If you want, you could even create nested chunks of JSON that name-space your config variables. for (var n in nums) { So you have the following type markers you can use instead of def (or the rarely used text). For example, here below is an actual report generated by the cucumber-reporting open-source library. countryName: '#string', isValidTime(_)' get metadata about the currently executing feature within a test, functional-style filter operation useful to filter list-like objects (e.g. How to call one scenario from another scenario in Karate API Automation Karate supports JUnit 5 and the advantage is that you can have multiple methods in a test-class. Here is an example of using the call keyword to invoke another feature file, loaded using the read function: If you find this hard to understand at first, try looking at this set of examples. None of the examples in the documentation use the $varName form on the LHS, and this is the recommended best-practice. You can even remove JSON array elements by index. Step 4: Run this feature file and get the report in target > karate-reports > karate-summary.html. If you find yourself struggling to write dynamic JsonPath filters, look at karate.filter() as an alternative, described just below. #12 - Test Runner in Karate Junit5 || Run Feature Files from Maven For more complex functions you are better off using the multi-line doc-string approach. This is typically combined with multipart file as shown below. The classpath is a Java concept and is where some configuration files such as the one for logging are expected to be by default. So you can do things like this: * def name = name + __loop - or you can use the loop index value for looking up other values that may be in scope - in a data-driven style. Valid options are, Resemble option to ignore a specific color, Resemble option to override preset tolerances for color and brightness, SSIM grayscale algorithm. So if you take the previous folder structure example, you can do this on the command-line: Here, AnimalsTest is the name of the Java class we designated to run the multiple *.feature files that make up your test-suite. Here are some examples: Refer to this file for a comprehensive set of XML examples: xml.feature. Paste the raw data in textbox. The last boolean argument is whether the karate-config.js should be processed or not. Note that karate.signal() (described as part of the listen keyword) will be called internally and the listenResult will be the payload contents of the selected message. Here is an . You can change the com.intuit.karate logger level to INFO to reduce the amount of logging. Requirement: Open a feature file in VSCode Editor and ensure editor has focus. Karate also has built-in support for websocket that is based on the async capability and the listen keyword. return 'this text will be displayed above the image comparison config\n' + customConfigJson To signal the end of the data, just return null. If you want to keep the level as DEBUG (for HTML reports) but suppress logging to the console, you can comment out the STDOUT root appender-ref: Or another option is to use a ThresholdFilter, so you still see critical logs on the console: If you want to exclude the logs from your CI/CD pipeline but keep them in the execution of your users in their locals you can configure your logback using Janino. For example - if a response data element or downloaded file is YAML and you need to use the data in subsequent steps. Here is a good example in the demos: dynamic-params.feature, The single JSON argument needs to be in the form { field1: { read: 'file1.ext' }, field2: { read: 'file2.ext' } } where each nested JSON is in the form expected by multipart file. Linux: Ctrl+Shift+R+1. Make sure you configure your source code management system (e.g. } """, # use dynamic path expressions to mutate json, * def filename = zone == 'zone1' ? OR: To run every feature that has either of the @F1 and @F2 tags (runs both) {@F1,@F2}, Combining OR and AND: To run feature that has either of @F1,@F2,@F3 tags but not @F4 tag. You can even perform a conversion from XML to JSON if you want. This is preferred because it takes care of situations such as if the value is undefined in JavaScript. karate | Multiple Scenarios in a single feature - YouTube The call keyword provides an alternate way of calling JavaScript functions that have only one argument. And steps that follow should logically be in the Then form. A typical need would be to perform a sign in, or create a fresh user as a pre-requisite for the scenarios being tested. Also note that ; charset=UTF-8 would be appended to the Content-Type header that Karate sends by default, and in some rare cases, you may need to suppress this behavior completely. The most important feature of Karate is no coding. When you use a JUnit runner - after the execution of each feature, an HTML report is output to the target/karate-reports folder and the full path will be printed to the console (see video). You can find more examples here: xml.feature. By default, Karate will load all *.feature files from sub-directories as well. Important: If you attempt to build a URL in the form ?myparam=value by using path the ? Observe the usage of Scenario Outline: instead of Scenario:, and the new Examples: section. When you have a runner class in place, it would be possible to run it from the command-line as well. How can karate read data from external files? After every HTTP call this variable is set with the response body, and is available until the next HTTP request over-writes it. Annotate the test with the . To do that, add the