It has been life-enriching. Dear Mr. Yancey, Normally I would happily agree to your request. A lawyer with the Edmonton Legal Centre told me that the envelope incident was not sufficient reason to dismiss me. Sorry I had never heard of you before. Im a pilgrim, recovering from a bad church upbringing, searching for a faith that makes its followers larger and not smaller. I know that you view Jacobs time on earth, troubled as it was, as a gift. I believe we can know. As a 53 year old male who is happily married and extremely satisfied in every aspect of my life, the struggle remains in following Gods primary command to love God with all your heart and soul. It helped me see where God is coming from, in a way I was unable to see plodding along at just a couple chapters a day like I had done previously when reading through the Bible. For a variety of reasons, I eventually left the Pentecostals and became a Baptist. Thank you, Philip Yancey for a balanced, Godly look at ourselves. Constantine understood the opportunity to formally acquire Philip, It was very nice to stumble upon this article of your bio. On the 6th I was one of your several drivers and took you to the venue the school where you spoke and dropped you back. Let me know if you have insight or resources on any of this. In that culture at that time, that was unacceptable. When I complained about the lack of a contract to the director of Threshold Ministries, he fired me. To me, what you mention is more a personality issue than a spiritual issue. Lewis Smedes has the answer to my question? Rob Barrett, Stay with the sunset. I have to say that they have all been helpful. Some others, both living and dead: Jurgen Moltmann, a contemporary German theologian; Millard Fuller, who founded Habitat for Humanity; John Perkins, who pioneers racial reconciliation; Ron Nikkel, who took Prison Fellowship to more than 100 countries; Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia. Certainly Jesus did come bearing grace and truth but above all he came with love. Philip. Waiting on God? That's why Yancey's account still sends chills down my spine. . How much grace and reason went into a law like this? And I am a vegetarian (actually, the only animal products I eat are the eggs that are produced by my own hens)because of the abominable treatment of factory farmed animals in this country, and because I would never kill an animal for food (never mind sport). According to Brad, Paul later changed his mind because he had difficulty finding another job and needed the money. Then one day word came that a couple from America was going to adopt a little boy. Rev. Angela (Alberta, Canada). "Of course, there were good qualities too. March 24th April 28th May 26th June 30th July 28th August 25th September 29th . It would be great to receive some of your books to add to our library. Your words helped me to get close to God and I wish you receive all God can give you in this life and at heaven too. I could not understand why some people in authority thought it was okay to use children as sex toys, and to abuse the elderly and disabled. Your story encourages me, and I know through your writing that it will encourage many others. As the husband of a missionary daughter, I agree with you about Barbara Kingsolvers book, and we fully share admiration for Rich Mouw and his generous spirit. Is he a noble pagan like the Church Fathers viewed Plato and Aristotle? There is nothing in Johns account to suggest she was an amoral woman. Writing is such an introspective act that I found myself looking for ways to connect with the planet bodily. My pastor gave a sermon on that, about how we who are in the love of God have nothing to fear and two sentences later says he fears the US government will throw him in prison for not performing a same sex marriage. Philip. Many of us have been in a daze slightly bewildered and confused. As an aside, I learned of Epicurus while reading about one of my heroes (though broken) Thomas Jefferson. Or as you say later Are you envious because Im generous. Ive always wanted to visit Vicksburg, after reading about it in Civil War accounts. Are Christians truly called to do that, or are there circumstances where this doesnt apply? I was raised in a hellfire and brimstone church, and grew closer to God in a bible-teaching, grace-based church. That said, I felt like you sold yourself short in some ways as you described this transient nature of art. Every Blessing upon you and you family! Keep writing HONESTLY, because you build bridges to others who are struggling to figure out what the heck the Christian life is all about. Phil told me that he considered Don Westman to be a cruel person, that Don would make inmates stand outside in the freezing cold in winter for long periods of time while wearing just t-shirts and jeans. However, by this time both Monty and Frank had died untimely deaths and their two