I can feel my physical tensions releasing, and my mind seems to go quiet with no inner voice. This Ultimate Guide digs into some of the most common questions and concerns related to scalar energy healing with answers that are easy to understand and apply to your individual health conditions and circumstances. It is an innovative leap into de-stressing and healing ourselves at a causal level. Reduces pain and inflammation. No thinking, just a great response. After all, what could it hurt? Your generosity is greatly appreciated, and what's more, it's heartening to know that Kindness and Integrity are not antiquated qualities. Ive never experienced anything like it before!, Last night was the 2nd time I fell asleep to Zen trance. If there are too many Positive Ions it creates cross linking which can lead to various different symptoms or effect your DNA which can in turn cause illnesses as bad as cancer. So far we have reviewed the Bio Magnetic Energy bracelet as well as theIyashi Scalar Bracelet. Here is one experience from Stacy Sun I have used Spooky2 Scalar treating my breast problem and used Spooky2 Scalar for my sisters Lung Cancer with great success. There are 7 chakras in the body. Negative Ions are key in keeping clean calming energy available to you throughout the day. Along with their numerous other benefits, scalar waves can help you ground yourself as the frequency they work at aligns with the Schumann Resonance. By harnessing the Schumann Resonances and running them through the Scalar Qi, you can simulate their natural state and utilize them for healing, allowing you to: These benefits are immensely effective in helping to reverse numerous serious health conditions including chronic pain, migraines, and arthritis. To get started using the Scalar Qi for regenerative healing and more, you will need to pair it with an Avazzia Life Evolution or Avazzia Pro Sport III microcurrent device. What kind of stress could we release with that? Remote Scalar Energy Healing by Tom Paladino "Absolutely fabulous product as always Tonya!!! These wands are good for targeting a specific area for pain relief and providing you with much needed energy. If you are sick, please consult your chosen qualified health-care practitioner. But scalar waves are actually a pretty straightforward part of everyday life for all of us. You can also perform a scalar biofeedback scan of your body and get the appropriate frequency that your body needs. And then scalar energy will flow within your body. Another researcher, Dr. Glen Rein, observed that scalar energy was also shown to improve the growth of white blood cells. Its a long and often grueling process and, unfortunately, sometimes doesnt work. So, sit back, grab a cup of herbal tea and get ready to learn all about scalar waves and how they can revolutionize your health and healing capabilities in ways you never imagined. I instantly fell asleep and woke up a different person., "I am very pleased with this and my other purchases. This is true de-stressing and not a short-term fix. If you choose free shipping via E-packet, it might take 1-2 months to arrive. Spooky2 Scalar Essential Kit - 2022 Biofeedback is a way of listening to your body and discovering what frequencies are best suited for you. However, due to recent advancements in this field of science, an affordable at-home option is now available. Constantly being immersed in scalar energy from The Quantum Tesla iQube will help re-pattern your brain so that you can meditate like a Zen master Raises Your Vibration The Quantum Tesla iQube transforms your home and your life so that you relax more, focus better, and have more empowerment Note: You can receive one Free Scalar Link Cable Extensionwhen buying a Spooky2 Scalar Extended Link Cable. My heart chakra is definitely open more than ever before. I am looking forward to using it daily and feel a lot more optimistic about the future in these turbulent times. Anything that assists with healing at theroot,or causal level has two basic components energy and frequencies (information). Relieves high blood pressure. Please place your Scalar Harmony on the receiver plate of Spooky2 Scalar. Have very much enjoyed the CD with the Ocean Soundscape that purchased from you last year.". In later years, several researchers including Andrija Puharich conducted experiments to determine the effects of scalar energy on the human body. You can use this kit to improve your energy level and balance your chakras. Have you ever heard about scalar energy? Over time your body accumulates debris due to illness and injury. Boosts energy levels. Settles my brain down and I just feel better all the way around. Our Top 5 Wellness Products: Scalar Wave Healing, Microcurrent Goggles This is something that many times I had before, but not ALL THE TIME! Spooky2 Scalar is the first scalar treatment device to provide three different methods of transmitting healing scalar waves: pure scalar, molecular scalar and Rife scalar. Its a lovely, awakened feeling of happiness. Anything that assists with healing at the root, or causal level has two basic components - energy and frequencies (information). The materials that are used in this therapy relate to quantum science and quantum energy. There is plenty of information on this site for those new to this subject. Accelerates body metabolism and weight management. It is generally accepted now that up to 80% of all our illness is