following: And then the above command in Gradle would look like: The recommended way to define and run test-suites and reporting in Karate is to use the parallel runner, described in the next section. And yes, functions can take arguments. { id: 23, name: 'Bob' }, This is super-useful for re-use and data-driven tests. Notice how once the authToken variable is initialized, it is used by the above function to generate headers for every HTTP call made as part of the test flow. "a": 1, But again, you can return a JSON object. Instead, Karate gives you all you need as part of the syntax. How to use Karate-config parameters in a feature file? predicate syntax, and situations where this comes in useful will be apparent when we discuss match each. A Java API also exists for those who prefer to programmatically integrate Karates rich automation and data-assertion capabilities. When using call (or callonce), only one argument is allowed. The syntax will include a = sign between the key and the value. { Let's have a look over the a very simple and plane gatling script which uses Karate . To force a null value, wrap it in parentheses: An alternate way to create data is using the set multiple syntax. Note that the path resets after any HTTP request is made but not the url. HTML form fields would be URL-encoded when the HTTP request is submitted (by the method step). function(x, y, i) { We recommend that you use the Karate extension for Visual Studio Code - and with that, JavaScript, .NET and Python programmers will feel right at home. In the feature below, the * print 'in setup' step will run only once. [ But since some-reusable.feature is above AnimalsTest.java in the folder hierarchy, it will not be picked-up. name: 'John', You can use this to assert that it was returned within the expected time like so: Karate will attempt to parse the raw HTTP response body as JSON or XML and make it available as the response value. This is best explained in this example that involves listening to an ActiveMQ / JMS queue. In the called feature, the argument can also be accessed using the built-in variable: called Karate scripts dont need to use any special keywords to return data and can behave like normal Karate tests in stand-alone mode if needed, the data return mechanism is safe, there is no danger of the called script over-writing any variables in the calling (or parent) script (unless you use, the need to explicitly unpack variables by name from the returned envelope keeps things readable and maintainable in the caller script, call re-usable functions that take complex data as an argument and return complex data that can be stored in a variable, JavaScript / JSON-style mutation of existing. What are the features of a Karate test script? But you can prefix the name with classpath: in which case the root folder would be src/test/java (assuming you are using the recommended folder structure). For details of scope and visibility of variables, see Script Structure. input: In the case of the call of a JavaScript function, you can also pass a JSON array or a primitive (string, number, boolean) as the solitary argument, and the function implementation is expected to handle whatever is passed. Karate has an elegant way to set multiple keys (via path expressions) in one step. For some more examples check test-outline-name-js.feature. 3 Day Blinds is the leading manufacturer and retailer . please replace RELEASE with the exact version of Karate you intend to use if applicable. Karate is built on top of Cucumber, another BDD testing framework, and shares some of the same concepts. KarateIDE is: A Test Runner/Debugger and REST Client that uses KarateDSL to explore your API, import/export from cURL and generate tests/mocks from OpenAPI. Also note that you dont use @Karate.Test for the method, and you just use the normal JUnit 5 @Test annotation. """, # * match cat == { name: '#ignore', type: '#regex . Everything to the right of the assert keyword will be evaluated as a single expression. Getting Started With Karate Test Framework for API - Software That Matters UI for debugging the Test. subType: { name: 'Smith', deleted: false } Each functionality of the software must have a separate feature file. Empty cells or expressions that evaluate to null will result in the key being omitted from the JSON. "b": 4, Since multiple values are supported, you can also do this: A little-known capability of the Cucumber / Gherkin syntax is to be able to tag even specific rows in a bunch of examples ! In the first feature file creating a Git Repo. JSON arrays), see. All feature files should be in src/test/resources and create the Cucumber Runner class as CucumberRunnerTest. Look at multipart entity for an example. and & will be automatically inserted. Singapore | Facts, Geography, History, & Points of Interest Only 1 import is needed, and instead of a class-level annotation, you use a nice DRY and fluent-api to express which tests and tags you want to use. status: '#number? Karate tool provides you with the step definitions. And JSON arrays would become Java List-s. An advanced option is where the scenario expression returns a JavaScript generator function. Imperialism is the state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other areas, often through employing hard power (economic and military power), but also soft power (cultural and diplomatic power).While related to the concepts of colonialism and empire, imperialism is a distinct . In real-life scripts, you would typically also use this capability of Karate to configure headers where the specified JavaScript function uses the variables that result from a sign in to manipulate headers for all subsequent HTTP requests. The built-in karate object is explained in detail later, but for now, note that this is also injected into print (and even assert) statements, and it has a helpful pretty method, that takes a JSON argument and a prettyXml method that deals with XML. So the only way to call this Scenario is by using the karate.setup() JS API. Keep in mind that these are tests (not production code) and this config is going to be maintained more by the dev or QE team instead of the ops or operations team. { In these 13 y ears, the club has grown to be one of the larger karate clubs in Singapore, with 11 dojos islandwide currently, promoting sport karate in this nation. 