quiet exhausted. Oh, thats interesting. Thank you. The astrology of March seems exciting on the one hand but concerning too. But asking each individual congregation what they want would at least serve rather than alienate. Thank you Jessica. Having just read Spare I am amazed at the product placement of good old Soho House on Dean Street, even offering its street number and the total absence of any detail at all about so much else that actually matters. These people are, at the very top of things, powerful enough to be able to dispose of an Australian Prime Minister, or give another Australian Prime Minister permission to give himself secret ministries. Anger drives this feature? Currently feeling strangled and need a break.thank you Jessica. The bridesmaids dresses did not fit. It simply should not matter and yet rumors persist. Okay the incident with Prince William isnt the best look, but when you dont have the full story you dont know what pushed him to this point. It is lethal, of course, but a faint whiff can leak into a room and not be noticed. Before William's discussion with Harry and subsequent discussion with his family, the astrologer predicted a lot of changes for the royal in March. With reference to the odd product placement in Spare a photo of MM outside Soho House Istanbul with photographer Jason Bailey and Old Etonian actor Eddie Redmayne (friend of W&H) taken apparently on April 25 2015. In Nicks view, any change in the monarchys status will take the form of a compromise whereby Britain will retain the trappings of a monarch but nonetheless become a republic. I have long felt that if the title of Monarch was awarded on merit, Princess Anne would be the best candidate for the role of all of the Queens children. But could republican groups be responsible for stage-managing the downfall of the monarchy? This is far too precious for the current shenanigans. Great post! He can circumvent this by buying or leasing another property. The team behind Meghan and Harry have found the one thing Americans do care about, though race. My friend Penny Thornton, who was one of Dianas three astrologers, has predicted Harry and William will reconcile one day. Every chart is hit then. This article is mesmerising, yet chilling. Rumoured at the time to be due to sympathy/support for H&Ms supposed victimhood at the hands of the monarchy. Dear Jessica, reading your comments its become a little clearer to me as to why Harry and Meghan are attacking the British monarchy so avidly, despite using their titles and clinging on to the Royal Familys coattails. A, Oh, Meghans absence will be part of the marketing plan. It was last recorded when King George III was unfit to rule, because of what experts now believe was bipolar disorder, and his son, George IV became Prince Regent. Diana of course suffered from mental health issues herself and while it is plain to see that Charles and Camilla love each other very much, in many ways that love was built on Dianas suffering. I do wonder about Meghans friend, the shadowy figure Markus Anderson, apparently Chief Membership Officer of Soho House. Charles shared deeply personal accounts of being bullied at school and Harry then choosing to tell the world that. The Behaviour Panel, 3 Americans and 1 Briton. However, in the Oprah interview, in a segment where Meghan compares Catherine having to deal with the rudeness of being called Waity Katie with her own experience in the Royal Family, she says rudeness and racism are not the same. If something did happen to both Charles and William can Kate become Princess Regent for George until he is old enough to rein in his own right. Its pretty fascinating that a lot of your predictions have come true and its hard to understand why more people dont believe in astrology based on that alone. And a security guard for either the Archbishop of Canterbury and/or the couple. My sister (also a Cancer) was 17. Bizarre. Its really useful to stand well, well back from what has happened to the House of Windsor and see it from a distance. Princess Anne has close ties with UK intelligence and may have been faster out of the gate than anyone else at the danger signals coming from America. It would be historic (it can only happen once in your adult life). Angie's Prediction for Harry Styles: Harry Styles' star will only continue to rise. As members of the Commonwealth and/or UK taxpayers, if we step back from everything and look at it dispassionately, it would appear that the problem of (say) Andrew or Harry is best solved by The Firm acting like a firm, and not an ancient institution based on birth order. His time, place and date of birth were recorded, accurately, according to convention. Please keep this blog open as we are here, collectively, trying to unpick and unravelled what is actually going on on a global stage. And theres the karma right there, hes paying for it via Harry. I really hate Harry (who I feel is more evil than Meghan)and I dont want him to succeed in his agenda to bring down William. Im not psychic but Ive always felt the head of the Anglican Church was spiritually