daughters had taken over for their fathers. I expect many of these felt a twinge of guilt not being on the battle front, but they were just as useful at home in the USA building war materials. You helped to put me squarely on a path to liberation. Jesus did not condemn these sinners. Philip. Rather, keep searching, and try to look at church not just as a place to nourish you, but one where you can nourish others. I have read some of your books and enjoyed them all. In this case, she would then have been married off to someone else, without whom she would have been a completely unprotected, economically destitute woman. Thank you for your work and your ministry. Sometimes we learn most by staying with a group that may not be our first preference. And as you read with a fresh eye the prayers, poems, songs, and bedtime stories that Jesus so revered, you will gain a profound new understanding of Christ. Hello Mr.Yancey! As you note, I have learned from and been nourished by many Catholic writers. I struggled with church especially and with what l saw as cultural practice more than church culture. For me, communicating with God doesnt seem to happen when I am actually praying. It is when I am pondering things while in the shower, or walking in the woods, or driving in the countryside. Then he is malevolent. Well thats how much of an impact this book has had on me, and I would recommend this one to anyone as the must read (if you only read one book by Philip Yancy) Clearly any deity worth his salt could have opened a window. He told me yes, and to go to a certain door, press the button and they will let you in. I love Korean people, but it hurts me because of the pressure to perform, and the perfectionism that can become a huge burden. For the first time I understood that the story of the prodigal son is really about extravagant grace and forgiveness, and that is what I had missed in my childhood church experience.. God Bless! We felt so understood when we read your books on the realities of suffering. We were very inconsiderate of your time and consumed with our own agenda. And we were taught that God answers prayers, miraculously, but my father died of polio just after my first birthday, despite many prayers for his healing., For Yancey, reading offered a window to a different world. And customer support, tech support, and telephone solicitors are some people in need of kindness and gracethey deal with ornery people all day long. It sounds like youve mastered the lessons on grace that Ive been exploring all these years. Paul even told me directly that he would not work for Bridges of Canada, and he had nothing but criticism for the CSC chaplaincy and the regional chaplains. Considering full term abortions, Benghazi, funding from Islamic nations, her husbands MANY sexual infidelities, and all the things she has contradicted herself on all these years. Although her struggles may be different from yours (hers is a personal journey through deep depression) you may find it helpful. I miss my kids so much its like a deep grief. Better for my wife and kids, undoubtedly. Jesus would not have had this response, had he been condemning the young man. I wanted to send you a book by my second favorite writer Calvin Miller but cant find your address. More faithful. On earth as it is in heavenI pray for that, and work for it. Im sorry if my references gave the wrong impression. I was 22 years old and told to bend over one of the leaders knee infront of the staff so he could spank me for my reactions to my still SSA feelings and when I refused he forced me to bend over his knee and he spanked me. I continued to serve those under my care and enhanced the chaplaincy services there [4]. I am re-reading The Jesus I Never Knew for the umpteenth time and was wondering if you are watching the series The Chosen. Isten ldja! This same dean initiated a program where during one chapel service each week, a senior preached. I do not want you touching my memos! The Shack ~ William Young How blessed I am to live in this era that it was possible for me to at least express how much I appreciate your works and how much I love you as an author. [7] He went on to earn graduate degrees in communications and English from Wheaton College Graduate School and the University of Chicago. Incidentally I share his view that I too wish prayer could be a simple, straightforward almost childlike . Not a religion, it granted men direct access to God, to come as they may, Such divine privilege could have toppled Caesars Empire It has obscure beginnings in the Middle Ages and keeps getting repeated. I doubt a book is the place to start. You were the first Christian writer who made room for a thinker like me. In recent years, though, it embraced more and more of what I term evangelical culture and sadly became quite intolerant both in teaching and in practice. Ive often thought that the worst part of