1 How to run a specific feature file in Karate? Note that if you did not need to inject Examples: into placeholders enclosed within < and >, reading from a file with the extension *.txt may have been sufficient. You can choose between the string-placeholder style or directly refer to the variable foo (or even the whole row JSON as __row) in JSON-friendly expressions. You can optionally pass in variable values or over-ride config via a HashMap or leave the second-last argument as null. Set the read timeout (milliseconds). This can be done via the maven-surefire-plugin configuration. Prefer classpath: when a file is expected to be heavily re-used all across your project. The recipe for doing this when running Maven from the command line is: You can refer to the documentation of the Maven Surefire Plugin for alternate ways of achieving this, but the argLine approach is the simplest and should be more than sufficient for your Continuous Integration or test-automation needs. The scenario expression result is expected to be an array of JSON objects. In most cases you wont need to set the Content-Type header as Karate will automatically do the right thing depending on the data-type of the request. All the fuzzy matching markers will work in XML as well. Look at how the path did not need to be specified for the second HTTP get call since /cats is part of the url. As a rule of thumb, prefer match over assert, because match failure messages are more detailed and descriptive. Since these are tests and not production Java code, you dont need to be bound by the com.mycompany.foo.bar convention and the un-necessary explosion of sub-folders that ensues. Parallel testing is the core functionality that is provided by the Karate itself, hence we need not depend on Maven, Gradle, etc. Here below is an example that also demonstrates using the multipart/related content-type. Create util.DbUtils java class and add the following java code snippet. In rare cases, you may want to check what the type of the response is and it can be one of 3 different values: json, xml and string. Raw Blame. So now, complex payloads (that include arrays) can easily be validated in one step by combining validation markers like so: Especially note the re-use of the oddSchema both as an embedded-expression and as an array validation (on the last line). You can select a single Scenario (or Scenario-s or Scenario Outline-s or even specific Examples rows) by appending a tag selector at the end of the feature-file you are calling. Though not really recommended, you can have multiple Scenario-s within a Feature tagged with @setup. To create a feature file, right click on the Project explorer, choose New >> File. . If you have to set a bunch of deeply nested keys, you can move the parent path to the top, next to the set keyword and save a lot of typing ! And when you read your JSON objects from (re-usable) files, even complex response payload assertions can be accomplished in just a single line of Karate-script. Note that the parser is lenient so that you dont have to enclose all keys in double-quotes. You cant do things such as * url 'http://foo.bar' and expect the URL to be set in the called feature. """, # optional (can be null) and if present should be an array of size greater than zero, # should be an array of size equal to $.count, # use a predicate function to validate each array element, # if you prefer using 'pure' JsonPath, you can do this, # using the karate object if the expression is dynamic, """ english This comes in useful . You also have the option of setting multiple cookies in one-step using the cookies keyword. returns the last HTTP response as a JS object that enables advanced use-cases such as getting a header ignoring case: returns the last HTTP request as a JS object that enables advanced use-cases such as getting a header ignoring case: get metadata about the currently executing, sets the value of a variable (immediately), which may be needed in case any other routines (such as the, where the single argument is expected to be a, only needed when you need to conditionally build payload elements, especially XML. multipart file uploads can be tricky, and hard to get right. The default is 30000 (30 seconds). """, * configure imageComparison = { onShowRebase, # custom JS function called in Karate HTML image comparison UI when the user clicks the `Show config` button, """ But if you really need to use the HTTP response code in an expression or save it for later, you can get it as an integer: Note that match can give you some extra readable options: The response time (in milliseconds) for the current response would be available in a variable called responseTime. So you can do things like right-click and run a *.feature file (or scenario) without needing to use a JUnit runner. The feature file is an entry point, to write the cucumber tests