directly related to stress and stress can actually be seen in the blood using a high-powered microscope if you look at this picture here you see how all the blood cells are clumped together this is a classic illustration of stress in the human body. psionic machines use crystals to propagate scalar waves. Boosts energy levels. Love what you do! It is also recommended for healing, because works like antenna concentrating cosmic energy rays, and scattering scalar (infinite rejuvenating energy available all around) waves to the person wearing it. The results really surprised me!. The Scalar Qi is a true Scalar device, generating a Zero Point Field by utilizing two Tesla coils inside of it. I had tried various methods to treat the area, and luckily the pain started to subside. You will notice in my tables that I frequently List Negative Ions and BFIT Infusion as criteria. Scalar Qi is a revolutionary microcurrent accessory that is innovating the way we address stubborn health conditions. I don't want Needless to say, Im a huge fan of yours and of your work!, H. R. D. B. Global community for researchers using Spooky2 Scalar & Rife system. The scalar energy can carry information that can be used for healing purposes. This technology was once only conducted in a medical setting. But heres the problem we ran intoevery few days, the hernia would spring back up, and it wasnt decreasing in size at all. There will be more Product Categories added as more Scalar Energy Products are reviewed! This is unfortunate because people who are aware of the existence of scalar energy and its benefits find it to be one of the best scientific discoveries. However, due to it being labeled as alternative medicine, it hasnt received proper public attention. You can get your own Spooky2 Scalar at $1,600.00, and then it will provide protection for your overall health. The mental state it helps to bring about is deep. Subsequently, It provides us with a fresh canvas for healing purposes. Included in the Upgrade Pack is lifetime membership to a members-only forum, a place to share, where results will be compared, and knowledge expanded. Every EM wave has a component called the transverse wave, and another component called the longitudinal (scalar) wave. The QSB is a trail-blazer for this new paradigm. way, I am loving my QSB, am sleeping better, have more energy and have a The QSB is backed by our 30day money back guarantee. Balance both hemispheres of the brain (known as super-learning) Catalyze heightened states of awareness and creativity. I have noticed a great improvement in my attitude and my willingness to engage with people. Our Nikola Tesla technology based de-stress and healing device , the QSB, is a solid candidate for our Star-Trek health revolution.It uses special scalar waves that bathe our bodies in some very powerful healing and de-stressing frequencies that can help not only our bodies but our minds and emotions be free . It features a wide array of technology that other wands just cannot come close to. Here are some health benefits of scalar energy: Increases cell energy. Are you suffering from the side effects of those above treatments such as pain, falling hair and etc.? Quantum Scalar Wave Lasers - Simpson Protocol However, my patient decided they wanted to try a less invasive approach to tackling this uncomfortable condition before proceeding with the surgery. . Praise for SHAMANIC EXPERIENCE, EXTRAORDINARY INTUITION and OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE, I have experienced several binaural, subliminals etc. Full body zero point field repair. Using scalar wave therapy with regenerative healing boosts other healing protocols like adequate nutrition, stress reduction, and quality sleep. True healing is done by ourselves. Spooky2 Scalar - Powerful Energy Healing Machine - True Scalar NeuralSync seems to be the most effective for me by far, thx, D. A. 2023 Life Energy Designs. Spooky2Scalar Digitizer allows you to do a biofeedback scan using Spooky2 Scalar. Warmest Regards., R. M. Praise for ETERNAL YOUTH and EXTRAORDINARY INTUITION, I couldnt believe the CD was so INTENSE! ", "Ok this is really good Tonya ngl and the chakra hooponopono is also really nice. It helped me A LOT. QSB Quantum Scalar Box. These experiments and studies proved that this energy has the potential to positively improve the immune responses of human bodies. I received the QSB today and wanted to thank you so much for the beautiful pendant gift which I immediately put on and felt a lightness in my energy.. The SWL offers a powerful and yet gentle technology. iTeraCare | Quantum Terahertz Device ", "Hi Tonya, thanks for being so responsive. ), and sometimes I just seem to lie in a zen state for an hour but not actually asleep. (New to Scalar Energy?Start from here!) As a woman in my seventies, they can take a little longer. This results in canceling out of any free movements and the creation of a stationary and static energy field. Spooky2 Scalar is the first scalar treatment device to provide three different methods of transmitting healing scalar waves: pure scalar, molecular scalar and Rife scalar. Tesla expounded upon Maxwells discovery and referred to this energy as universal waves or standing energy [2]. Most notably, Schumann Resonances balance out your bodys electrical potential, keeping your cells functioning as they should and your body able to repair itself. Scalar Waves and Regenerative