a recurring sinsay, an addiction to pornography, very common these daysis not so much the sin itself as the feeling that follows, that one is cast aside, disqualified for use by God. Lots of miracles. For me, and only me, this was settled before Jesus was said to have walked the Earth 300 years BCE, as a matter of fact. Id stick with the hardback, available new for $13.21 US. Your books with Dr. Paul Brand have changed my life. ", Yancey's books offer "no facile solutions, no panacea to suffering and misery," to quote Sawyers. Thank you and enjoy your Bible and mountains! Such behavior is a violation of Canadian and international religious rights and freedoms, since all inmates have the right to celebrate their religious holidays. Strangely enough, your mentioning of the disorder in one of your books (Prayer, if Im not mistaken) was what prompted me to look into mental illness in the first place. Thats not allowed. And, thank goodness, the South has changed quite a bit too. I apologize for putting you to this much trouble. Im thankful for the grace that l learnt from it, and the lesson that Jesus brought that l almost missed: Between the cross and the empty tomb.theres hope for each of us For a long time, you have been one of my favorite authors, helping me to keep pursuing the faith when church hurt made me want to disappear. Eventually Barry had enough of Pauls abuse and resigned. I have read several and have appreciated them, especially The Jesus I Never Knew and Whats so amazing about grace? Both have helped me in my thinking and my preaching. Paul and former police officer and chaplain Oliver Johnson told me that Spilsby had been connected in some way to the murder of an inmate in the past, and that he was quite capable of killing me. The question can basically be summed up as, How can a reflective Christian remain sane while holding an orthodox view of Hell?. Im curious if you might know what chapter or page it is included in so that I can cite the page number. I have only one advantage: I am still alive! 1. I havent actually read the book you mention. (With Tim Stafford) The NIV Student Bible, Revised Complete Edition, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 2002. But I continue to hang on because, being Asian, the concept of debt of gratitude is so indelibly written in my consciousness. I have been a Christian for at least 35 years in a church that has historically placed a very strong emphasis on the doctrines of grace. You well describe the writing life as one of solitude in many ways, of being misunderstood, and seen as rather odd, and all of that has served to affirm that as a writer, I am normal! I often feel different than the Christian community that surrounds me far more skeptical, far more embracing of doubts, far more comfortable discussing the persistence of my questions than any answers Ive been offered. While listening to this I thought back to the time when I had reported to AWI Brad Sass that I had seen Imam Ramazan bringing a DVD player into the Institution without permission. I have been radically convicted that I do not have that right. Im not sure where youre trying to get articles published, but if in Australia they could give you more helpful feedback. Anything that helps overcome the loneliness and what I call psychosis of writing. Naturally, I defended Rabbi Ari. I loved reading your book The Gift of Pain. Im originally from Kenya, but now lives in Sydney Australia. Hi, Gordon, It seems apparent they feel waiting for Gods intervention is misplaced. 2 years later, I met someone who was a catholic, which sparked off a new found interest in reading about church history, and understanding the theological differences that catholics hold. What God has meant for me to have will never go to anyone else and even if I happen to lose something that was meant for me, I will get it back eventually because it was mine to begin with. And that has been the common theme in your books. after Sandy Hook, to my surprise I felt my faith affirmed, not shattered. He quotes Desmond Tutu, For us who are Christians, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is proof positive that love is stronger than hate, that life is stronger than death, that light is stronger than darkness, that laughter and joy, and compassion and gentleness and truth, all these are so much stronger than their ghastly counterparts. I agree. The other thing I find troubling is that you almost mock, certainly belittle, the practice of prayer of other religions. Despite having traveled a vast distance from my conservative Christian origins, Ive never ceased to be moved his books. Thanks. And Im very gratified to hear from you. Unfortunately the real problem is that I live in Mississippi, where, as of July 1st 2016, if one assumes that someone has had sex outside the confines of a heterosexual marriage, it will be completely fine to fire that person, deny