empty. This is one of the few institutions where your marriage is your career. Jessica I knew there were chances coming but I never saw this. And so to another Leo eclipse in the series: near January 14th 2019 in Birkenhead. And I think it must be because Harry thinks they are hurting his Megan so he is taking it out on Kate. Mars at 16 Sagittarius in his Ninth House of foreign matters (as mentioned above) is aligned with a huge number of chart factors. . He is much older and sporting a beard. I think the way around this is to do it the French way. She didnt die in the car, and a doctor gave her first care but she was stuck in the car (she had her seat belt on) and had to wait for an ambulance; then it took about 1h30 to get her to a hospital, much too long. Time will tell but my gut tells me she will rule one day. But at the end of the day, it does matter how you treated your (first) wife. Why ask the Archbishop of Canterbury? Charles I and Charles II also attracted astrologers, and almanac comments. The comments, observations and information have really made the thread. Thats why so many astrologers down the years have predicted hell never take the throne. If you view this information just from a therapeutic family systems point of view the patterns are astounding. What concerns me with Harry is he says he wants a relationship with his brother and father and yet his behaviour says otherwise. It took place on Mercury Retrograde, so classically a time for retractions, rescheduling and sometimes an about-face. Jessica, I understand how busy you are but could I ask I am a Virgo sun (18/9/68 6.30 am in Hobart) with stelliums in Scorpio (8), Virgo (6), Libra (5) and Aries (4). A guest at the party worked for ASIO, the Australian equivalent of MI5 and said They got her. Instantly. I am fascinated by this story in The Hill. Again, when Prince Williams godmother Lady Susan Hussey resigned after a (strangely recorded) conversation with the head of Sistah Space (Hackney), Harrys chart resonated. Psychic reveals shocking details about Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's royal feud. Alarm bells ringing all over the place with this one, but most specifically about the Taliban claim which makes the family targets. Janie Bee. Soho House is expanding in Stockholm, near you in Sweden. Wonder what it all means, but I know it was a meaningful moment. Really interesting article Jessica as always. A major cover up. I have thought for a while now that Meghan loads and points the gun and Harry fires it. A moment. After the 1925 Santa Barbara earthquake, the main house was demolished. Ive just seen on line that Prince Andrew has been saying a secret will come out next month to clear his reputation wondering if this is entwined with the H&M saga?xx. I am less convinced of that. I escort her out to her car, and when I return, William is seated in the same chair. I will have a look at this; it hadnt occurred to me that this is another possible Church of England issue. Apparently there was a lot of criticism and hilarious memes about Harry. He will meet his Nemesis,for sure Somebody else replying at 2.15 am I would be concerned about, but not you, for reasons you have given. Charles will not become King. Come back later. Its not hard to interpret it as a comment thats as much about being conflicted as about being anxious about his role and the event. So the question is was Meghan manipulated or recruited? Hi Jessica, So the question does actually arise in March; Who is the King? This comes from the ancient Henry VIII chart. Have to say, the alternative Harry and Meghan fiction industry is far more imaginative than (even) the real thing. Years ago, my son and I read your website every day and followed his horoscope to guide him as he went through a difficult time. Hello Jessica and everyone Such a lot of game-playing, evasion, omission and so on. The aspects describe the geometric angles between the planets. Twitter. Thats pretty bad in 2023. While this duo will be fiercely loyal and protective of each other, they can also get caught into a swirl of fear. Once home to Christine Keeler and a Russian spy scandal. Janie Bee. Our readers pointed out that Harrys actual uniform at the wedding is a standart frock coat of the Blues and Royals, which looks almost identical to the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards uniform worn by Nicholas II. I hope that this is of some help to you. He is hugely Virgo and this is the sign we associate with anxiety and depression risk. With the news that Meghan is the object of a lawsuit by her sister today, the theme of sisters is certainly coming back! Malignant narcissists are prone to violence. The wedding itself probably deserves its own astrology feature! Repeated disruption and destruction. The South Node in Libra is about closure and it goes back into the mists of time. The Church of England is pursuing the idea of a female God at the General Synod. Sometimes it coincides with other cycles which hit a national chart (like France in the French Revolution) and you end up with mobs and guillotines.