HealingWhat You Need to Know With Scalar Harmony, you can now receive soothing musical tones and meditative beats via scalar energy for a more refreshing experience. The Solfeggio frequency 528 Hz has even been scientifically shown to repair DNA in a petri dish. To Find out more about these two Scalar Bracelets Click Below. What is Scalar Energy? This was the case with my patient, who needed help resolving a herniated area in the groin. ", "NeuralSync is by FAR the most superior of ALL brainwave entrainment audios. Radiating energy from scalar waves has positive impacts on the brain which affects neurotransmitters and improves mental focus. In later years, several researchers including Andrija Puharich conducted experiments to determine the effects of scalar energy on the human body. I consider your entrainment programs quite strong and powerful! Scalar energy is known as healing energy and has so many amazing properties. Scalar Energy and EMF - What You Need To Know - Blushield USA AMAZING. Here is where you can tap into other peoples experiences and offer up your own. ", "Ive been struggling and this honestly raised my energy but my dog wasnt sure if he liked it or not. "Thank You for the beautiful WAV file and the updates! Its been about 4 months and its quite noticeable Im consistently a happy guy and have a very positive attitude. ", "Hi, great programs having also used Holosync and Brainwave over the years. Have you had chemotherapy or radiotherapy? I like that recollecting things is so much easier and quicker now and I love the mental clarity that comes along with it. To learn more about scalar energy healing, please read the following blog posts: The Ultimate Guide to Healing With Scalar Waves; . If youve ever suffered from a hernia, you understand how complicated they can be to resolve. A De- Stressing, Self-Healing Device - it works at the cellular level, beyond both the mental and emotional. So far we have reviewed the Bio Magnetic Energy bracelet as well as the, Scalar Energy Pendants are great for when you are on the go and want continuous natural energy throughout your day to align the Chakras of the body and soul. I have been having some issues recovering from surgery and I have had sleep issues for years; primarily initially falling asleep. All of your DNA and cells operate on an hourglass shape making scalar waves entirely body-friendly. This is true de-stressing and not a short-term fix. There are many applications of scalar waves that help improve the spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of humans. I currently own eleven of them and still going! Increase mental focus and brainwave coherence. Taking nine years of development the QSB is now HERE NOW - A Tesla-inspired Vibrational Healing and De-Stress Device, The Quantum scalar Box, lovingly known as The QSB is uniquely Life Energy Designs. Jenny, South Island New Zealand. That one is really working for me. I have used Holosync and LifeFlow and recently used neuroVector, which is like a turbocharged version of bwe that leaves both of the previous ones behind. Spooky2 Scalar is the only device capable of performing scalar biofeedback scans. Note: Spooky2 Scalar Harmony is an accessory designed for Spooky2 Scalar units. Notes: Before and after shots lifted directly from Hemaview practitioner's report complete with his notes. Scalar waves are three-dimensional self-contained waves that spin on one fixed axis. This sort of injury can take quite a while to heal, I know. All rights reserved. ", "The audios have soothed my mind and body, sometimes I forget where I am (in the sense of what radical shifts for the better I experience). Hololiminal audio for 6 months now. Thanks and nice work, really enjoying them! If you are one of those people who want to avail the benefits of scalar therapy but dont have all the information, then this blog is for you. Its double-helix spiral waveform, which is the same as DNA, is the most efficient pattern for growth and repair. I have been using binaural beats for years and this has to be one of the best programs I have ever experienced. Enhances body circulation. Inspired by the work of Nikola Tesla The Quantum Scalar Box has been developed by David Slinger and is now made in New Zealand by Life Energy Designs Ltd. My friend who has Crones disease is gong to come over next week and give it a try. To learn more about the Schumann Resonances and why grounding is a vital step towards ultimate health and wellbeing, please read our blog, How Grounding Beats Stress. A relatively new toxic invader has already overtaken most other environmental stressors to become the number one stressor of our generation. Scalar energy provides the template to heal the body's DNA. Now there are plenty of people out there with advice for us as to what we can do about stress and some of it is good meditation is an obvious one massage is another this will help us remove the stress from thats locked up in our muscles so what if you could massage at a deeper level? designs Ltd products are individually made, and are not factory produced, so This way we will quickly generate a major resource of information for everyones benefit. Scalar Healing - Biri each item is as unique as we are. Anyway, I had the presence of mind to start using the QSB right away. New to Scalar? Start Here! - True Scalar Unclumps blood cells. Scalar wave technology (like the Via Qi) is instrumental in the treatment