him or her housing, and even refuse to provide such a person with a WEDDING CAKE. They thanked me for my courage and spoke about sexual abuse in their own lives. Like yourself I have been exposed to toxic churches and if I am honest I was left badly wounded. I am writing from the Oxford Union looking to send you an official invitation- please could I be given an appropriate email and phone number? Im a writer from Spain. For what its worth, its a short book (160 pgs total) and I its designed to be an easy read. i understand your argument against that vote but what is the alternative? Finally, I decided theres no way to reconcile the linear, time-bound perspective of a human being with the eternal, timeless perspective of God, for whom our causation questions make little sense. He then told me to take it out of the Institution to get it weighed and priced, so I took it to a nearby Post Office, got it weighed and priced, and handed it back to him to mail out. Pagpalain ka ng Diyos! Im a new Jesus follower and your books have been very useful to me. Ive been an avid fan and faithful reader of your books over the years. . I did not come to condemn but to save, he said. I was reading through some of your Q&As and noticed the following from you: I would be curious to know what (if anything) you make of the Jordan Peterson phenomenon. Its long and comprehensive, and helped me greatly in putting together various ways of looking at the Atonement. I couldnt find another way to contact you other than this comment section, but here I am, a decade-plus later, finally saying thank you for letting God use you so mightily in my life. I didnt want anyone to think, I might think such a thing. Thats it. I was not a pretty sight. She said this man came over to her and he began saying something in English she couldnt understand and she looked up at him. Darren G. Had been in the position for one year and had set things up, Capt. The suffix has birthed a colossus, an organized religious insanity Im so excited I cant wait to tell the friend I aforementioned about this, since shes a big fan of yours and the one who introduced me to your books. Yet his Spiritual Smear wont stop real Believers from being Gods Word to a very sick nation! I have Jews and various Christian denominations in my immediate family and ancestry; nevertheless, we all got on together. Reform Judaism is not about laws that Reform Jews see as primarily coming from humans, unlike Orthodox Jews. Im grateful you took the time to write and I am thankful for the open discussion youre willing to have with all your readers. Toxic Work Environment Thank you for your work. Again, thank you for reaching out to misfits (the least of these, Id say) like me, Mr. Yancey. You writing always seems to point the reader to this image of God in us. Paul told me on December 27th, 2016 that me telling the Warden that he was bullying me was outrageous. And I need to keep reading them. He reminded me that Paul was not my boss, that we were equals. I dont know where your friend got that quote about church. I love reading your books- l have most of them-. I think its time to listen to what Jesus said about the law permitting those with hard hearts to do things an objective morality would not permit, and its hard for me to conceive of something more objectively wrong than treating love between unrelated consenting adults as sinful just because of whats between each partners legs, to put it bluntly. Youre truly open-minded, buying copies of a book for your family members when youre still trying to work things out for yourselflike all of us. Frankly, there are two iron clad rules: read a lot and write a lot. So thank you for sharing your story. Tragedy and death were so often on her mind that she couldnt stop talking about what had happened to neighbors or in nearby towns, telling us in detail even when her two young and obviously unnerved grandchildren were visiting. I went through a period of reacting against everything I was taught, and even discarding my faith. I like the fact that we share the same views. God bless. Simply dumbfounded. You are one of those essential spiritual fathers for me like Lewis, and Chesterton, and Tim Keller. With The Jesus I Never Knew you hit the mark. If so, is it appropriate to still use it and if so, how would I reference it in the endnotes of the book? His family was shocked I said that. Its titled The Suffering God and has been out of print for quite some time. Paul told me that Barry was useless as a chaplain and that he should never have been ordained by the Anglican Church of Canada in the first place. Smith would never forget or forgave my acceptance into Church Army. I want to thank you immensely for your wise way of writing and I praise God for your life. (By the way, I am speaking metaphorically. If not, I suppose you can quit brainstorming the topic of your next book! Dear Mr. Yancey,