Your transaction registration POST must contain an Amount field specifying the total value of the transaction that needs to be authorised. The Delivery Surname contains invalid characters. The BillingAddress and BillingPostCode are required. You are receiving this system message because your transaction does not include the TxType field when being posted to Sage Pay. An active transaction with this VendorTxCode has been found but the Currency is different. Moonrise Fall is a brain teaser-filled world mixed with classic adventuring, exploration, and collecting. The VendorEMail field can only ever contain a maximum of up to 255 characters and if you pass more than this within this field, you will receive this system message. Your POST has a Currency value that does not support minor units, but your Amount field has a decimal point in it. Your transaction has been successfully Voided and will not be sent for settlement at the end of the day. f: Alt+Tab to a popped up window name 'Message" which contains the following. If you had entered the start date incorrectly please enter the correct date and try again. The DEFERRED transaction you are attempting to RELEASE has already been released. If no card address is provided you will be presented with this error message. Error: only 0 Devices available, 1 requested. You will need to ensure that you are entering the correct card number as situated on the front of the customer's card. If we receive a POST from any other server, you will see this error message. Please contact support to re-enable this functionality. The ClientIPAddress format is invalid. The card number that you have entered cannot be validated and/or identified by the Sage Pay systems. 2. This is a mandatory field an you will need to ensure that you are proviinge us with the large numbers situated on the front of the customer's card and you will need to ensure that there are no spaces or hyphens being used as separator characters when providing us with this value. The Billing Phone contains invalid characters. You will not be able to perform a RELEASE or an ABORT against any other payment type other than a DEFERRED transaction. Per HTTP spec that should be okay. (Running ubuntu16) My card is listed on the supported GPUs list but cuda says it can't find any cuda capable devices. Please provide different value. The certificate must have a valid user principal name (UPN). The Delivery Firstname contains invalid characters. Perform the steps mentioned below and see if it helps. It may also be worth checking to make sure that there are no spaces being passed (as this will be considered as a character) and also that the next value within the protocol is being separated by an ampersand (&) within your transaction registration. You will need to ensure that you have the equivalent merchant account set up with your acquiring bank in order to handle the type of transaction you are attempting to process. You will need to check your code to ensure that you are retrieving the correct value from your database before passing this through in the RelatedVendorTxCode field. The VendorName will be upto 16 characters or less and will only contain letters and numbers but no spaces or unusual characters. b: Click on properties. The certificate must have the digital signature key usage. If the monitor page is showing everything normal please contact Sage Pay directly. Provided token id does not exist in the system. "After the incident", I started to be more careful not to trip over things. Check the format of your request message. Please note that this only applies to Deferred transactions. You will only be able to perform three attempts in order to gain a successful authorisation. The related transaction that you are attempting to send a RELEASE or ABORT POST to is not a DEFERRED transaction. If you are providing a value which has more that 10 characters then you will receive this system message. If you have received this system message, it is likely that you are attempting to send an automated REFUND, REPEAT or AUTHORISE request against the original transaction from your server (i.e you are performing any of the above outside of the My Sage Pay admin area) and the RelatedSecurityKey does not match with what we have in the database for this transaction. 3D-Authentication failed. 5. If the card has expired it will need to be destroyed and a different card type will need to be used ensuring that the expiry date has not passed. If the card being used is a newly issued card it is likely yet to have been added to our systems. This enabled test mode on the gateway and allows test cards to be used on the account so I can test a full payment. A transaction is unable to be registered without this information. ##### tag either not required for this command or XML structure is incorrect. I hate Sage Pay anyway but unfortunately the pizza delivery company uses them, I get the error: The Card Range not supported by the system. This could have been caused by the information posted to the Sage Pay server or by an issue with the Sage Pay server. The total value of all REFUNDs can never ever exceed the original transaction value amount. The CustomerEMail field, if supplied, must contain a valid e-mail address which is less than 255 characters long. Success! Check that the user does not already exist. The BillingAddress field, if provided, can only contain a maximum of up to 200 characters. Check the content of the field you passed to ensure the e-mail address is valid. Surcharge value for percentage cannot be greater than 100. The difference between the and value must be no greater than 50. A transaction is unable to be registered without this information. The Customer Name contains invalid characters. You might receive an error message while making a payment which says "Your card does not support this type of purchase." There are a few reasons why you may receive this error: 1. Accepted values for this field are: VISA (Visa Credit), MC (MasterCard credit), DELTA (Visa debit), UKE (Visa Electron), MAESTRO (you can still send SWITCH for older cards), AMEX (American Express), DC (Diner's Club) and JCB (Japan Credit Bureau cards). As detailed above the card security code will consist of either three or four digits only depending on the card type selected. A valid value is required in the format This URL must be http:// or https:// and be no more than 255 characters in length. Invalid command. This system messgae is generated when the currency you have selected in your POST does not support minor currency units. The VPSTxId value uniquely identifies a transaction to the Sage Pay system and if this value has not been submitted in full or this has been sent incorrectly formatted, you will be provided with this error message when the Sage Pay system attempts to validate it. This error message will be displayed when you have failed to be authenticated through 3D-Secure and the card provided will not allow you to proceed until this has been passed. If you are attempting to perform these functions automatically (i.e you are performing any of the above outside of the My Sage Pay admin area) then you will need to submit the VPSTxId of the original transaction in a field called RelatedVPSTxId. An active transaction with this VendorTxCode has been found but the Amount is different. This will cause the payment pages not to appear and generate this error. The amount you are trying to AUTHORISE would exceed that value, so the authorisation is being denied. The PhoneID is not registered to any vendor account. The line item amount details do not add up correctly. No spaces, hyphens or other characters or separators. You set up the length and range of card numbers that are acceptable for each card type. Please ensure you are only passing values within this range and not including any separator characters other than the decimal point. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Nov 28, 2018 at 14:06 snack_overflow 536 2 11 27 You must ensure that you are sending no more than 50 characters within your transaction registration POST and if the cardholder's name is longer than this you will need to send the first 50 characters only. Please select the card type you would like to use for the transaction. If a value is supplied, should contain either 0 or 1. You will need to ensure that you are passing a valid amount formatted to the correct number of decimal places for the chosen currency. This is a standard HTTP Error. Styling contours by colour and by line thickness in QGIS. Only whole numbers of Yen are acceptable. File: includes/ Func: commerce_sagepay_server_redirect_form () Full list: One or more of the specified already exists for the merchant number/currency combination. rev2023.3.3.43278. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! A valid value is required,this must be value between 0 and 100000.00. Please check and retry, There was error processing the payment at the bank site. The Description field can contain up to 100 characters. Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? The VendorTxCode should contain your unique transaction reference identifying each separate transaction registration. You will receive this error message when a transaction has been rejected due to either your AVS/CV2 rulebase or the customer has had three failed attempts to correctly enter their card details. If you do have the merchant number on your account, then please contact our customer services team as there may be an issue with the set up of your Sage Pay account. The reason why Microsoft basic display adapter is on the device manager because the pc is not detecting any graphic card on your device it will be better if you going to try to manually reinstall the graphic driver first. This field can contain up to 200 characters. You will need to check your code and ensure that your server/shopping cart is generating a unique VendorTxCode for each new transaction. The Transaction has already been Released. The Apply3DSecure field can only contain the following values: 0: Use the default setting on the Sage Pay System, 1: Force 3D-Secure checks and use appropriate rules 2: Force NO CHECKS for this transaction and always gain and authorisation 3: Force 3D-Secure checks but DO NOT apply rules and always gain an authorisation If any other characters or spaces are being passed or provided, then you will receive this error code and message. If you are using our Direct or Server integration methods, the Sage Pay system will only accept registration POSTs from servers whose IP Addresses have been registered with us. Information received from an Invalid IP address. Either the currency requested is not available for this payment system, or the supplied combination of currency and paymentsystem is not available for this vendor account. Please check to ensure that a Success URL is being provided with each transaction as this is a required field. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. Invalid request. A graphics or video driver is the software that enables communication between the graphics card and the operating system, games, and applications. The first step to resolving this issue is to identify if the shopper has made an error when they have entered the card number when making the payment. The Authorisation has been declined by the bank. Troubleshooting an "Your card does not support this type of purchase" error: Is it a debit card? When sending your transaction registration POST to Sage Pay using the Direct solution you will always need to send a card number as you will be hosting your own payment page. Exceeded the allowed amount of commands to execute. The card is not yet valid. You may wish to contact the customer to gain feedback and find out why they did not wish to pursue with the transaction. You will need to ensure that the Amount field value which you are submitting is between 0.01 to 100000.00 or equivalent for other currencies. Check your code to ensure you are checking the validity of all CV2 numbers entered on your site before forwarding them to Sagepay.