Cute, adorable and only as big as your hand, the finger monkey has become one of the most popular exotic pets today. We do know that you cannot own any animals that are native to India, which some monkeys are, but does that also exclude monkeys from other countries? The legislation would also introduce new welfare restrictions placed on the breeding and transfer of primates. No matter how sweet they might be, they are still wild animals at heart. Research and read up on the particular breed you want to get and see if you are willing to accept whatever risks are involved if any. The potential for aggressive and destructive behavior, Inability to house train them and the cage requirements. Bruno Vincent / Stringer / Getty Images The 2003 Ontario Municipal Act gave municipalities the power to pass exotic animal by-laws, which are not standardized, varying between municipalities. States that ban the ownership of finger monkeys as pets are as follows: States like Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and Oklahoma will require special permits for you to own a pygmy marmoset as a pet. They are not to be sold commercially or kept as pets by private individuals. Plus, the food and medical expenses. Whats more, finger monkeys are social creatures. They spend most of their lives living high up in the tree canopy munching on their favorite snack of all time, gum Arabic, resin, or tree sap. In addition, he also volunteers at legal aid clinics to gain more experience. This way, you know exactly the monkeys history. It is illegal to own a monkey in 19 states, including California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont and Wyoming. They are also protective of their owners, sometimes without thinking of the cost to themselves. Before getting one, make sure you are prepared emotionally and financially for the investment. You also have to take into account the specialized enclosure it will need. They have a small, flat nose and large eyes. Unlike dogs and cats, monkeys are not conditioned or bred to become anyones pet and thus, are believed to make unsuitable pets. Weve taken the time here at lawyerblogger to go over the most relevant laws around the world for our readers to digest. This is also true for Spain as long as there are legal provenance and papers. is it legal to own a monkey in delaware. In the UK, for instance, its legal to own a monkey as long as you have a license. Place the meal dishes at least a meter above the ground, so they feel safer. Mexico, which is also home to some species of monkeys native to the Central American region, has very laxed laws surrounding exotic pets (in this case monkeys). Some will eat insects like crickets, mealworms, and wax worms. Reviewed by: Michelle Seidel, B.Sc., LL.B., MBA. Monkeys do not like a mess, and will throw out anything they feel should not be within their space. FloridaAll primates in the Sunshine State require permits, but some of these permits are simple to acquire. While it may be legal to own a pet monkey where you live, ask yourself if you're really ready to care for a monkey for its entire lifespan, and that you have the resources and knowledge base to give your pet the quality of life it deserves. For primates, there are disease testing and caging requirements. In Oklahoma, you can own any animal with a permit. Florida: A chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutang or baboon is a Class I wildlife animal, which is illegal to own unless it had been a pet before August 1, 1980. There are also no known occurrences of fatalities from zoonotic disease or serious illness in the United States from pet monkeys in recent history. *Cheetahs are rare in the United States and are not kept as pets. Yes it is legal to own a monkey, but it cannot be a native wild monkey found in the rainforests of Brazil, such as a marmoset. As of 2022, owning a monkey is still legal in the U.K, as long as you have a, to own a wild animal. There are many potential problems with owning a pet monkey. It's possible to own a pet tiger or alligator in the state with the proper permits and approvals. Of course, its not enough to buy your monkey a cage or enclosure. If you have a marmoset, they require a different diet from other monkeys. Or do you have high trees for them to live in naturally? These monkeys can live up to 25 years in captivity. Even more, its essential to understand the financial investment involved in having one as well. Its also worth noting this monkey is strong and has the tendency to become aggressive even overplay, which can be too much to handle for some owners. Finger monkeys are curious, playful, and smart creatures. Its also important they have access to a good amount of water. A small baby finger monkey can have a starting price of between $3,000 and $4,000. In Arkansas, you can own bobcats, but not more than six at a time. It would be hard to disagree with that line of thinking after trying to find information on the new law. These behavioral issues are likely to worsen as your monkey ages and enters puberty. There are varying laws that determine the legality of owning a monkey. Owning a monkey and the legality behind it differs from state to state, country to country, and contains different stipulations for each different locale. Also, if you already have a pet monkey, you cannot travel outside the country with them because they wont be allowed back into the country when you return. ; 35 states ban keeping big cats as pets, with varying . In the wild, they can live for up to 20 to 25 years but this can be shorter since they are usually hunted as food. Finger Monkey Appearance: What Does a Finger Monkey Look Like? Make sure theyre still active, and there are no changes in their behavior as well as any visible injury on the animal. Estimated Cost: Between $25 and $35 weekly. The law bars any native animal from being kept in captivity as a pet. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. In most cases, illegal animals in North Carolina consist of animals that are native to the United States, are rabies vectors, and some select potentially invasive species. Each one costs between four and five thousand dollars. Its important to let them know the difference; otherwise, you will have your hands full once they turn into adults. Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary in Florida takes in monkeys that are relinquished as pets from owners who either could not handle their care or had them illegally. And its always advisable to have at least 2 of them because they need companionship and socialization to thrive. Adults weigh only 3.5 oz., so you can imagine how small and lightweight these monkeys are. Theyve become a favorite exotic pet for many, not just because of their size but because theyre so unique. For example, South Carolina prohibits owning lions as pets, but you can still own a monkey. To note, these permits are not easy to get (outside of labs, scientific institutions etc.) This is why responsible breeders will recommend they have a companion monkey with them or that you can devote a considerable chunk of attention to them. Our articles are for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for making any decisions or actions. Hedgehogs as pets are known to be entertaining and active throughout the evenings. but it is possible. Since then, the Dangerous Wild Animal Act has made lions, tigers, bears, elephants, alligators, monkeys, and servals illegal to own, requiring a permit. They are a lot like us humans. They can become tame, but dangerous situations may still occur due to natural behaviors. There is also monkey chow, similar to dog food, available for purchase. Anyone can keep exotic animals under Mexican law but they must come from breeders accredited by the Secretariat for the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT). But as far as the lowest price for the initial purchase of a monkey, it would have to be a Marmoset or finger monkeys. Having a home with younger kids is discouraged when having these monkeys. This legislation would require anyone without a zoo licence to obtain a new specialist private primate keeper licence to ensure they are meeting the required high welfare standards. Although they are quite intelligent, you will find it much more difficult to train them compared to the average dog, which is focused on working with you. The largest species is the Chacma which grows up to 47 inches. They are highly intelligent, but can be aggressive toward people. In the wild, they live in social groups of 6 to 9 monkeys, so one kept at home would require humans and other monkeys as constant companions. Then finally, make sure to read up and understand what commitments owning a finger monkey would mean for you. A large carnivore is defined as a lion, tiger or bear. When you buy a monkey, you need to be prepared to pay anywhere from $1,500 to up to $50,000 depending on the breed of monkey you want or whether you want a baby or an adult. Buying a pet monkey isn't as easy as strolling into your local pet store or contacting one of the many breeders for the type of dog or cat breed you want. Other than that, these two sub-species are similar. They can grow from 9.8 to 13.8 inches long with an additional 14 to 17 inches for the tail. While they do have humanlike behavior, potential owners should understand they are large and twice as strong as humans. So its important for your welfare and especially for the monkey that potential owners understand it will be a huge responsibility and commitment on their part once they take on a pet monkey. Make sure it's legal to have one in your state, then prepare your house as if you're having a toddler come and live with you. They need a lot of branches and areas they can climb and swing on in order to engage in natural behaviors. Use a small 5 cc syringe. Most North Carolina counties ban many exotic pets or require extensive conditions. The late Michael Jackson famously had Bubbles, his pet Chimpanzee. Indoor cages have prices starting at $600 to $900 depending on how big it is as well as the quality. Another cost you need to take into account is diapers. You will also need to keep diapers on them permanently to keep your house clean. However, macaques, despite their small size, require large enclosures because they tend to move around a lot. Monkeys are revered in Hinduism and devout Hindus often feed them. Most monkey pet owners prefer to use diapers on their monkeys because they are difficult to house train. Because of their exotic nature, its essential to know what ownership of such a unique species would require of you. Also depends on the area you are located in. to ban people from keeping monkeys as pets in England is being debated. Is It Illegal to Take Sand From The Beach. Other states and municipalities require permits and special consideration to own a pet monkey. What countries allow you to have a pet monkey? Is it legal to own a monkey in the state of California? If you are in the U.K and were thinking about the possibility of having a pet monkey, it might be best to keep an eye on this developing update. When they turn about 3, they hit puberty and their demeanor sometimes changes. The animals must be micro-chipped and the applicant must provide substantial information. OhioOhio used to be an exotic pet-friendly state until a task force aiming to restrict private ownership was empowered by an incident where one man allegedly released his big cats and other carnivores and committed suicide. They also are difficult to house train and will need to wear diapers for their entire lifetime. For one, monkeys tend to live long, between 15 and 40 years. If you are in the U.K and were thinking about the possibility of having a pet monkey, it might be best to keep an eye on this developing update. Your pets enclosure needs to mimic its natural habitat as much as possible. There exists a permit system, under which anyone can breed protected wildlife, provided they have obtained the approval of the department of wildlife protection under the provincial, regional or municipal government. Marmosets are also known as finger monkeys or pocket monkeys. I live in Ontario Canada. Unlike domesticated dogs, theyve never caused any fatalities.