and used as a live document at the time of testing. Just like yaml, you may occasionally need to convert a string which happens to be in CSV form into JSON, and this can be done via the csv keyword. Given this custom, user-defined Java class: This is how it can be called from a test-script via JavaScript, and yes, even static methods can be invoked: Note that JSON gets auto-converted to Map (or List) when making the cross-over to Java. }, This example uses contains and the #? Provides supports for the Data Driver Testing that is built in-house, hence no need to depend on external frameworks. Staging Ground Beta 1 Recap, and Reviewers needed for Beta 2. Karate Framework Tutorial: Automated API Testing With Karate b Only recommended for advanced users, but this guarantees a routine is run only once, even when running tests in parallel. Now, run the TestRunner and observe that you would not find all the verbose logs in console which you were getting before and rather it would be saved in a file karate.log under target folder . I tryed the, @LorenzoNardi no other than just use a tag. For example, if you have a runner under . Multi-values are supported the way you would expect (e.g. For example: While the tag does not need to be in the @key=value form, it is recommended for readability when you start getting into the business of giving meaningful names to your Scenario-s. The argument can be provided after the function name, without parentheses, which makes things slightly more readable (and less cluttered) especially when the solitary argument is JSON. So if you tried to re-use the same feature but with multiple arguments, things will not work as you expect. to save space and speed up report loading), * configure imageComparison = { hideUiOnSuccess, # ignore areas of an image (e.g. Now if we want to validate the response as whole json, create a file named as "EResult.json" under "Karate.api.data" package (Create a separate package where all the data files will reside). Use this for building multipart named (form) field requests. Since Karate uses Gherkin, you can also employ data-driven techniques such as expressing data-tables in test scripts. Once you have a JSON or XML object, Karate provides multiple ways to manipulate, extract or transform data. Typical symptoms are your tests working fine via the IDE but not when running via Maven or Gradle. if you want to conditionally stop a test with a descriptive error message, e.g. Refer to the section on XPath Functions for examples of advanced XPath usage. If you use the above config, logs will be captured in target/karate.log. Use a variable in the called feature instead, for e.g. You can define the variables with the def keyword in the feature file directly. Note that even the scenario name can accept placeholders - which is very useful in reports. For an example, refer: upload-multiple-files.feature. { This capability is triggered when the table consists of a single cell, i.e. sorts the list using the provided custom function called for each item in the list (and the optional second argument is the item index) e.g. [peter] exactly as per design. The examples above are simple, but a variety of expression shapes are supported on the right hand side of the = symbol. UI testing. Calling any Java code is that easy. Herea table of the alternative in-line forms compared with the standard form. The method signature of the assertTrue has flipped around a bit. And there is another example in the karate-demos: schema.feature where you can compare Karates approach with an actual JSON-schema example. Just write tests in a simple, readable syntax - carefully designed for HTTP, JSON, GraphQL and XML. If you want to pass a clone to a called feature, you can do so using the rarely used copy keyword that works very similar to type conversion. bottom: 893, Windows: Ctrl+R+A. Read the documentation of the stand-alone JAR for more - such as how you can even install custom command-line applications using jbang ! also explained how to grab the response . But the when using Run option on an individual scenario, i get the following error Open the command prompt and change the directory to the project location where pom.xml is present. Here below are a few more common examples: The first three are good enough for random string generation for most situations. Native data types mean that you can insert them into a script without having to worry about enclosing them in strings and then having to escape double-quotes all over the place. All tests are defined in *.feature files; For every feature file package, you need to have an empty test-class in the same package under src/test/java; Karate recommends to keep the *.feature files in the same folder as the test-class; The <build> section of the pom.xml needs a small tweak for this .. (Similar change needed in build.gradle file) Note that you would typically want to use the @ignore tag for such cases. But normally a match statement is preferred unless you want a really descriptive error message. "a": 1, Expressions are evaluated using the embedded JavaScript engine. mass It can be easily inspected or used in expressions. String interpolation will support variables in scope and / or the Examples (including functions defined globally, but not functions defined in the background). You can call send() on the returned object to send a message. In some rare cases you need to exit a Scenario based on some condition. *.feature files and JavaScript functions. XML and XPath works just like youd expect. And any variables which are alive in the context can be used in this expression.