of stubborn conditions like: Dr. John Hache recently shared a story about his experience with resolving a patients hernia with scalar wave energy. Moreover, scalar waves are all around us and scalar-wave technology can help us form a transcendental healing experience. Email: support@spooky2scalar.com Phone: +86 25 57037030 Address: Room 2003, G-5 Building, Himalaya Business Centre G, Ningnan Street, Yuhuatai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China 210022. Another researcher, Dr. Glen Rein, observed that scalar energy was also shown to improve the growth of white blood cells. ", "Ive been using the Happiness! But the QSB is affordable for individuals and groups and more powerful than most, if not all, of these practitioner devices. It is very relaxing there is a faint buzzing sound which changes from time to time. The upgrade pack will give you further frequency options. In the field of medicine, scalar waves for healing are ideal because medically scalar energy can break down any molecular bonds of fungi and bacteria. As I am also clairvoyant I saw a lot of colours and pictures of high energy natural places e.g snow mountain tops, clear rivers, green spaces etc. Great stuff! Included in the Upgrade Pack is lifetime membership to a members-only forum, a place to share, where results will be compared, and knowledge expanded. What are Negative Ions and BFIT Infusion and how do they work? Charlie Blanchard, one scalar user said I have been using Spooky2 Scalar for several months and gotten a lot of benefits, such as better and deeper sleep, more overall health, remarkable pain relief in bones, improving blood markers for cancer, clear head, and better moods. How amazing it is!. Praise for ENDLESS RAIN OF MONEY video. Examples include radio waves, x-rays, and light waves whereas, scalar waves include neutrino radiation, sound waves, and plasma waves. I can feel my physical tensions releasing, and my mind seems to go quiet with no inner voice. Puharich concluded that this energy could enhance both endocrine and immune systems. When the body is in this completely de-stressed state true healing can take place. He demonstrated the existence of scalar energy and harnessed it without using any wires or cables. - Senergy Wellness Group 972-580-0545 Open: Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm Speak to an advisor SHOP NOW What is Scalar Energy? Spooky2 Scalar - To A Higher Dimension To see reviews on the Iyashi Scalar Pendant, Iyashi Negative Ion Scalar Energy Pendant and Life Energy Designs Scalar Crystal Jewellery. We have already tried it out fantastic. I would definitely recommend this program for any person who owns their own business or works in a professional/business environment., "Tonya, thanks for creating some great programs. At the time, I had been researching the scalar waves in my spare time as the prospect of their ability to provide a breakthrough intervention inspired me. Treatment with electro-acupuncture. Helps with arthritis and injuries. Neat eh? It is now widely accepted scientifically that EVERYTHING is made of energy, which has led many experts to agree that the future of medicine is vibrational. The DETA-UDT is a therapy device capable of treating up to 443 health conditions using specific program frequencies. There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine: Where there is free flow, there is no pain or disease.. Apart from feeling so peaceful throughout, I noticed my tongue was tingling a lot through it and I could taste plastic (which is classic detox sign in healing) lots of random tummy pain that disappeared as quick as they appeared. Spooky2 Scalar accepts any frequency from the massive Spooky2 database. People are also becoming aware of the stress put on us by our environment with toxins in our air, water, and food. Praise for UNLIMITED CONFIDENCE AND SELF LOVE, The state Zen Trance creates is amazing!, Its one of the few that I can listen to for hours. The QSB stands for quantum scalar box and it is based on the technology of Nikola Tesla and what it does is it generates scalar waves in a range of frequencies and the range of frequencies that are pre-programmed into the box there are the Solfeggio frequencies and the Solfeggio frequencies is an ancient healing musical scale that consists of nine frequencies in sequence now all of these frequencies have some amazing healing properties including the actual repair of DNA yes scientists use one of these frequencies 528 Hertz to act to repair DNA in the petri dish -so that is some of the potential. You can also put the drugs of cancer on the Receiver coil and your body will receive the benefits of the drugs. We have a variety of products that I have personally reviewed from Scalar Wands,Scalar Energy Bracelets and Scalar Pendants! But this is not easy - we need help, the QSB is perfect for this. This is the best non-drug solution for your body healing. Standard Disclaimer: None of the information or products on this site are a substitute for medical advice or treatment. These non-linear waves disseminate throughout the bodies through crystalline lattices of elaborate collagen networks. Many advanced techniques and treatments are being introduced in this field that can help treat conditions such as: Scalar wave technology has many benefits and healing properties such as: Scalar waves or scalar therapy have the potential to do wonders for our bodies and mind.